Seems Bernie needs a history lesson

leftists usually get a pass on that sort of stuff

why was he bragging about hitler anyway

I don't get your point; Hitler's party did indeed win an election by establishing a voting bloc among right-wing extremists, anti-immigrants, and nationalists with the aim of blocking election of Communist Party candidates. He DID win election.
I don't get your point; Hitler's party did indeed win an election by establishing a voting bloc among right-wing extremists, anti-immigrants, and nationalists with the aim of blocking election of Communist Party candidates. He DID win election.
Right wing morons..
The majority of Americans need history lessons. Hitler is invoked so often his name has become as irrelevant as the use of the word "racist" in the post-racial world of the Obidiot.

The Reichstag fire decree and enabling act put Hitler in total power but most importantly, out of the reach of the electorate. Once a socialist is beyond the reach of the electorate, he never gives it back and only then do you get the full benefit of a workers paradise. The Reichstag fire was the original "don't let a crisis go to waste" that Chicago thugs have made such a prominent feature of American politics. No crisis? No problem. Create one.

That Bernie references the myth of people voting Hitler in gets a pass doesn't surprise me given the pool of useful idiots he's appealing to. That he probably knows very well how the socialist dictator really grabbed power must amuse him to no end as a socialist--while the sheep bleat in their approval.

Hindenburg's decree remains a socialist's wet dream:

“Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”
The Reichstag Fire and the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933 | Britannica Blog

I've completely given up recommending people read the excellent work of William Shirer, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". Reading 1143 pages is a mind-exploding horror to the pedestrians of today's America. (1245 pages including the excellent notes and index). Even recommending that they only read the first 200 pages which details how Hitler came to power is met by our socialist superpersons like Kryptonite.

You'll get no better reaction trying to get steeple to read Hitler's 688 page outline for his national socialist dream world. Why bother when John Stewart, Bill Maher and Ricky Maddow are there to give you all the information you need.

It's all yours for the taking Bernie.
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This is a twisted meme relying on an equivocation of "won an election." Sanders wasn't saying Hitler was elected President, he said, "...what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important.”

Hitler came to power when he, as Chancellor, led his Nazi Party to a political majority in the 1933 election and then banned all other parties and effectively made himself dictator. So it WAS a German Federal election that brought him to ultimate power.

It's Kessler and his "recent high school graduate" that deserve the Pinocchios.
Sanders seems a little senile.

Republicans need to attack Bernie with nonsense and Gish Gallop. They certainly have to avoid the issues he's bringing to the debate.
How ironic they would embrace this meme, in that it reminds us how Hitler attacked unions, socialists, leftists, social democrats and especially, (dare I say it?) communists! ... to become the most racist, bigoted dictator we can imagine.

Oh well... back to the Tremendous Trump Campaign.

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