Sedition Is Defined As:

Insurrection and sedition - A violent attempt to stop a duly elected government from taking office must be met with overwhelming force and Police should have opened fire on the terrorists before they reached the building. The woman who died got what she deserved but the police failed in that they didn't shoot any of the others.
The orange blob must now face life in jail for inciting insurrection and sedition - someone must have suggested that could be the outcome and that is the only reason he came out and told the mob to go home. The police must also use all the video footage to track down the criminals and jail them.

Yep.#1 Insurrection by supporters. Check. #2 spoken by Trump. Insurrection and sedition. Check.
Yeah, he's in a deep pile of shit right now. :)

Nothing will happen to him.

Maybe not on the Federal level but at the State Level Trump is in major trouble from Georgia to New York and let me be clear Trump and his family would be wise to get on a plane and leave to Russia or North Korea because after yesterday they are all going down for what their father did!
Maybe not on the Federal level but at the State Level Trump is in major trouble from Georgia to New York and let me be clear Trump and his family would be wise to get on a plane and leave to Russia or North Korea because after yesterday they are all going down for what their father did!

I will wire you $10,000 if Trump ever sees the inside of a jail cell.
Maybe not on the Federal level but at the State Level Trump is in major trouble from Georgia to New York and let me be clear Trump and his family would be wise to get on a plane and leave to Russia or North Korea because after yesterday they are all going down for what their father did!

I will wire you $10,000 if Trump ever sees the inside of a jail cell.

He will most likely die before he does...
He will most likely die before he does...

He would have to do something way worse than he already has. Elite America isn't going to set the precedent of a billionaire politician facing justice for corruption and divisive rhetoric.
Why is the definition so long and convoluted?

Socialism = Satanism.
Socialism = Theft of the unearned.
Look up this name:

Lyndon LaRouche and Trump is him on steroids!

It's not the same situation. Look, I'm really not a Trump supporter, but I think the notion that he'll face any real consequences is nothing more than a daydream.
Look up this name:

Lyndon LaRouche and Trump is him on steroids!

It's not the same situation. Look, I'm really not a Trump supporter, but I think the notion that he'll face any real consequences is nothing more than a daydream.

You might be correct but I truly hope you are wrong because he need to face the consequences of his actions and be taught a lesson!

You may have hard time believing this but until yesterday I laughed at the notion that he should be thrown in jail but after yesterday he should be tossed into North Korea and never let back into America again!
Funny this wasnt brought up by the left when BLM and ANTIFA were taking over cities. When they set DC on fire after the 2016 election ETC ETC ETC
If you idiots didnt have disingenuous outrage, you would have nothing. Goddamn hacks
Funny this wasnt brought up by the left when BLM and ANTIFA were taking over cities. When they set DC on fire after the 2016 election ETC ETC ETC
If you idiots didnt have disingenuous outrage, you would have nothing. Goddamn hacks

They're just not threatened by BLM. They don't mean to be hypocrites; it's just that their perspective is limited.