Sedition Is Defined As:


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Sedition is defined as:‭ 1. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority ‬2. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

The events unfolding at this moment at the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol is another example of Republicans‭’ ‬complete absence of ethics.‭ ‬The impeached president trump is not alone to blame for the violence happening in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬his GOP enablers‭ (‬the list is too long to cute here,‭ ‬but everyone knows all the names‭) ‬are equally responsible.

In addition to his many other crimes while in office and campaigning for the presidency,‭ ‬will the impeached president trump’s inciting of the mob of RWNJs to sedition, which includes their violent,‭ ‬attempted take-over of the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Building also be ignored by federal prosecutors after January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021‭?

The usual excuse given to ignore presidential crimes after the administration ends is,‭ “‬The nation must look forward,‭ ‬not backward.‭”

So,‭ ‬the precedents set by ignoring Nixon’s Watergate crimes‭ (‬associates:‭ ‬H.R.‭ ‬Haldeman,‭ ‬John Erlichman,‭ ‬John Dean,‭ ‬John Mitchell,‭ ‬Charles Colson,‭ ‬and James McCord took the fall for Tricky Dick‭)‬.‭

Plus,‭ ‬ignoring Reagan’s Iran/Contra crimes and cover-up‭ (‬President Bush Sr.‭ ‬was advised by then Attorney General William P.‭ ‬Barr to pardon Reagan associates:‭ ‬Elliott Abrams,‭ ‬Duane Clarridge,‭ ‬Alan Fiers,‭ ‬Clair George,‭ ‬and Robert McFarlane.‭ ‬Barr included Caspar Weinberger’s pardon before his trial,‭ ‬as a method to protect Bush Sr.‭ ‬from possible implication in the scandal due to evidence from testimony during Weinberger’s upcoming trial.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬no one involved,‭ ‬especially Reagan and Bush Sr.,‭ ‬was hurt.‭)

The government’s inaction on these two instances has set the stage for trump to skate on every act of corruption during his four-year debacle.

But,‭ ‬for his January‭ ‬6,‭ ‬2020‭ ‬incitement of his RWNJ cultists‭’ ‬violence in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬he should receive a stiffer penalty than a few paragraphs in history books,‭ ‬whitewashing his disastrous administration.

Like Nixon and Reagan,‭ ‬trump’s criminal act here was to insure his election‭ (‬or reelection‭) ‬to the presidency.‭ ‬As anyone except the RWNJs can see,‭ ‬Republicans have an infamous history of cheating to win presidential elections.‭

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Yep.#1 Insurrection by supporters. Check. #2 spoken by Trump. Insurrection and sedition. Check.
Yeah, he's in a deep pile of shit right now. :)
Unfortunately, the RWNJs in Washington that are, "just following the impeached president trump's orders", and those across the country see their bullsh!t as patriotic.

Sedition is defined as:‭ 1. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority ‬2. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

The events unfolding at this moment at the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol is another example of Republicans‭’ ‬complete absence of ethics.‭ ‬The impeached president trump is not alone to blame for the violence happening in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬his GOP enablers‭ (‬the list is too long to cute here,‭ ‬but everyone knows all the names‭) ‬are equally responsible.

In addition to his many other crimes while in office and campaigning for the presidency,‭ ‬will the impeached president trump’s inciting of the mob of RWNJs to sedition, which includes their violent,‭ ‬attempted take-over of the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Building also be ignored by federal prosecutors after January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021‭?

The usual excuse given to ignore presidential crimes after the administration ends is,‭ “‬The nation must look forward,‭ ‬not backward.‭”

So,‭ ‬the precedents set by ignoring Nixon’s Watergate crimes‭ (‬associates:‭ ‬H.R.‭ ‬Haldeman,‭ ‬John Erlichman,‭ ‬John Dean,‭ ‬John Mitchell,‭ ‬Charles Colson,‭ ‬and James McCord took the fall for Tricky Dick‭)‬.‭

Plus,‭ ‬ignoring Reagan’s Iran/Contra crimes and cover-up‭ (‬President Bush Sr.‭ ‬was advised by then Attorney General William P.‭ ‬Barr to pardon Reagan associates:‭ ‬Elliott Abrams,‭ ‬Duane Clarridge,‭ ‬Alan Fiers,‭ ‬Clair George,‭ ‬and Robert McFarlane.‭ ‬Barr included Caspar Weinberger’s pardon before his trial,‭ ‬as a method to protect Bush Sr.‭ ‬from possible implication in the scandal due to evidence from testimony during Weinberger’s upcoming trial.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬no one involved,‭ ‬especially Reagan and Bush Sr.,‭ ‬was hurt.‭)

The government’s inaction on these two instances has set the stage for trump to skate on every act of corruption during his four-year debacle.

But,‭ ‬for his January‭ ‬6,‭ ‬2020‭ ‬incitement of his RWNJ cultists‭’ ‬violence in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬he should receive a stiffer penalty than a few paragraphs in history books,‭ ‬whitewashing his disastrous administration.

Like Nixon and Reagan,‭ ‬trump’s criminal act here was to insure his election‭ (‬or reelection‭) ‬to the presidency.‭ ‬As anyone except the RWNJs can see,‭ ‬Republicans have an infamous history of cheating to win presidential elections.‭

Who cares about laws anymore? You bastards made it clear you don't. Come get some!
What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
The war if there is one, was started a long time ago by Progs who divided us up real good.
What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
Who cares about laws? You filth made it clear you don't. Come bite you some more off!
What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
Who cares about laws? You filth made it clear you don't. Come bite you some more off!

How dumb. We are just trying to get the police to follow the law, and more importantly the Bill of Rights
How dumb. We are just trying to get the police to follow the law, and more importantly the Bill of Rights
Is the right to a fair and open election of political candidates in there?
The leftists who set up and planned this steal well in advance were completely unaware maybe of the
right to fair elections.
Sedition is defined as:‭ 1. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority ‬2. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

The events unfolding at this moment at the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol is another example of Republicans‭’ ‬complete absence of ethics.‭ ‬The impeached president trump is not alone to blame for the violence happening in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬his GOP enablers‭ (‬the list is too long to cute here,‭ ‬but everyone knows all the names‭) ‬are equally responsible.

In addition to his many other crimes while in office and campaigning for the presidency,‭ ‬will the impeached president trump’s inciting of the mob of RWNJs to sedition, which includes their violent,‭ ‬attempted take-over of the U.S.‭ ‬Capitol Building also be ignored by federal prosecutors after January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021‭?

The usual excuse given to ignore presidential crimes after the administration ends is,‭ “‬The nation must look forward,‭ ‬not backward.‭”

So,‭ ‬the precedents set by ignoring Nixon’s Watergate crimes‭ (‬associates:‭ ‬H.R.‭ ‬Haldeman,‭ ‬John Erlichman,‭ ‬John Dean,‭ ‬John Mitchell,‭ ‬Charles Colson,‭ ‬and James McCord took the fall for Tricky Dick‭)‬.‭

Plus,‭ ‬ignoring Reagan’s Iran/Contra crimes and cover-up‭ (‬President Bush Sr.‭ ‬was advised by then Attorney General William P.‭ ‬Barr to pardon Reagan associates:‭ ‬Elliott Abrams,‭ ‬Duane Clarridge,‭ ‬Alan Fiers,‭ ‬Clair George,‭ ‬and Robert McFarlane.‭ ‬Barr included Caspar Weinberger’s pardon before his trial,‭ ‬as a method to protect Bush Sr.‭ ‬from possible implication in the scandal due to evidence from testimony during Weinberger’s upcoming trial.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬no one involved,‭ ‬especially Reagan and Bush Sr.,‭ ‬was hurt.‭)

The government’s inaction on these two instances has set the stage for trump to skate on every act of corruption during his four-year debacle.

But,‭ ‬for his January‭ ‬6,‭ ‬2020‭ ‬incitement of his RWNJ cultists‭’ ‬violence in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬he should receive a stiffer penalty than a few paragraphs in history books,‭ ‬whitewashing his disastrous administration.

Like Nixon and Reagan,‭ ‬trump’s criminal act here was to insure his election‭ (‬or reelection‭) ‬to the presidency.‭ ‬As anyone except the RWNJs can see,‭ ‬Republicans have an infamous history of cheating to win presidential elections.‭


"Fiery but mostly peaceful" - CNN

LOL! Definitely not sedition.
So the little laughing face isn't disagreeing with my assessment of your b.s.
That also is good to know.
The events of today more than meets the definition of sedition. It surpassed it.
It was a protest, you lame fuck! Switch out all the white people for blacks and you'd be all for it
although you'd probably want looting and fires set.
What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
The war if there is one, was started a long time ago by Progs who divided us up real good.
If everyone left the United States, except people claiming to be conservatives, the country would be as divided. Half would be too conservative for the other half. Just like the divide between the RWNJs and the RINOs now.

None of you right-wing a$$holes can be satisfied with any form of "Democracy" or "Republicanism".

The RWNJs' need to be ruled by a lying despot was proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, during the past four years.

What happened at the capitol today; the attempt to threaten legilators, and burn certified electoral ballots, can only be desribed as an act of war.

Leading an "army" of supporters to go to war with the United States is Treason.

It is within the narrow constitutional definition
The war if there is one, was started a long time ago by Progs who divided us up real good.
If everyone left the United States, except people claiming to be conservatives, the country would be as divided. Half would be too conservative for the other half. Just like the divide between the RWNJs and the RINOs now.

None of you right-wing a$$holes can be satisfied with any form of "Democracy" or "Republicanism".

The RWNJs' need to be ruled by a lying despot was proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, during the past four years.


only about 28% of the voting age population voted for trump.

So they are asking the other 72% to leave?

Better to put these hostiles in a Kekistan Reservation
The acts of the trumplicans today are treasonous. It was not a protest, but an insurrection. The firing squad or hangings should suffice for this criminal behavior..

Additionally, "domestic terrorism" crimes should also apply.

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