Screw You Harry Reid

I would like to see Obama nominate someone.

Then have the senate Bork them the way Ted Kennedy and Joe, the plagairzer, Biden Robert Bork.
Bork was carrying more luggage than he could carry for such an important nomination. He should have never been nominated. It was an insult to the nation that he was. His actions since being rejected has proven the Senate was right to reject him.

Pure horsecrap.

Nobody had an issue with Bork until he was nominated. In fact he was highly thought of in most circles on both sides.

His opinion on issues was a minor component of the smear campaign that was conducted against him by Teddy Kennedy. He was DOA. I hated Ted Kennedy before that and even more afterwards...I only wish he had suffered more when he died.

The left was worried about the same thing happening to Sotomayor and warned the GOP against it. I would have told them to shove it sideways.
Bork lost his integrity and shamed himself in the Saturday Night Massacre. He betrayed the entire DoJ and American people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That isn't Bork, a judge.
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.

Yea, the kind of Obstruction as when they shut the Government down for a few days trying to keep the Fool Obama from turning the country into a corrupt bankrupt banana republic.

That bit of Obstructionism got them, in the very next election---even more seats in the House and Control of the Senate...which will now have a chance to teach the Asshole in the White House that it, in effect, also "has a pen and a phone"---or correctly stated---a Constitutional Veto over any Supreme Court Appointment he sends down.
Republicans have moved the goalpost from:

We don't agree with the nominee
We don't agree with the person doing the nominating

No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.



Obama the two-faced.
Republicans have moved the goalpost from:

We don't agree with the nominee
We don't agree with the person doing the nominating

No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.


Why didn't the Dems block the nomination of Alito until a Democrat became President?

Alito gave the Conservatives a 5-4 advantage. Dems could have easily left the court with eight members until a Dem was elected
I would like to see Obama nominate someone.

Then have the senate Bork them the way Ted Kennedy and Joe, the plagairzer, Biden Robert Bork.
Bork was carrying more luggage than he could carry for such an important nomination. He should have never been nominated. It was an insult to the nation that he was. His actions since being rejected has proven the Senate was right to reject him.

Pure horsecrap.

Nobody had an issue with Bork until he was nominated. In fact he was highly thought of in most circles on both sides.

His opinion on issues was a minor component of the smear campaign that was conducted against him by Teddy Kennedy. He was DOA. I hated Ted Kennedy before that and even more afterwards...I only wish he had suffered more when he died.

The left was worried about the same thing happening to Sotomayor and warned the GOP against it. I would have told them to shove it sideways.
Bork lost his integrity and shamed himself in the Saturday Night Massacre. He betrayed the entire DoJ and American people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That isn't Bork, a judge.
If you don't like how a poster responds don't challenge them with the kind of dopey nonsense you like to use. Keep your comments to yourself, or at least away from posters who will predictable kick you ass.
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.
Yea, the kind of Obstruction as when they shut the Government down for a few days trying to keep the Fool Obama from turning the country into a corrupt bankrupt banana republic. That bit of Obstructionism got them, in the very next election---even more seats in the House and Control of the Senate...which will now have a chance to teach the Asshole in the White House that it, in effect, also "has a pen and a phone"---or correctly stated---a Constitutional Veto over any Supreme Court Appointment he sends down.
Did they win the presidency in 2012? NO. Will they win in 2016? I DOUBT IT.
I would like to see Obama nominate someone.

Then have the senate Bork them the way Ted Kennedy and Joe, the plagairzer, Biden Robert Bork.
Bork was carrying more luggage than he could carry for such an important nomination. He should have never been nominated. It was an insult to the nation that he was. His actions since being rejected has proven the Senate was right to reject him.

Pure horsecrap.

Nobody had an issue with Bork until he was nominated. In fact he was highly thought of in most circles on both sides.

His opinion on issues was a minor component of the smear campaign that was conducted against him by Teddy Kennedy. He was DOA. I hated Ted Kennedy before that and even more afterwards...I only wish he had suffered more when he died.

The left was worried about the same thing happening to Sotomayor and warned the GOP against it. I would have told them to shove it sideways.
Bork lost his integrity and shamed himself in the Saturday Night Massacre. He betrayed the entire DoJ and American people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That isn't Bork, a judge.
If you don't like how a poster responds don't challenge them with the kind of dopey nonsense you like to use. Keep your comments to yourself, or at least away from posters who will predictable kick you ass.

If you don't like it, don't post.

I'll post where I want, when I want, what I want.

When you want to try and kick my ass, you let me know.
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.

I like obstruction. It is the only way to guarantee that the progressive movement is stopped. Hooray for obstruction!
Republicans have moved the goalpost from:

We don't agree with the nominee
We don't agree with the person doing the nominating

No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.

Where does Obama say that Bush should not be allowed to make the appointment and that we should wait for the next president (turned out to be Obama) to make such an important appointment

Obama states that Bush should be able to make the appointment ONLY IF it agrees with the view of the senate.

But, that was not the question.

Show where Obama says we should wait for the next president to take office
He doesn't. I have stated that I feel the Senate should vote on a nominee, and if they do, they should use Obamas own words against him.

Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.
Yea, the kind of Obstruction as when they shut the Government down for a few days trying to keep the Fool Obama from turning the country into a corrupt bankrupt banana republic. That bit of Obstructionism got them, in the very next election---even more seats in the House and Control of the Senate...which will now have a chance to teach the Asshole in the White House that it, in effect, also "has a pen and a phone"---or correctly stated---a Constitutional Veto over any Supreme Court Appointment he sends down.
Did they win the presidency in 2012? NO. Will they win in 2016? I DOUBT IT.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. But if you want to roll with that, you'll need to take into account that over 30 governors and state legislatures as well as the house and senate became Republican controlled after the failed leadership of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. All they could deliver was partisan politics and gridlock and they paid the price. With only two old, rich, white people (one under FBI investigation and the other a socialist) from the party of the diversity, you might want to consider their odds in 2016 given today's current political environment across the nation.
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.
Yea, the kind of Obstruction as when they shut the Government down for a few days trying to keep the Fool Obama from turning the country into a corrupt bankrupt banana republic. That bit of Obstructionism got them, in the very next election---even more seats in the House and Control of the Senate...which will now have a chance to teach the Asshole in the White House that it, in effect, also "has a pen and a phone"---or correctly stated---a Constitutional Veto over any Supreme Court Appointment he sends down.
Did they win the presidency in 2012? NO. Will they win in 2016? I DOUBT IT.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. But if you want to roll with that, you'll need to take into account that over 30 governors and state legislatures as well as the house and senate became Republican controlled after the failed leadership of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. All they could deliver was partisan politics and gridlock and they paid the price. With only two old, rich, white people (one under FBI investigation and the other a socialist) from the party of the diversity, you might want to consider their odds in 2016 given today's current political environment across the nation.

The bolded is an understatement. If the GOP doesn't win in a landslide, I will lose faith in the people to make rational decisions.

Republicans have moved the goalpost from:

We don't agree with the nominee
We don't agree with the person doing the nominating

No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.

Where does Obama say that Bush should not be allowed to make the appointment and that we should wait for the next president (turned out to be Obama) to make such an important appointment

Obama states that Bush should be able to make the appointment ONLY IF it agrees with the view of the senate.

But, that was not the question.

Show where Obama says we should wait for the next president to take office
He doesn't. I have stated that I feel the Senate should vote on a nominee, and if they do, they should use Obamas own words against him.

Alito was confirmed and gave Republicans a 5-4 advantage. Dems did not block his confirmation to wait for a Democratic president. You do not get more conservative than Alito

Republicans want to argue about the merits of a judge...fine
If they want to block all appointments till a Republican becomes President it is despicable politics
A 55 year old resolution is neither law nor binding; Reid and the president are correct, Obama is at liberty to put forward the nomination, the Senate will respond as it sees fit.

Is anyone questioning his right and duty to do so? I do not think so. What others are saying is, whats good for the goose is good for the gander! That is not a difficult point of view. Childish perhaps, but that is what Harry Reid is all about. Even his exercise machine got tired of it and smacked him in the face. ZAP< POW<THUD, shut up, idiot!
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.
Yea, the kind of Obstruction as when they shut the Government down for a few days trying to keep the Fool Obama from turning the country into a corrupt bankrupt banana republic. That bit of Obstructionism got them, in the very next election---even more seats in the House and Control of the Senate...which will now have a chance to teach the Asshole in the White House that it, in effect, also "has a pen and a phone"---or correctly stated---a Constitutional Veto over any Supreme Court Appointment he sends down.
Did they win the presidency in 2012? NO. Will they win in 2016? I DOUBT IT.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. But if you want to roll with that, you'll need to take into account that over 30 governors and state legislatures as well as the house and senate became Republican controlled after the failed leadership of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. All they could deliver was partisan politics and gridlock and they paid the price. With only two old, rich, white people (one under FBI investigation and the other a socialist) from the party of the diversity, you might want to consider their odds in 2016 given today's current political environment across the nation.

The bolded is an understatement. If the GOP doesn't win in a landslide, I will lose faith in the people to make rational decisions.


Unfortunately, Obama and his Free Stuff Campaign of Socialism...paid for with money borrowed from our children...has a significant number of Americans (and a shitload of Aliens)...maybe even Romney's 47%....on some variation of the Federal Government Tit or other Protection...and their rational decision is to vote to Keep the Free Stuff coming.

The Productive Members of Society are rebelling at the destruction of Traditional America...the greatest Society in History...but some of Obama's laziest acolytes are rebelling too...Feeling the Bern....because they aren't getting enough Free Stuff as it is.

Its going to be more of a Revolution than an election.

No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.

Where does Obama say that Bush should not be allowed to make the appointment and that we should wait for the next president (turned out to be Obama) to make such an important appointment

Obama states that Bush should be able to make the appointment ONLY IF it agrees with the view of the senate.

But, that was not the question.

Show where Obama says we should wait for the next president to take office
He doesn't. I have stated that I feel the Senate should vote on a nominee, and if they do, they should use Obamas own words against him.

Alito was confirmed and gave Republicans a 5-4 advantage. Dems did not block his confirmation to wait for a Democratic president. You do not get more conservative than Alito

Republicans want to argue about the merits of a judge...fine
If they want to block all appointments till a Republican becomes President it is despicable politics

The system allows them to vote on a judge.

If they vote him down (don't confirm), he's not confirmed.

Depends on who Obammy sends up.

The GOP problem is that they are looking at a democratic president and senate.

They can keep rejecting until Clinton gets elected......

My guess is that Clinton, will appoint someone more moderate than the morons Obama has appointed.

But if he submits a "good" one, why would they not confirm him.
Where does Obama say that Bush should not be allowed to make the appointment and that we should wait for the next president (turned out to be Obama) to make such an important appointment

Obama states that Bush should be able to make the appointment ONLY IF it agrees with the view of the senate.

But, that was not the question.

Show where Obama says we should wait for the next president to take office
He doesn't. I have stated that I feel the Senate should vote on a nominee, and if they do, they should use Obamas own words against him.

Alito was confirmed and gave Republicans a 5-4 advantage. Dems did not block his confirmation to wait for a Democratic president. You do not get more conservative than Alito

Republicans want to argue about the merits of a judge...fine
If they want to block all appointments till a Republican becomes President it is despicable politics

The system allows them to vote on a judge.

If they vote him down (don't confirm), he's not confirmed.

Depends on who Obammy sends up.

The GOP problem is that they are looking at a democratic president and senate.

They can keep rejecting until Clinton gets elected......

My guess is that Clinton, will appoint someone more moderate than the morons Obama has appointed.

But if he submits a "good" one, why would they not confirm him.

In spite of being an arch conservative, it took three months to confirm Alito
There are 11 months in Obamas term
Democrats ultimately allowed Bush to name his conservative judge

Why won't Republucans do the same?
Quit living in the past. If the Republicans hold up this nomination, it will only solidify their position as the party of obstruction going into the general. The percentage of people who remember 1960 is small and the number that care is even smaller.
'The Past Is Prologue' asshole.
Fucking Reid obstructed so many bills he was responsible for the landslide REP victory in 014.
Thanks anyway. MILLIONS of informed voters are going to REMEMBER Obama's distain and disregard and his fucking insults to the two Houses.
The fucking negro piece of shit has caused the extinction of the dem party.
Bork was carrying more luggage than he could carry for such an important nomination. He should have never been nominated. It was an insult to the nation that he was. His actions since being rejected has proven the Senate was right to reject him.

Pure horsecrap.

Nobody had an issue with Bork until he was nominated. In fact he was highly thought of in most circles on both sides.

His opinion on issues was a minor component of the smear campaign that was conducted against him by Teddy Kennedy. He was DOA. I hated Ted Kennedy before that and even more afterwards...I only wish he had suffered more when he died.

The left was worried about the same thing happening to Sotomayor and warned the GOP against it. I would have told them to shove it sideways.
Bork lost his integrity and shamed himself in the Saturday Night Massacre. He betrayed the entire DoJ and American people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That isn't Bork, a judge.
If you don't like how a poster responds don't challenge them with the kind of dopey nonsense you like to use. Keep your comments to yourself, or at least away from posters who will predictable kick you ass.

If you don't like it, don't post.

I'll post where I want, when I want, what I want.

When you want to try and kick my ass, you let me know.
OK, if you insist on whining, but you know whining is something folks do when they get their asses kicked. So figuratively, you have intellectually had your ass kicked enough to make you whine.
Pure horsecrap.

Nobody had an issue with Bork until he was nominated. In fact he was highly thought of in most circles on both sides.

His opinion on issues was a minor component of the smear campaign that was conducted against him by Teddy Kennedy. He was DOA. I hated Ted Kennedy before that and even more afterwards...I only wish he had suffered more when he died.

The left was worried about the same thing happening to Sotomayor and warned the GOP against it. I would have told them to shove it sideways.
Bork lost his integrity and shamed himself in the Saturday Night Massacre. He betrayed the entire DoJ and American people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That isn't Bork, a judge.
If you don't like how a poster responds don't challenge them with the kind of dopey nonsense you like to use. Keep your comments to yourself, or at least away from posters who will predictable kick you ass.

If you don't like it, don't post.

I'll post where I want, when I want, what I want.

When you want to try and kick my ass, you let me know.
OK, if you insist on whining, but you know whining is something folks do when they get their asses kicked. So figuratively, you have intellectually had your ass kicked enough to make you whine.

Only in your dreams....

I am very open to any challenge you'd like to issue.
No, its not. Obama actually did it himself.

Obama Speech - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement- Complete Text

Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. Floor Statement

TOPIC: Confirmations
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Complete Text

First off, let me congratulate Senators Specter and Leahy for moving yet another confirmation process along with a civility that speaks well of the Senate.

As we all know, there's been a lot of discussion in the country about how the Senate should approach this confirmation process. There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed.

I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record
. And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.

Where does Obama say that Bush should not be allowed to make the appointment and that we should wait for the next president (turned out to be Obama) to make such an important appointment

Obama states that Bush should be able to make the appointment ONLY IF it agrees with the view of the senate.

But, that was not the question.

Show where Obama says we should wait for the next president to take office
He doesn't. I have stated that I feel the Senate should vote on a nominee, and if they do, they should use Obamas own words against him.

Alito was confirmed and gave Republicans a 5-4 advantage. Dems did not block his confirmation to wait for a Democratic president. You do not get more conservative than Alito

Republicans want to argue about the merits of a judge...fine
If they want to block all appointments till a Republican becomes President it is despicable politics

Yes, Alito was confirmed. Senator Obama, however, supported filibustering him and said so. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, filibustering his nominee is obstructionist.

Obama joins filibuster bid against Alito

President Obama can nominate whomever he chooses. Senate can reject. If he selects a moderate, he has a much better chance of confirmation. If he picks a nutjob, no chance but he gets to call republicans meanies. One is good for the country. The other divides the country. I'm anxious to see what road he takes. Does he have the nation's interests at heart?

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