Second Dallas Ebola Patient?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
An associate of the first ebola patient is being monitored as possible second case-

Zachary Thompson, the director of Dallas County Health and Human Services, says all those who've been in close contact with the diagnosed patient are being monitored as a precaution. However, Thompson pointed to one person in particular as a potential second case.

"Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents, the fact that we have one confirmed case, there may be another case that is a close associate with this particular patient," he said in a Wednesday interview with WFAA. "... So this is real. There should be a concern, but it's contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment."

Thompson Associate of Dallas Ebola patient under close monitoring
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Could this really be the beginning of the Zombie apocalypse? :ack-1:


the key is to get ahead of the infection cycle. They got the first guy and ID'ed it as Ebola within a few days, now they are interviewing people he came into contact with, and if the contact was close enough, isolating those people. The fact they have someone who "may" show symptoms means, at least with that vector chain, have caught up to the infective window and are dealing with it.
the key is to get ahead of the infection cycle. They got the first guy and ID'ed it as Ebola within a few days, now they are interviewing people he came into contact with, and if the contact was close enough, isolating those people. The fact they have someone who "may" show symptoms means, at least with that vector chain, have caught up to the infective window and are dealing with it.
Check out the article, it says that the new patient "may have had close contact with children and they are being kept home." I am thinking teacher? Anyway if you want something to spread like wildfire make sure little petri dishes are around.
"Osterholm was also struck by the fact that the man was apparently not a healthcare worker caring for Ebola patients in West Africa, as were five other patients exposed to the disease there and were airlifted back to the United States for treatment.

That raises questions about how the Texas patient contracted the disease."

It is also mentioned he was around some school children which have now been quarantined after they had already been to school after exposure.
Experts question two-day delay in admitting Texas Ebola patient

Unfortunately, lately the cdc has showed ineptness in several instances. I also have family there in Dallas. Am I hoping all goes well? Yes. Do I have total confidence in the cdc? No. Did you know they had not even figured out there needs to be a way to carry and dispose of the biowaste created by this disease until in came up in Atlanta? And that facility happened to have a certain type of sterilizers which most hospitals do not, that helped solve that problem. The cdc should have already had a plan in place, before anyone arrived in the US with the disease. A major failure by the cdc, in my view.
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"Osterholm was also struck by the fact that the man was apparently not a healthcare worker caring for Ebola patients in West Africa, as were five other patients exposed to the disease there and were airlifted back to the United States for treatment.

That raises questions about how the Texas patient contracted the disease."

It is also mentioned he was around some school children which have now been quarantined after they had already been to school after exposure.
Experts question two-day delay in admitting Texas Ebola patient

Unfortunately, lately the cdc has showed ineptness in several instances. I also have family there in Dallas. Am I hoping all goes well? Do I have total confidence in the cdc? No. Did you know they had not even figured out there needs to be a way to carry and dispose of the biowaste created by this disease until in came up in Atlanta? And that facility happened to have a certain type of incinerator which most hospitals do not, that helped solve that problem. That should have already had a plan in place, before anyone arrived in the US with the disease. A major failure by the cdc, in my view.

Don't worry the sky is not falling.
"Osterholm was also struck by the fact that the man was apparently not a healthcare worker caring for Ebola patients in West Africa, as were five other patients exposed to the disease there and were airlifted back to the United States for treatment.

That raises questions about how the Texas patient contracted the disease."

It is also mentioned he was around some school children which have now been quarantined after they had already been to school after exposure.
Experts question two-day delay in admitting Texas Ebola patient

Unfortunately, lately the cdc has showed ineptness in several instances. I also have family there in Dallas. Am I hoping all goes well? Do I have total confidence in the cdc? No. Did you know they had not even figured out there needs to be a way to carry and dispose of the biowaste created by this disease until in came up in Atlanta? And that facility happened to have a certain type of sterilizers which most hospitals do not, that helped solve that problem. The cdc should have already had a plan in place, before anyone arrived in the US with the disease. A major failure by the cdc, in my view.

Don't worry the sky is not falling.

You better hope it doesn't. And rather than discuss concerns you sit here trying to make light of it, simply for political haste. Sad, you can't see past the end of your donkey rump.
You better hope it doesn't. And rather discuss concerns you sit here trying to make light of it, simply for political haste. Sad, you can't see past the end of your donkey rump.

I'll bet you $20 it doesn't. If you do even the most basic research on how Ebola is spread, when it is capable of being spread, and the medical capabilities of the countries where it is a problem, then you would understand why the CDC and the powers that be are not even a little bit panicked. The only people pushing the panic is conservative media because scaring their viewers and listeners is how they make advertising money.
USMB nutters want so badly to be able to call Obama the "Ebola President".....they'll take a few hundred dead Texans as payment without hesitation.
You better hope it doesn't. And rather discuss concerns you sit here trying to make light of it, simply for political haste. Sad, you can't see past the end of your donkey rump.

I'll bet you $20 it doesn't. If you do even the most basic research on how Ebola is spread, when it is capable of being spread, and the medical capabilities of the countries where it is a problem, then you would understand why the CDC and the powers that be are not even a little bit panicked. The only people pushing the panic is conservative media because scaring their viewers and listeners is how they make advertising money.
Oh, you mean conservative media like the LA Times?
LA Times
Could an Africa-sized Ebola outbreak happen in the US? Officials Say No
USMB nutters want so badly to be able to call Obama the "Ebola President".....they'll take a few hundred dead Texans as payment without hesitation.
Another one that puts politics over legitimate concern. I could say much mor to you, but will refrain so I don't get banned.
USMB nutters want so badly to be able to call Obama the "Ebola President".....they'll take a few hundred dead Texans as payment without hesitation.

We're not going to have a situation here in the U.S. like western Africa. The reason it has spread there is two-fold: Infected and sick people in rural areas are hiding because they don't want to be taken from their villages, so they stay and spread the infection. People in the urban areas are spreading the rumor that the Ebola scare is nothing but an attempt by the government to get their blood and organs, so they get sick, hide and spread the infection.

Ebola Outbreak FRONTLINE PBS

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