Schumer makes a great suggestion, what will the Repubs do?

We're aware.. you bitch about it daily. You have yet to offer up any sane argument for taking well over 1/3 of a person's property.

A sane argument for a progressive income tax is it protects - or once protected - our Republic. If wealth is concentrated in a small minority, government representatives are esily influenced by money, promises and gifts.

In a short time great wealth will concentrate in the hands of the few, who will influence legislators and judges, civil servants and 'journalists' for advantage. At that point (and I believe we have reached that point) we have lost our Republic and have become a plutocracy.
Yep.... blame the poor and working people some more... there are only 97% of us. Perhaps the fat cats ought to realize that. Imagine if the masses get tired of our jobs going overseas. Imagine if we get tired of seeing out wages stagnate and watching the rich get richer. Imagine if people get angry enough to do something about it via the electoral process.

Face it... the only thing Conservatives have going for them is Guns, God and Gays. Beyond that... it all points to pandering to the extremely rich. Even our dumbest people are going to realize this eventually. Unless there are a hell of a lot of Masochists out there that love the pain of Shitty wages, increased costs, limited opportunities and most importantly Huge monopolistic business and banking entities which squash growth and kill competition.

The Plutocracy can fall in a heartbeat. It is teetering on the brink now. All it needs is a good shove.

Ok ill bite. First of all I never blamed the poor. Second of all the poor don't pay any taxes so lowering their taxes will accomplish nothing. Thirdly how many tax breaks for the poor would create jobs. And finally you completely ignored the facts of my post so let me simplify it for ya...

TAX CREDITS DON'T STIMULATE GROWTH. Schumers ploy will only work on idiots. Did it work on you?

Ps. I run a small business and speak from experience with regards to tax "credits" cleverly called tax breaks.

1. Your side does all the time... deadbeat welfare bums, etc.
2. The Poor DO pay taxes, in fact... they probably are hurt most by them. State taxes, Payroll Taxes, School taxes, etc. Just because they may not pay Federal Income Taxes, doesn't mean they don't pay Taxes.

3. Let me ask you this? The Wealthy have gotten away with low tax rates for 30+ years and just got them extended... so why hasn't this windfall resulted in major Job Creation?

I'll tell you... they are raking it in like never before... and either choosing to pocket it or invest it outside the country. Neither of which does our country any good, does it? Now... go ahead and say... "it's their money.. they can do what they want with it". Well... then I guess it goes full circle to Tax hikes to put more money into OUR Country.

I feel for you... the small business environment sucks...You not only have to fight your naturally occurring competition... but you have to fight Corporate Collusion with the banking sector and bought off politicians. It's a rigged system and probably 70% of the problem is the unabashed GOP principle of pandering to our most capable and letting the rest fend for themselves.

Just my opinion.
seems to me it's the progressive fascists who pander to GE, GM, Goldman sachs and the largest of the large corporations. The GOP generally panders to the chamber of commerce and its representative small and medium sized companies. It is not an accident the the giants are flourishing under Obama and small business is suffering. Democratic progressive fascists like their krupp industries clones... it's easier to control a few big corps than the heard of cats small business is.
Yep.... blame the poor and working people some more... there are only 97% of us. Perhaps the fat cats ought to realize that. Imagine if the masses get tired of our jobs going overseas. Imagine if we get tired of seeing out wages stagnate and watching the rich get richer. Imagine if people get angry enough to do something about it via the electoral process.

Face it... the only thing Conservatives have going for them is Guns, God and Gays. Beyond that... it all points to pandering to the extremely rich. Even our dumbest people are going to realize this eventually. Unless there are a hell of a lot of Masochists out there that love the pain of Shitty wages, increased costs, limited opportunities and most importantly Huge monopolistic business and banking entities which squash growth and kill competition.

The Plutocracy can fall in a heartbeat. It is teetering on the brink now. All it needs is a good shove.

Ok ill bite. First of all I never blamed the poor. Second of all the poor don't pay any taxes so lowering their taxes will accomplish nothing. Thirdly how many tax breaks for the poor would create jobs. And finally you completely ignored the facts of my post so let me simplify it for ya...

TAX CREDITS DON'T STIMULATE GROWTH. Schumers ploy will only work on idiots. Did it work on you?

Ps. I run a small business and speak from experience with regards to tax "credits" cleverly called tax breaks.

1. Your side does all the time... deadbeat welfare bums, etc.
2. The Poor DO pay taxes, in fact... they probably are hurt most by them. State taxes, Payroll Taxes, School taxes, etc. Just because they may not pay Federal Income Taxes, doesn't mean they don't pay Taxes.

3. Let me ask you this? The Wealthy have gotten away with low tax rates for 30+ years and just got them extended... so why hasn't this windfall resulted in major Job Creation?

I'll tell you... they are raking it in like never before... and either choosing to pocket it or invest it outside the country. Neither of which does our country any good, does it? Now... go ahead and say... "it's their money.. they can do what they want with it". Well... then I guess it goes full circle to Tax hikes to put more money into OUR Country.

I feel for you... the small business environment sucks...You not only have to fight your naturally occurring competition... but you have to fight Corporate Collusion with the banking sector and bought off politicians. It's a rigged system and probably 70% of the problem is the unabashed GOP principle of pandering to our most capable and letting the rest fend for themselves.

Just my opinion.

1. There is "some" truth to that. But that's for another debate.

2. Local taxation isn't part of this discussion. You are right though.

3. The dot com bust, the housing bust, 9/11, wars, economic crash, poor trade practices, corporate taxes that can't compete with other countries, many other issues. It all combines for the problem we currently have, especially when you add in some of Obamas policies.
And yes, it is their money to do with as they please.

Let me ask you this...

Don't you think most businesses would rather invest in themselves and grow to maximize their profitability rather than sit on it?
Of course, so why aren't they?

Fear that the policies or taxes make it a risky investment? If not then what?
Now that Obama has ressurected jimmy carter's economy schumer wants to ressurect jimmy carter's solutions. The good news is the solution to jimmy carter was Ronald Reagan

Sign me curious, do you have any direct knowledge of our economic problems during the Carter Administration, or, are you repeating something you heard and have never investigated?
Also, what does the political slogan "WIN" mean to you and when was the term "Stagflation" first used.
not sure if stagflation was first used under carter or ford but I think i recall it was carter, and whip inflation now has been around since Nixon. yeah... I have more than a little knowledge. maybe you can tell us what the misery index was when carter took office, what it was when he left and what it is now.

"Win" or Whip Inflation Now was Ford's program to slow inflation, the phrase was coined in his speech on October 8, 1974. During his term the use of the of Stagflation become popular to describe a stagnate economy, high unemployment and high inflation. The word originated in England, first used in 1965.

The point is Carter inherited a failing economy, exacerbated by the oil embargo and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to historical highs. Suggesting Carter and Obama created the mess they inherited is disingenuous. Obama's problem is more difficult because instead of inflation we experienced deflation, high unemployment and extreme borrowing to pay for foreign entanglements. The Federal Reserve continues to print money to pay for the mistakes of the previous administration.

Those are facts, not partisan talking points.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?
IF... and I do mean IF, there are no alligators in that swamp hidden to fuck over that type of move, I'd be for it regardless if Fucky Schumer put it out there or not.

But till I see the legislation and what poison pills they put in it, I'll not hold my breath.
Sign me curious, do you have any direct knowledge of our economic problems during the Carter Administration, or, are you repeating something you heard and have never investigated?
Also, what does the political slogan "WIN" mean to you and when was the term "Stagflation" first used.
not sure if stagflation was first used under carter or ford but I think i recall it was carter, and whip inflation now has been around since Nixon. yeah... I have more than a little knowledge. maybe you can tell us what the misery index was when carter took office, what it was when he left and what it is now.

"Win" or Whip Inflation Now was Ford's program to slow inflation, the phrase was coined in his speech on October 8, 1974. During his term the use of the of Stagflation become popular to describe a stagnate economy, high unemployment and high inflation. The word originated in England, first used in 1965.

The point is Carter inherited a failing economy, exacerbated by the oil embargo and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to historical highs. Suggesting Carter and Obama created the mess they inherited is disingenuous. Obama's problem is more difficult because instead of inflation we experienced deflation, high unemployment and extreme borrowing to pay for foreign entanglements. The Federal Reserve continues to print money to pay for the mistakes of the previous administration.

Those are facts, not partisan talking points.
ahhh, so my memory from 30(+) years ago is pretty good, not as good as what you learned from a progressive textbook a few weeks ago... but hey... what the fuck. As for the rest... No. that is your partisan hackery spin. Carter fucked up the economy and made it worse with his programs, so did Obama, for that matter so did FDR, the result of liberalism is always to lengthen recessions through the very interventions they design to alleviate them. And now because of Obama's programs and policies interest rates are going to have to be jacked up again just to get the money he's printed back out of circulation before it ignites a hyper inflationary cycle to go along with the stagnant economy he's prolonging. Obama's borrowing habits are his own, he owns them and they have not a damned thing to do with Bush... but progressive idiots will keep running against Bush in 2012... good luck with that one.

BTW, the housing bubble that burst began in, and was started under, the carter administration with the dumbassed regulations and laws to force banks to loan money to people who had no history of being good credit risks (CRA), it was continued and inflated and added to with each passing administratin after that putting more and more people who could not afford them into homes with more and more programs and more and more regulations designed to make it easier for them At least GWB saw the problem and asked congress at least on 7 different occassions to reform Fannie and Freddie.... but your liberal asswipe cohorts like Bawney fwank and Chrissy Dodd wouldn't hear of it.

You can spin that shit all you like from your DNC talking point guidebook, it's all progressive bullshit. It is not deregulation that lead to the bust, it is malregulation and bad fiscal and monetary policy that were advanced and advocated mainly by liberal lunatics who don't understand money or business in the first place. The problem was not made any better by GWB's "owenership society" and I fault him for going along with the easy money policies; however, I do reccognize the fact that he did try to reform it some and failed to get any cooperation (from either party in congress).

Now, why don't you answer the question I asked. What was the misery index when Carter took office, what was it when he left, and what is it now. You seem to want to avoid that.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?
IF... and I do mean IF, there are no alligators in that swamp hidden to fuck over that type of move, I'd be for it regardless if Fucky Schumer put it out there or not.

But till I see the legislation and what poison pills they put in it, I'll not hold my breath.
carter tried the same thing... it failed. Just like every progressive bullshit target to pick winners and losers always does.
It's simple...because Obama must fail

They can't have him running for re-election with unemployment dropping
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?
The biggest problem here is believing schumer has any credibility.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

Tell him to blow out his ass.
Because, as we all know, raising the debt ceiling is a sign of failed leadership.

Try a different topic C.O.G. and quit trying to derail the thread. Schumer put a great suggestion out their, one that gives businesses an incentive for hiring new workers, so what's it going to be, a reasonable discussion or a duck-your-head-in-the-sand reply?
Sounds more like blackmail to me. But then what do you expect from a bunch of thuggish dimwits.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News[/url]

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

(1) It's a temporary tax cut. What happens next year when there isn't a tax incentive for keeping the employee they hired this year? The company will be forced to lay the employee off, because they can't afford to keep him without the (now long gone) tax incentive.

This is the problem we're starting to see with Obama's stimulus. The money and tax incentives were time-limited, one shot deals. Now they're starting to run out. Businesses and governments that hired people based on stimulus money are now starting to lay those people back off, because the stimulus money and tax incentives have expired.

(2) It's an example of congress trying to micro-manage the economy. What if a company needs to puchase new equipment, train employees, expand a building, purchase advertising, or do any of 1,000 other things to expand their business? Sorry, no tax cut for you.

Yet, expanding and growing their business is exactly how businesses create jobs--permanent jobs. When businesses expand and grow, they find they need new employees, and the happily hire them.

The best policiy is simply an across the board business tax cut. Put the money into the hands of businesses, let them use their imagination to persue the thousands of ways they can grow their business, and they'll create jobs and hire people.

Washington trying to micro-manage the economy and business is the problem. Washington needs to just get out of the way, and let people grow their businesses.
So the dumb lefties want everyone to believe because the repubs are standing their ground they are not doing anything. Here's the deal: No new taxes and start cutting.

Now let's start doing it.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?
IF... and I do mean IF, there are no alligators in that swamp hidden to fuck over that type of move, I'd be for it regardless if Fucky Schumer put it out there or not.

But till I see the legislation and what poison pills they put in it, I'll not hold my breath.
carter tried the same thing... it failed. Just like every progressive bullshit target to pick winners and losers always does.
If we're not going to flat tax and simplify the tax code away from social engineering, we may as well as subsidize things that improve this nation, instead of things that drag it down. I just don't trust leftists to not fuck a good thing up.
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IF... and I do mean IF, there are no alligators in that swamp hidden to fuck over that type of move, I'd be for it regardless if Fucky Schumer put it out there or not.

But till I see the legislation and what poison pills they put in it, I'll not hold my breath.
carter tried the same thing... it failed. Just like every progressive bullshit target to pick winners and losers always does.
If we're not going to flat tax and simplify the tax code away from social engineering, we may as well as subsidize things that improve this nation, instead of things that drag it down. I just don't trust leftists to not fuck a good thing up.
ressurecting failed policies from Jimmeh Carter's era will not make thing's better
carter tried the same thing... it failed. Just like every progressive bullshit target to pick winners and losers always does.
If we're not going to flat tax and simplify the tax code away from social engineering, we may as well as subsidize things that improve this nation, instead of things that drag it down. I just don't trust leftists to not fuck a good thing up.
ressurecting failed policies from Jimmeh Carter's era will not make thing's better
Okay, obviously we seem to be talking past each other. What carter policy are you referring to?
"gee, you mean all those other Congress people dont feel and act the same way?..... "

Um, no...duh. Pubs want to cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare. Dems want to give everyone guaranteed health care and make jobs good jobs. See if you can tell the difference...:cuckoo:

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