Zone1 Science Debunks Darwin's Theory of Evolution!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Finally, the key important questions are being asked on evolution being possible when it flies directly in the face of creation!

Is this the beginning of a move back to the church and literal belief in the bibles?
Science has always debunked your theory of god. Seriously, 90% of evolution is on very solid ground comparably.
Science has always debunked your theory of god. Seriously, 90% of evolution is on very solid ground comparably.
It could be that the Catholic church has acted to hastily in accepting Darwinian evolution over creation.

Science could be becoming their own loose cannon! The six thousand year old earth is once again a question to be entertained by the Catholic church's historians and scholars!
I don't know if we (humans) will ever understand the origins of existence.
The fact of evolution is well established, starting with the age of the earth.

The issue is: can random mutation and natural selection account for the evolution of complex creatures? The great scientist JBS Haldane said, "I do not propose to argue the case for evolution, which I regard as being quite as well proven as most other historical facts, but to discuss its possible causes, which are certainly debatable."

One can say 'No' to the orthodox explanation of the causes of evolution, without then having to believe that the evolution of complex creatures was the project of some supernatural entity. It's okay to say, "We don't know yet."

There are things about the universe which are very strange. Even Special Relativity flies in the face of our common sense understanding, even though it is compatible with classical physics.

Then get to quantum theory ... whoa! And... what is consciousness? We don't have a clue.
So there may be fundamental aspects of physical reality -- related to complexity and inherent order -- that we lack the basic concepts, as yet, to comprehend. Lavoisier was a great scientist -- his execution by Leftists was a huge loss -- but the fact that no one in his day understood, say, electron shells or even electrons -- meant that his understanding of chemistry was necessarily limited.

Not to mention the possibility brought up nearly a century ago by the scientist quoted above, that the universe may not only be"queerer than we understand .... but queerer than we can understand."
Really? So how does creation work? If it is not mysterious you should have to fall back on 'God did it', you should be able to say how he did it.
I said that both are mysterious, evolution more so. Pretty certain that the one who created life also created matter, and because inorganic matter didn't evolve, I must assume that organic matter didn't either.
Creation: Things happen but we don't know how.
Evolution: Things happen in understandable ways.

Only one is mysterious.
Evolution is only 'understandable' if you don't fill in the gaps. Most who believe it assume that it is true without any understanding of it at all. They believe it because someone in a white lab coat said it is true.

Regarding the 'evolutionary journey', if you look carefully at the 'map' you can't get here from there.
I said that both are mysterious, evolution more so. Pretty certain that the one who created life also created matter, and because inorganic matter didn't evolve, I must assume that organic matter didn't either.
Who told you matter didn't evolve? In the beginning there was only hydrogen. Now...
Evolution is only 'understandable' if you don't fill in the gaps. Most who believe it assume that it is true without any understanding of it at all. They believe it because someone in a white lab coat said it is true.

Regarding the 'evolutionary journey', if you look carefully at the 'map' you can't get here from there.
I've looked at the map and you can surely get here from there. In fact there is only one path that can be traced backwards from here, and that path leads to a common ancestor.

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