Security forces hired by state dept to provide embassy security "these are dogs"...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
They call the people they are paid to *protect* "dogs" and say "we cannot accept insulting our prophet". These are the SECURITY FORCES paid by HILLARY, while our own Marines are without ammo.

This is in Sanaa:

"Another protester said that some of the security forces protecting the building appeared sympathetic to the demonstrators’ cause. “Some soldiers were telling me, ‘These are dogs, and we cannot accept insulting our prophet,’ ” Yusef Mohammad said."

More protests break out in Muslim world as U.S. appeals for calm - The Washington Post

Meanwhile, Hillary fans the flames by reminding them again and again that they are justified in their anger towards American Citizens who exert their right to freedom of speech.
Who's they? Is getting disturbing that you keep masturbating to the thought of exterminating Muslims? If you hate Muslims that much why not go fight alqaeda in Libya?
Who's exterminating Muslims? This is about Muslims exterminating Americans.

So you can start jacking off right now.
They, as I explained, are the armed guards that Hillary pays to "protect" the embassy.

You know, the guys with ties to al Quaida. Like the guys who put out the information of where the Libyan ambassador would be so he could be successfully blown up?

These are the guys Hillary and your buddies like to surround American citizens abroad with...

While she denies our military the right to carry ammunition.
I think the Libyan ambassador and 3 others were pretty effectively exterminated.
And now ignore for you, troll. Obviously you're just an anti-American plant. Report to your superiors now, be sure to report what you're supposed to report so that maybe some more Americans can get killed....
You claimed muslims(the general population) are working to exterminate Americans....that's not true.
That is not the same as advocating the extermination of Muslims, you retarded fascist tool.
Either way what you said is disgusting and false....Muslims in general don't want to kill exterminate Qaeda planned the attack and they have been arrested, 4 people connected to the group. Libya has them
yeah whatever..back on ignore, American-killing fascist tool pig person.
Oh, wait, you're implying that not only should we never criticize Islam (per the directive of al Quaida) we also should not call them dogs..or pigs....

based on what?

Did you notice what our Islamic Yemen embassy *security* soldier called the people he was supposed to be protecting?

Oh, wait, you're implying that not only should we never criticize Islam (per the directive of al Quaida) we also should not call them dogs..or pigs....

based on what?

Did you notice what our Islamic Yemen embassy *security* soldier called the people he was supposed to be protecting?


I never said that said Muslims in general are plotting to kill all Americans......I said its not true....moron

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