Schumer's impeachment witnesses: Why now?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?
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The House has already voted to impeach the President. (Remember its "sole power of impeachment?") There is no requirement that it formally submit anything to the Senate.

Now the Senate exercises its sole power to remove the President. There is no requirement that the Senate do anything but vote on the impeachment.

-U.S. Constitution

If the House doesn't want to present its case to the Senate (or the Senate doesn't want to hear it), so be it.
Fine we'll call every House Dem, put them under oath and question them on who threatened them to vote Yes on impeachment and what the threated retaliation was.

Breaking: Schumer says never mind on calling witnesses.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?
Schumer will do no such thing. The Senate is following the same rules in place for Clinton's impeachment trial.

Not the smartest folks:

Nadler and other Democrats are insisting that the Senate conduct the House's investigation. In other words, the body controlled by the party that was desperate to impeach Trump wants to outsource its work to the body controlled by the party that rejects Trump’s impeachment.
  • We are going to rush the impeachment, but don’t dare rush the trial.
  • We are going to impeach without key witnesses and documents, but if you hold a trial without key witnesses and documents, you are engaged in malfeasance.
  • We didn’t want to deal with knotty questions of privilege and potential litigation arising from them; you are obliged to.
They didn't even subpoena John Bolton but now claim his testimony is absolutely central to the integrity of a Senate trial.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Democrats Botch Case for Witnesses | National Review
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?
tRump claimed "absolute immunity"(which doesn't exist) and refused to hand over any documents, and everyone who testified did so against his instructions.

Next fauxrage.
I'd love to see Pedo Joe and his crackhead sprog, Hunted, getting grilled. Either (or both) could have a cogent moment and blurt out "Fuck yeah, we're corrupt like a mafia don - Trump was right to call for an investigation of the Biden crime family!!!!" You never know.

Then, I want to see Eric, the androgynous wienie blower, answer a few tough questions. Catch him in perjury and then he disappears deep into the bowels of a federal lockup and becomes a dutiful girlfriend.

Adam Shitt.... are you kidding? I'd have that sissy-fuck in tears within the first 2 minutes. Break that ladyboy down and let's start exposing this treasonous coup to overthrow the country.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?
Schumer will do no such thing. The Senate is following the same rules in place for Clinton's impeachment trial.

Not the smartest folks:

Nadler and other Democrats are insisting that the Senate conduct the House's investigation. In other words, the body controlled by the party that was desperate to impeach Trump wants to outsource its work to the body controlled by the party that rejects Trump’s impeachment.
  • We are going to rush the impeachment, but don’t dare rush the trial.
  • We are going to impeach without key witnesses and documents, but if you hold a trial without key witnesses and documents, you are engaged in malfeasance.
  • We didn’t want to deal with knotty questions of privilege and potential litigation arising from them; you are obliged to.
They didn't even subpoena John Bolton but now claim his testimony is absolutely central to the integrity of a Senate trial.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Democrats Botch Case for Witnesses | National Review
Why would the Dems supeona Bolton when they know that Trump's mob won't call witnesses, fool?
Schumer can pound sand, he's not getting any more witnesses.
The senate is in the jury room evaluating evidence as voted on in the House, all done with "investigations".
Schumer can pound sand, he's not getting any more witnesses.
The senate is in the jury room evaluating evidence as voted on in the House, all done with "investigations".
No problem, I ain't worried because Trump has the criminal mentality that will get himself impeached again. Give that fucker enough rope & he'll hang himself.
Schumer can pound sand, he's not getting any more witnesses.
The senate is in the jury room evaluating evidence as voted on in the House, all done with "investigations".
No problem, I ain't worried because Trump has the criminal mentality that will get himself impeached again. Give that fucker enough rope & he'll hang himself.

You forgot the libs actual real criminal mentality.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?
tRump claimed "absolute immunity"(which doesn't exist) and refused to hand over any documents
This does nothing to diminish the validity of my post.
Try harder next time.
Schumer can pound sand, he's not getting any more witnesses.
The senate is in the jury room evaluating evidence as voted on in the House, all done with "investigations".
No problem, I ain't worried because Trump has the criminal mentality that will get himself impeached again. Give that fucker enough rope & he'll hang himself.
Trump is the cleanest man in Washington. He's been investigated for 4 years now, and they have found nothing.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?

They rushed the shampeachment in the House. So now, they need to lie in the bed that they made without a do-over!

Unfortunately we will be subjected to Dimm group crying sessions from now until election day.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that Democrats will force votes on witnesses at the start of the impeachment trial even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has secured enough support to delay the decision until mid-trial.

"Make no mistake, on the question of witnesses and documents, Republicans may run but they can't hide. There will be votes at the beginning on whether to call the four witnesses we've proposed and subpoena the documents we've identified," Schumer said.

Democrats want to compel a slew of Ukraine-related documents and four specific witnesses, including former national security advisor John Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

The Democrats had the power to subpoena these witnesses and documents during the impeachment inquiry/investigation and (eventually) force the executive branch to deliver them.

They chose not to.
That is, they decided to -not- take the testimony from these witnesses and ask them questions - all while under oath - and THEN decided to impeach the President.

These witnesses and documents, and the information contained therein, were not important enough to obtain in December -- why do they need them now?

They rushed the shampeachment in the House. So now, they need to lie in the bed that they made without a do-over!

Unfortunately we will be subjected to Dimm group crying sessions from now until election day.

Schifferbrains showed up to the Senate without his homework.:crying:
Democrats are getting very lazy now. They'll lie and make up shit before they'll actually put some thought into anything. That's because all they generally have to do is lie and then let their MSM justify all their bullshit.
Fine we'll call every House Dem, put them under oath and question them on who threatened them to vote Yes on impeachment and what the threated retaliation was.

Breaking: Schumer says never mind on calling witnesses.
What a moron you are, LOL.

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