SCOOP: CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
So much more to read at.
The Federalist ^ | 11/04/2019 | Margot Cleveland

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the “‘inside track’ on Flynn” adds further confirmation of this conclusion.

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian-born English citizen and Soviet-era scholar, told The Federalist that she only realized the significance of her communications with and about Ignatius following the filing of attorney Sidney Powell’s reply brief in the Michael Flynn case.

In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote:

Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

Lokhova has known of Halper’s role in targeting Flynn since Halper was outed as a CIA and FBI informant in May 2018. She then sued Halper and several media outlets for defamation after they falsely repeated Halper’s lies that she was a Russian spy engaged in an intrigue with Flynn.


the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories.

Let's be realistic here. Does anyone really believe the CIA only started using their coopted, immoral and fake media plants to spin their message merely when Trump became President?

So if that's true, what other propoganda has the CIA given us? For how long? And above all - how deep does their power go?
They're going to have to change their fake outrage to a new fake scandal soon.

Probably Obstruction of a Witchhunt 2.0
The Democrats are well beyond 'fecal matter hitting the oscillating rotator' for them.

There is SO MUCH overwhelming evidence of their crimes, Sedition, and treasonous failed coup attempts that the President could / should just go ahead and officially declare the Democratic party what they truly are - an Enemy of the State / Criminal Organization.
So much more to read at.
The Federalist ^ | 11/04/2019 | Margot Cleveland

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the “‘inside track’ on Flynn” adds further confirmation of this conclusion.

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian-born English citizen and Soviet-era scholar, told The Federalist that she only realized the significance of her communications with and about Ignatius following the filing of attorney Sidney Powell’s reply brief in the Michael Flynn case.

In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote:

Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

Lokhova has known of Halper’s role in targeting Flynn since Halper was outed as a CIA and FBI informant in May 2018. She then sued Halper and several media outlets for defamation after they falsely repeated Halper’s lies that she was a Russian spy engaged in an intrigue with Flynn.


the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories.

Let's be realistic here. Does anyone really believe the CIA only started using their coopted, immoral and fake media plants to spin their message merely when Trump became President?

So if that's true, what other propoganda has the CIA given us? For how long? And above all - how deep does their power go?
Omg, WAY Deep.
I heard my neighbor is involved.
I presume you have zero college believing such garbage?
Trump is orchestrating this so CNN will be calling MSNBC "fake news" and vice-versa :auiqs.jpg:
In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote: ...

Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

BTW who in our gvt is leaking all of this stuff? Or is it all made up from thin air? Sounds like mere conjecture and conspiracy theory-ish to me

So, parts do not make any sense

like this is what this office that James Baker works for does.... the ONA

The United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment[1] (ONA) was created in 1973 by Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on the results of its research".[2] The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment.[clarification needed]

According to Defense Directive 5111.11, the Director shall develop and coordinate net assessments of the standing, trends, and future prospects of U.S. military capabilities and military potential in comparison with those of other countries or groups of countries in order to identify emerging or future threats or opportunities for the United States.[3][4] Paul Bracken explains that it is important to have a good grasp of net assessment because it is an "important part of the language spoken by leaders in the higher levels of DOD" and officers who lack familiarity "will be at a disadvantage in communicating with the civilian leadership".[5]

Andrew Marshall was named its first director, a position he continued to hold under succeeding administrations.[6] In October 2014, Marshall announced plans to retire in January 2015.[7] He was replaced by Jim Baker in May 2015.[8][9]

no one in that office would ever in a million years have access to the wiretaps of the Russian Operative/ Ambassador, of which Flynn was a part of....

Not in the department that he worked for and their mission....

And it also does not make sense that ANYONE from this ONA department who worked with Halper for information for their assessments, has anything to do with the CIA etc....???

the whole thing is so far fetched imo....
So much more to read at.
The Federalist ^ | 11/04/2019 | Margot Cleveland

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the “‘inside track’ on Flynn” adds further confirmation of this conclusion.

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian-born English citizen and Soviet-era scholar, told The Federalist that she only realized the significance of her communications with and about Ignatius following the filing of attorney Sidney Powell’s reply brief in the Michael Flynn case.

In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote:

Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

Lokhova has known of Halper’s role in targeting Flynn since Halper was outed as a CIA and FBI informant in May 2018. She then sued Halper and several media outlets for defamation after they falsely repeated Halper’s lies that she was a Russian spy engaged in an intrigue with Flynn.


the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories.

Let's be realistic here. Does anyone really believe the CIA only started using their coopted, immoral and fake media plants to spin their message merely when Trump became President?

So if that's true, what other propoganda has the CIA given us? For how long? And above all - how deep does their power go?
Omg, WAY Deep.
I heard my neighbor is involved.
I presume you have zero college believing such garbage?
ROTFLMFAO....YOU MEAN I finished university BEFORE you socialist scum got in control and brainwashed all those young heads full of mush!!!
In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote: ...

Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

BTW who in our gvt is leaking all of this stuff? Or is it all made up from thin air? Sounds like mere conjecture and conspiracy theory-ish to me

So, parts do not make any sense

like this is what this office that James Baker works for does.... the ONA

The United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment[1] (ONA) was created in 1973 by Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on the results of its research".[2] The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment.[clarification needed]

According to Defense Directive 5111.11, the Director shall develop and coordinate net assessments of the standing, trends, and future prospects of U.S. military capabilities and military potential in comparison with those of other countries or groups of countries in order to identify emerging or future threats or opportunities for the United States.[3][4] Paul Bracken explains that it is important to have a good grasp of net assessment because it is an "important part of the language spoken by leaders in the higher levels of DOD" and officers who lack familiarity "will be at a disadvantage in communicating with the civilian leadership".[5]

Andrew Marshall was named its first director, a position he continued to hold under succeeding administrations.[6] In October 2014, Marshall announced plans to retire in January 2015.[7] He was replaced by Jim Baker in May 2015.[8][9]

no one in that office would ever in a million years have access to the wiretaps of the Russian Operative/ Ambassador, of which Flynn was a part of....

Not in the department that he worked for and their mission....

And it also does not make sense that ANYONE from this ONA department who worked with Halper for information for their assessments, has anything to do with the CIA etc....???

the whole thing is so far fetched imo....
You EVER TRY to look at the texts, emails and phone records of the so called DEEP STATE, and then write what you did?....oh, who am I fooling, YOU are simply a DemonRAT party loyalist....Don't bother me with facts and evidence, my mind is already made up!
In last week’s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote: ...

Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

BTW who in our gvt is leaking all of this stuff? Or is it all made up from thin air? Sounds like mere conjecture and conspiracy theory-ish to me

So, parts do not make any sense

like this is what this office that James Baker works for does.... the ONA

The United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment[1] (ONA) was created in 1973 by Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on the results of its research".[2] The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment.[clarification needed]

According to Defense Directive 5111.11, the Director shall develop and coordinate net assessments of the standing, trends, and future prospects of U.S. military capabilities and military potential in comparison with those of other countries or groups of countries in order to identify emerging or future threats or opportunities for the United States.[3][4] Paul Bracken explains that it is important to have a good grasp of net assessment because it is an "important part of the language spoken by leaders in the higher levels of DOD" and officers who lack familiarity "will be at a disadvantage in communicating with the civilian leadership".[5]

Andrew Marshall was named its first director, a position he continued to hold under succeeding administrations.[6] In October 2014, Marshall announced plans to retire in January 2015.[7] He was replaced by Jim Baker in May 2015.[8][9]

no one in that office would ever in a million years have access to the wiretaps of the Russian Operative/ Ambassador, of which Flynn was a part of....

Not in the department that he worked for and their mission....

And it also does not make sense that ANYONE from this ONA department who worked with Halper for information for their assessments, has anything to do with the CIA etc....???

the whole thing is so far fetched imo....
You EVER TRY to look at the texts, emails and phone records of the so called DEEP STATE, and then write what you did?....oh, who am I fooling, YOU are simply a DemonRAT party loyalist....Don't bother me with facts and evidence, my mind is already made up!
Not a party loyalist, but a Patriot, who puts the USA first, I love my country and unlike your country, I'm proud of my country and the rule of law and judicial system and our intel agencies and long time non political gvt workers...

Sure we all and they all have made mistakes over the centuries of our existence, but we always try to improve ourselves and learn from our mistakes...

I do not in any way shape or form believe there is this non nameable deep state middle class citizens in the thousands that work together in some conspiracy to destroy the USA, their own country... they are for the most part, serving their country, the best way they can and they respect the constitution they took an oath to protect. There may be some bad apples from time to time, but the same can be said in the private sector as well....

I think you are bat shit crazy.... and so is this beast in office, destroying every thing he touches in our gvt...

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