Seems that Polar Bears can swim a real long way!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Contrary to the alarmists constant whining about polar bears inability to swim (even though they are classified as marine mammals) it seems they really can swim a HELL OF A LONG WAY! Over a period of a few years scientists were able to record 50 swims whose AVERAGE distance was 96 MILES!

"The researchers tracked 52 females from 2004 to 2009 (I was told that the necks of male bears are too thick to accommodate radio collars), then compared the recorded tracks of the bears with maps of sea ice through the same period. The biologists documented 50 swims with an average length of 96 miles. The paper, “Long-distance swimming by polar bears (Ursus maritimus) of the southern Beaufort Sea during years of extensive open water,” is published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology."

Polar Bears' Long-Distance Swimming Skills on Display -
Contrary to the alarmists constant whining about polar bears inability to swim (even though they are classified as marine mammals) it seems they really can swim a HELL OF A LONG WAY! Over a period of a few years scientists were able to record 50 swims whose AVERAGE distance was 96 MILES!

"The researchers tracked 52 females from 2004 to 2009 (I was told that the necks of male bears are too thick to accommodate radio collars), then compared the recorded tracks of the bears with maps of sea ice through the same period. The biologists documented 50 swims with an average length of 96 miles. The paper, “Long-distance swimming by polar bears (Ursus maritimus) of the southern Beaufort Sea during years of extensive open water,” is published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology."

Polar Bears' Long-Distance Swimming Skills on Display -
So that polar bear picture is more or less taking a short rest on the side of the pool? Gotcha.
Contrary to the alarmists constant whining about polar bears inability to swim (even though they are classified as marine mammals) it seems they really can swim a HELL OF A LONG WAY! Over a period of a few years scientists were able to record 50 swims whose AVERAGE distance was 96 MILES!

Those are the ones that made it. It says nothing about those that didn't. No one is saying they can't swim a long way. It's just that, if there are more long swims, they're going to take their toll.
Contrary to the alarmists constant whining about polar bears inability to swim (even though they are classified as marine mammals) it seems they really can swim a HELL OF A LONG WAY! Over a period of a few years scientists were able to record 50 swims whose AVERAGE distance was 96 MILES!

Those are the ones that made it. It says nothing about those that didn't. No one is saying they can't swim a long way. It's just that, if there are more long swims, they're going to take their toll.

They ALL made it konnie. The ones that don't make those swims die in their youth. In other words, polar bears can swim as far as they need to. They are marine mammals after all. Yet another fail in a multitude of fails for the warmist crowd.

Do you guys EVER get anything right?

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