Science can not even get when life started right

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They have been claiming for hundred years or more life needed oxygen to evolve into complex forms. Turns out they were mostly wrong, Very little oxygen was present when the first complex life forms evolved. If they got that wrong what else have they gotten wrong?
""" Though all present-day life on Earth requires oxygen to survive, the sea and sky were not oxygen-rich when life first emerged. Photo from nuisk17 / Getty Images. """

So you are accepting Genesis was, and still IS Wrong.

ding my Friend, I just sent an email to professor Piran, expressing my dissent from his claim that the Bible is not a scientific document. Scientific truths permeate the Scriptures as can be seen at Proof There Is No God

Don't waste your time on hateful ignorati when there are far more productive things you could do with those minutes.

You sure do scare away easily.
At least you're not the "they weren't Christian because they did something that would cause other Christians to define them out of Christianity'', kind of Christian.

Unfortunately, I'm the kind of Christian who will shove my religion down your throat until you gag and puke and agree with me just to get me to shut the fuck up already ... with some ideas to try with a CRISPER machine is all ...
At least you're not the "they weren't Christian because they did something that would cause other Christians to define them out of Christianity'', kind of Christian.

Unfortunately, I'm the kind of Christian who will shove my religion down your throat until you gag and puke and agree with me just to get me to shut the fuck up already ... with some ideas to try with a CRISPER machine is all ...
Yes, unfortunately you may be the angry kind of Christian who wants to force his religion on others.

How nice.

Consider Santeria. You could fashion dolls into the likenesses of people and plunge large needles into them.
Yes, unfortunately you may be the angry kind of Christian who wants to force his religion on others.
How nice.
Consider Santeria. You could fashion dolls into the likenesses of people and plunge large needles into them.

"(When human written language developed enough to set down the oral tradition, what should it have read if the Bible so offends you?)" ... he parenthetically screamed ... a reminder that the russian population was, indeed, very religious.

"Soviet" literally means council ... like a city council ... "Union of Soviets" means all the city councils together ... the Soviets themselves were not religious, either in Russia or the United States ...

Russians in general are not, nor have they ever been, all that deeply religious ...

I also maintain Proof There Is No God

so named to attract atheists where their lies and condescension are sliced and diced.
I went to your IDIOTIC website which of course is full of lie and fallacies
Atheist Fallacy: "You can't prove that God exists." And "There is no evidence that God exists."
These are mere semantics, verbal games. What serves as evidence or proof for some intelligent and reasonable people cannot be expected to be interpreted the same way by everyone, regardless of their intentions or biases.​
"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - Astronomer Carl Sagan​
"You only get proof in mathematics." - Mathematics Professor John Lennox​

Actually it's always me saying there is no Proof in evolution because science doesn't have proofs, only math does.
But somewhere down the Lying line you DISHONESTLY dropped "evidence," which is overwhelming for Evolution and non-existent for god/s.
(Which/Witch god? btw)
What a low IQ clown you are.
What an embarrassment of goofy premise and logic errors it is.

This is what I call the "everything is just a belief" fallacy.
IOW, (by fallaciously raising the bar to 100%) you're seeking to equate the idea of ie, a 4 light Year Long Marshmallow controlling all life on earth (1%) is as good as evolution (99%) because neither can be "proven"/100%.
But of course, that's not true, because again, evolution has overwhelming EVIDENCE, the marshmallow/god none.
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I'm a he's an 8 handicap Christian who thinks he can get down to a 6 kinda Christian.

But I wasn't eavesdropping. I wouldn't want my eaves (aka hardy board soffit in my case) to drop on my head.
Yes, unfortunately you may be the angry kind of Christian who wants to force his religion on others.
How nice.
Consider Santeria. You could fashion dolls into the likenesses of people and plunge large needles into them.

"(When human written language developed enough to set down the oral tradition, what should it have read if the Bible so offends you?)" ... he parenthetically screamed ...
The truth might have been nice. Why did the gods not care about the errors and omissions? Why did the gods allow largely unknown writers to set down accounts tens of years after the actual events?
... because science doesn't have proofs, only math does.

The math describing a geocentric solar system is robust ... on an exoscale computer, epicycles are perfect predictors of planetary motion ... math itself doesn't describe physical principles ... and the physics of a geocentric solar system is wrong ...

Math is a tool in the toolbox ... a hammer doesn't build a house, a carpenter does ... big difference ... biology will be based on robust mathematics ... someday ... the field has been very active in this endeavor ... as a Christian, trying is as good as doing ... bitch to God when you die if you don't like it ...
I'm a he's an 8 handicap Christian who thinks he can get down to a 6 kinda Christian.
But I wasn't eavesdropping. I wouldn't want my eaves (aka hardy board soffit in my case) to drop on my head.

I've provided safe affordable housing for the widows and orphans of my community ... so I can honestly say God's a cheapskate ... but at least I don't pay taxes to the filthy heathens ...
Hardy board is for pussies ... a full one inch by a full twelve inch quartersawn Douglas Fir ... a real man's soffit board ... American Queen Anne ... kids today wouldn't know a cornice if it bit them in the ass ...
The truth might have been nice. Why did the gods not care about the errors and omissions? Why did the gods allow largely unknown writers to set down accounts tens of years after the actual events?

45,000 years of oral tradition ... and you want scientific truth? ... maybe only important stuff made it through ... like not making babies with your siblings ... or given wimin a week's paid vacation every month ... or pooping 38 cubits from your home ... not murdering each other ...
Thank you for not kissing me ... seems everybody is watching us ...
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