Seaworld Dolphins Summarize Wikileaks


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
In order to spare everyone the tedium of wading through the Wikileaks documents, here's the Seaworld Dolphins' Cliff Notes Version:

Berlusconi likes girls.
Sarkozy likes himself.
Angela Merkel is boring.
David Cameron is more boring.
Hillary thinks Cristina needs a shrink.
Benjamin Netanyahu can’t stand Ehud Olmert.
Al Qaeda hates America.
Yemen’s president hates Al Qaeda
Ahmadinejad is Hitler
North Korea likes Iran.
Saudi Arabia hates Iran
Julian Assange is Dennis Kucinich.
PFC Manning will never see the sun again.
America needs a new president.

Roger L. Simon WikiLeaks as seen by dolphins
Well, the Dolphins must not have found that to be a significant conclusion.
Well, the Dolphins must not have found that to be a significant conclusion.

And neither does Putin. He was interviewed by Larry King last nite and posed the possibility that the gov't might have even purposely planted some of the leaks. I would have discounted this possibility, but, afterall, he is ex KGB. :cool:
Well, the Dolphins must not have found that to be a significant conclusion.

And neither does Putin. He was interviewed by Larry King last nite and posed the possibility that the gov't might have even purposely planted some of the leaks. I would have discounted this possibility, but, afterall, he is ex KGB. :cool:

Why discount what seems the most likely possibility?
Well, the Dolphins must not have found that to be a significant conclusion.

And neither does Putin. He was interviewed by Larry King last nite and posed the possibility that the gov't might have even purposely planted some of the leaks. I would have discounted this possibility, but, afterall, he is ex KGB. :cool:

Why discount what seems the most likely possibility?

Yes, it does help explain the absence of outrage by Obama over Wikileaks and the standard boilerplate denouncement of it by Hillary.
Well, the Dolphins must not have found that to be a significant conclusion.

And neither does Putin. He was interviewed by Larry King last nite and posed the possibility that the gov't might have even purposely planted some of the leaks. I would have discounted this possibility, but, afterall, he is ex KGB. :cool:

Lolol oh dear god things are so bad that I agree with Putin.

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