Sean Hannity's "Freedom Concerts" are a Scam

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

When Daily Kos made the same allegations all the way back in 2007, I just assumed it was a liberal, left wing smear. But now that it's a conservative making the same accusations based on "tax records", I'm not so sure.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
when the hell did the libs care about people and their monies. especially if you support this President and what his commie administation is doing..

I start caring when someone uses wounded soldiers to pimp their own image.

That's what this is looking like.

However, as I said, the best way to solve this is an IRS audit. Sunshine is the best dis-infectant.

well of course, during the Clinton administration we saw them sic the Irs, Fbi and other government agencies on people. what a country under the Progressives.
Yeah, play that perpetual VICTIM card again! Except you got your administrations wrong, as usual.

It was the CON$ervoFascist "Tricky Dicky" Nixon who would sic BIG government on those on his FAMOUS "Enemies List." CON$ simply accuse everyone else of doing what CON$ themselves do to muddy the waters.

For example, Shortly after HanNITWITy replaced Bigot Bob Grant in the 3 o'clock slot, he announced OVER THE AIR that because income taxes were so oppressive, he ALWAYS worked a part-time job OFF THE BOOKS. When he was audited after his over the air pronouncement, who did he blame, Clinton or his own BIG MOUTH.
Three guesses and the first two don't count.
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You know........Sean Hannity and his veterans charity is about as legit as Jean Wycliff and his charity for Haiti.

Both use up quite a bit of money to raise it, resulting in only 5-20 percent being donated to who it is for. Most charities send 50 percent or more to their cause, but several don't.

Remember when charities were being looked at closely a few years back because of this? Apparently, Sean Hannity decided to see if they were still watching.

By the way Cruising Skank........answer the fucking question you cum dumpster donut smiling asshole...........did you ever serve or not?

I'm betting act like way too much of a cowardly puss.
From the FWIW Department:

Charity Review of Freedom Alliance

Despite written BBB [Better Business Bureau] Wise Giving Alliance requests in the past year, this organization either has not responded to Alliance requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to the Alliance’s Standards for Charity Accountability. While participation in the Alliance’s charity review efforts is voluntary, the Alliance believes that failure to participate may demonstrate a lack of commitment to transparency. Without the requested information, the Alliance cannot determine if this charity adheres to the Standards for Charity Accountability.
From the FWIW Department:

Charity Review of Freedom Alliance

Despite written BBB [Better Business Bureau] Wise Giving Alliance requests in the past year, this organization either has not responded to Alliance requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to the Alliance’s Standards for Charity Accountability. While participation in the Alliance’s charity review efforts is voluntary, the Alliance believes that failure to participate may demonstrate a lack of commitment to transparency. Without the requested information, the Alliance cannot determine if this charity adheres to the Standards for Charity Accountability.

A lack of commitment to transparency sums it up quite nicely.
Oh yeah, Rush and his hillbilly heroin was complete speculation.

I applaud you for being a loyal disciple to the voices that come out of your radio though.

"Bow down before the one you serve."

what was that you said in another thread, DONT HATE. I guess that doesn't apply to you eh.:lol:

I don't hate the perpetually dim-witted. I pity them.

well then, stop hating yourself. can't be good for the self esteem.
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I know all of you fair minded leftist should be interested in the truth from the people that actually are in charge of the Freedom Alliance charity rather than the crap put out by a blogger trying to further her career.

You imbeciles actually believe that Hannity would risk an incredibly lucrative radio and television career for a few bucks, a couple of plane rides and some hotel rooms?

Where were you clowns when candidates Barry and Hillary were flying around in 757s, Barry for 2 years? How about that horror show Pelosi who cruises back and forth to Cali in a taxpayer paid for 757, burning 1200 gallons of jet fuel an hour...... that's an 8 hour round trip idiots, do the math. The few of you that actually pay taxes are paying for that freak. Obama burns 2,500 gallons an hour every time he leaves in Air Force One to go off and bullshit the public, that is just the 747....... the rest of the entourage of aircraft that follow him around burn even more. His little trip to Hawaii cost us a minimum of 100,000 gallons of burnt jet fuel and wasted time of many hundreds of service personnel. How can you let those asshole slide and then bitch about CEOs and yes, Hannity, flying in business jets. You hypocrites are too stupid to argue with, fuck off.


Hannity charity
fights 'smear'
Calls 'scam' accusation against fund for soldiers' kids 'outrageous slander'
Posted: March 19, 2010
2:58 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Sean Hannity
An extensive online blog report accusing Freedom Alliance, founded by Col. Oliver North, as well as its scholarship programs funded by Sean Hannity's annual Freedom Concerts, of being a "scam" and diverting too much money for expenses is being blasted by the organization itself, labeling it "false and malicious" and "outageous slander."

In a headline piece on its website today, the alliance refutes a "blog posting" that makes accusations that money intended for student scholarships has been spent on other expenses, including the personal expenses for Hannity to travel and participate in fundraisers.

"Freedom Alliance has distributed $3.4 million in scholarships and created a Scholarship Trust Fund with the additional money that we have raised for that program. That fund now contains $15 million, over $10 million of which has been raised by Hannity and the concerts," the statement, signed by Alliance President Thomas Kilgannon and Founder Oliver North, said.

"Our scholarship program is managed with the understanding that it will be needed for at least the next 20 years as there are children who will ultimately receive a scholarship who are now only a few years old. As indicated on our Federal Form 990, these funds are restricted and used only for future scholarships."

The statement continued, "Our Scholarship Fund is one of four programs operated by Freedom Alliance. Supporters may donate to a specific program or for general operating purposes. In 2008, Freedom Alliance received $2.1 million in scholarship donations. The same year, we awarded $802,250 in scholarships and applied $1.3 million to our Scholarship Trust Fund."

The charges had been leveled by Debbie Schlussel on her website.

Yesterday, she charged, "For the last several years, Sean Hannity and the Freedom Alliance 'charity' have conducted 'Freedom Concerts' across America. They've told you that they are raising money to pay for the college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets. … But it's all a huge scam."

She charged that less than 20 percent – "and in two recent years, less than 7 percent and 4 percent, respectively – of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferry the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style."

Specifically, she charged that a source told her "there'd be a lot more money every concert to go to the cause if Hannity didn't demand – and get – use of a Gulfstream 5 plane to fly him and his family/entourage to the concerts; a 'fleet' (that's the word the guy used) of either Cadillac or Lincoln SUVs for him and his family/entourage; and several suites at really expensive hotels for him and his family/entourage."

She also wrote that she "began investigating these claims" to find out "Freedom Alliance gives very little money to the children of slain troops to pay for college and even less to wounded troops."

"False and malicious," was the conclusion of Freedom Alliance.

"The blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean. Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization. … But to be clear, Sean pays for all his own transportation, hotels, and all related expenses for himself and his family and friends and staff, which over the years has added up to tens of thousands of dollars. He does not use any Freedom Alliance Funds or Concert funds in any way, period," the organization stated.

Further, "Sean Hannity has contributed $100,000 to the Wounded Warriors Foundation, over $200,000 to the Freedom Alliance, and over tens of thousands of dollars to other military charities and individuals. We only make this information public because of the outrageous slander against him. Sean has no management or operational involvement in, or control over, Freedom Alliance. He has been a selfless patriot in his efforts to raise funds for the education of children of armed services personnel," the group said.

It released figures, too, showing that in 2008 the group spent $6.7 million, including $5.3 million on program activities, $945,000 on fundraising and $481,000 on management.

The organization distributed $3.4 million in scholarships and created a trust for additional scholarships to be paid in future years.

"That fund now contains $15 million, over $10 million of whicih has been raised by Hannity and the concerts," the posting said.
I know all of you fair minded leftist should be interested in the truth from the people that actually are in charge of the Freedom Alliance charity rather than the crap put out by a blogger trying to further her career.

The people in charge of FA represent an interested party and their claims, unless fully substantiated, have little weight.

Oliver North is a PROVEN liar, so his crediblity is logically suspect.

You imbeciles actually believe that Hannity would risk an incredibly lucrative radio and television career for a few bucks, a couple of plane rides and some hotel rooms?

Well, only an imbecile like yourself would be oblivious to the almost daily stories of prominent people of wealth fame and celebrity who get caught doing stupid things that risk ruining their careers. I daresay that Sean Hannity has never exhibited any unique level of brilliance that would make him immune to such behaviour.
You know........Sean Hannity and his veterans charity is about as legit as Jean Wycliff and his charity for Haiti.

Both use up quite a bit of money to raise it, resulting in only 5-20 percent being donated to who it is for. Most charities send 50 percent or more to their cause, but several don't.

Remember when charities were being looked at closely a few years back because of this? Apparently, Sean Hannity decided to see if they were still watching.

By the way Cruising Skank........answer the fucking question you cum dumpster donut smiling asshole...........did you ever serve or not?

I'm betting act like way too much of a cowardly puss.

Again, thank you for your service and drop fucking dead and not necessarily in that order.
Is it just me or wouldn't you just love to teabag Debbie Schussel?


From the FWIW Department:

Charity Review of Freedom Alliance

Despite written BBB [Better Business Bureau] Wise Giving Alliance requests in the past year, this organization either has not responded to Alliance requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to the Alliance’s Standards for Charity Accountability. While participation in the Alliance’s charity review efforts is voluntary, the Alliance believes that failure to participate may demonstrate a lack of commitment to transparency. Without the requested information, the Alliance cannot determine if this charity adheres to the Standards for Charity Accountability.

Ruh roh....
You imbeciles actually believe that Hannity would risk an incredibly lucrative radio and television career for a few bucks, a couple of plane rides and some hotel rooms?

Oh please. If "getting caught" were an actual deterrent for misbehavior, then Tiger Woods wouldn't be all over the news.

How about I lay this on you; Hannity is such a fucking prima donna, that he doesn't even realize what he is doing is in poor form. That seems to be the mentality that gets white collar criminals in trouble.
You know........Sean Hannity and his veterans charity is about as legit as Jean Wycliff and his charity for Haiti.

Both use up quite a bit of money to raise it, resulting in only 5-20 percent being donated to who it is for. Most charities send 50 percent or more to their cause, but several don't.

Remember when charities were being looked at closely a few years back because of this? Apparently, Sean Hannity decided to see if they were still watching.

By the way Cruising Skank........answer the fucking question you cum dumpster donut smiling asshole...........did you ever serve or not?

I'm betting act like way too much of a cowardly puss.

Again, thank you for your service and drop fucking dead and not necessarily in that order.

You don't give a shit about the Soldiers you lying skankwad. You're just jealous Hannity + company has found a way to exploit our troops to make some money and maintain a rockstar status while the best you can do is use them for cheap shots on the internet.
Lets look at some of the other things Ms Schlussel has written...

Alhamdillullah: Obama, Biden, Hillary Ignite Violent Muslim Riots in Israel – “Third Intifada”

Is Simon Cowell Really Converting to Islam?

Big Brother v. St. Patrick’s Day; Luck O’the Muslims

Does Your Local Bank Have a Muslim, er . . . “Arab Affairs Manager”?

Fed to the Wolves: Our Soldiers in Afghanistan Don’t Have Bullets!

I Warned You About Glenn Beck (& Prince Al-Waleed & FOX News)

The lady clearly has a screw loose. I'd take any "reporting" she does with a case of Morton's Salt.

Also, it seems she has a hard-on against Fox News because of Prince Al-Waleed. I'm guessing her gunning for Hannity stems from this as well.

Don't know if the charity thing is true or not. I will say that I am 100% certain there are better charities to send your money to if you want to help the troops. BUT, if you like the kind of music the concerts promote, why wouldn't you go anyway? If a portion of the proceeds go to a charity, even a small portion, great. If you are going strictly for the concert experience, who cares?

Supporting FA is very close to supporting the idiotic policies that sent our troops to die for anything other than defending the US you dummfuk. I realize this requires a bit of thinking and your response will help prove your lack of comprehension, but the effort must be made nonetheless.

Hannity and company sells ideas to arrogant nationalists because they never have to provide any facts after the initial sale has closed, or even before. We saw this with WMD, 9E, Afghanistan, and bin laden, to name a few examples. They know their supporters are so insecure and arrogant they will not be condemned even when the facts show they are full of shit.
You imbeciles actually believe that Hannity would risk an incredibly lucrative radio and television career for a few bucks, a couple of plane rides and some hotel rooms?

Oh please. If "getting caught" were an actual deterrent for misbehavior, then Tiger Woods wouldn't be all over the news.

How about I lay this on you; Hannity is such a fucking prima donna, that he doesn't even realize what he is doing is in poor form. That seems to be the mentality that gets white collar criminals in trouble.

I haven't seen any evidence of any illegal activity done by FA at this point. Sure, it fooled a bunch of idiots but there's nothing illegal about exploiting people's stoopidity to make some money. Ie. Palin's book that she did not write.
You imbeciles actually believe that Hannity would risk an incredibly lucrative radio and television career for a few bucks, a couple of plane rides and some hotel rooms?

Oh please. If "getting caught" were an actual deterrent for misbehavior, then Tiger Woods wouldn't be all over the news.

How about I lay this on you; Hannity is such a fucking prima donna, that he doesn't even realize what he is doing is in poor form. That seems to be the mentality that gets white collar criminals in trouble.

I haven't seen any evidence of any illegal activity done by FA at this point. Sure, it fooled a bunch of idiots but there's nothing illegal about exploiting people's stoopidity to make some money. Ie. Palin's book that she did not write.

I didn't mean to imply there was, though I can see how it looked that way. Just pointing out that when it comes to the misuse of money, the mentality behind the powers that be is usually one such that they don't see how what they are doing is wrong. That's the entitlement mentality they have developed.

At any rate, I've never been under the illusion that Hannity wasn't pimping soldiers for street credo to some degree. Of course, he'll be far from the first person to make a buck on the back of soldiers.
Oh please. If "getting caught" were an actual deterrent for misbehavior, then Tiger Woods wouldn't be all over the news.

How about I lay this on you; Hannity is such a fucking prima donna, that he doesn't even realize what he is doing is in poor form. That seems to be the mentality that gets white collar criminals in trouble.

I haven't seen any evidence of any illegal activity done by FA at this point. Sure, it fooled a bunch of idiots but there's nothing illegal about exploiting people's stoopidity to make some money. Ie. Palin's book that she did not write.

I didn't mean to imply there was, though I can see how it looked that way. Just pointing out that when it comes to the misuse of money, the mentality behind the powers that be is usually one such that they don't see how what they are doing is wrong. That's the entitlement mentality they have developed.

At any rate, I've never been under the illusion that Hannity wasn't pimping soldiers for street credo to some degree. Of course, he'll be far from the first person to make a buck on the back of soldiers.

Quoted your post but was responding more to the "Why would Hannity risk...." line from someone else. His fans are so fuxxing stoopid it doesn't matter what the facts reveal because he will just say it is american hating libruls using him to attack our soldiers because they don't like the iraq occupation and they will gladly swallow it.

You made a good point about the entitlement bit. Thank you my friend, you're a Great American!
You know........Sean Hannity and his veterans charity is about as legit as Jean Wycliff and his charity for Haiti.

Both use up quite a bit of money to raise it, resulting in only 5-20 percent being donated to who it is for. Most charities send 50 percent or more to their cause, but several don't.

Remember when charities were being looked at closely a few years back because of this? Apparently, Sean Hannity decided to see if they were still watching.

By the way Cruising Skank........answer the fucking question you cum dumpster donut smiling asshole...........did you ever serve or not?

I'm betting act like way too much of a cowardly puss.

Again, thank you for your service and drop fucking dead and not necessarily in that order.

You don't give a shit about the Soldiers you lying skankwad. You're just jealous Hannity + company has found a way to exploit our troops to make some money and maintain a rockstar status while the best you can do is use them for cheap shots on the internet.

You keep running to the defense of other fucking retards you're bound to get hurt.

Mind your own fucking business and stay stupid

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