See There Can be Election Do-Overs

Does anyone believe the US Supreme Court will order a do-over of the 2020 presidential election, in view of the fact that no state legislature, no governor, and no judge anywhere in the country has ruled the 2020 presidential election results to be fraudulent to the point of the wrong person getting elected? I don't care what they do in South Wales; it's a different place and totally different circumstances.

Guys - it's over. Move on. Maybe that election was fraudulent and stolen from Trump, there's plenty of evidence but as yet no proof that will stand up in a court of law. First of all, any court has to have the authority and jurisdiction to rule on such matters; my guess is that most if not all states do not have anything in their state constitutions or laws that over such a situation, particularly after the results have been signed off and verified. After all this time, it ain't going to happen.

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