Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

1. They are American workers, and have been for decades.
2. We don't have to replace you, .5% of your base dies each year...

Illegals are not American workers. Americans are American workers. Illegals steal jobs and social security numbers from American workers.
The capitalists are unconcerned, obviously.

Heck Tyson foods brings them in by the busload, then if they get to the point where they don't want to pay them, they call immigration themselves. Just another reason why all illegals should be sent home. BTW, it's cheaper for them to hire illegals and pay a find when caught than to pay American workers, at least that's their excuse.
Any non-Citizen is an illegal so far as I'm concerned.

That is irrational.

Is it ever. And this type of thinking worries me. I'm a dual citizen but when we first moved to Tennessee my husband was not.

PPG went thru hoops and to great legal cost to bring him to Saturn with three others to run the paint at the Spring Hill location.

Even though every i was dotted and every t was crossed as to why my husband was crucial to perform the task for PPG there was still great resentment from old union workers from Michigan that a Canuck was brought in to "take an American's job".

It didn't matter to them that he was a pivotal character in the development of waterborne paint and the colours for Saturn.

To them, my husband was a low life taking another American job. And they were resentful as hell. Vocal and threatening at first. Most got over it. Many didn't though.

So the thinking that any non citizen is an illegal just sends up red flags for me.
Any non-Citizen is an illegal so far as I'm concerned.

That is irrational.

Is it ever. And this type of thinking worries me. I'm a dual citizen but when we first moved to Tennessee my husband was not.

PPG went thru hoops and to great legal cost to bring him to Saturn with three others to run the paint at the Spring Hill location.

Even though every i was dotted and every t was crossed as to why my husband was crucial to perform the task for PPG there was still great resentment from old union workers from Michigan that a Canuck was brought in to "take an American's job".

It didn't matter to them that he was a pivotal character in the development of waterborne paint and the colours for Saturn.

To them, my husband was a low life taking another American job. And they were resentful as hell. Vocal and threatening at first. Most got over it. Many didn't though.

So the thinking that any non citizen is an illegal just sends up red flags for me.

The problem is we have so many illegals and it's hurtful to the legal immigrants, besides being insulting. Unfortunately due to the number of illegals, legals get blamed as well because you can tell when someone is not from here, but you can't tell by looking if they got here legally.

I treat everyone I meet with the same respect and courtesy. That doesn't mean I can't call for illegals to be sent home, but since I can't tell by looking which are legal and which aren't, I have to treat them all as if they are legal. Unfortunately, some people do the opposite.
And un-American.

My loyalty is to Right and Wrong, not to any person, nation, or religion.

I'm asking you to pull back on it because it is wrong. There are many non citizens who are here legally for their education or for their companies.

Legally is the key. And you wouldn't believe what one has to go thru to be legal.

Look I understand your resentment because watching what my husband and what his company had to go thru to get him to Saturn you bettcha (in the words of a great conservative lady) I'm pissed off as hell watching the true illegals ETA: who want to scam the system get a free pass. I had to come back in and add that because there are many illegals who desperately want to become legal and just cannot afford it.

And I am not alone.
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And my answer wouldn't matter anyway, because asswipes out there like you, would just look for any possible way to keep third world morons from being deported in the first place.

So, I'll just sit back and hope and wish that you die soon. In fact, I sincerely hope that you do not wake up in the morning.

Let's just say that his previous Birthday was hopefully his last , and give him some time to come to peace with his karma.
More Pro-Life thoughts from the good Christians I see?

[MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION] - Posts like that mean you're doing it right.
That is irrational.

Is it ever. And this type of thinking worries me. I'm a dual citizen but when we first moved to Tennessee my husband was not.

PPG went thru hoops and to great legal cost to bring him to Saturn with three others to run the paint at the Spring Hill location.

Even though every i was dotted and every t was crossed as to why my husband was crucial to perform the task for PPG there was still great resentment from old union workers from Michigan that a Canuck was brought in to "take an American's job".

It didn't matter to them that he was a pivotal character in the development of waterborne paint and the colours for Saturn.

To them, my husband was a low life taking another American job. And they were resentful as hell. Vocal and threatening at first. Most got over it. Many didn't though.

So the thinking that any non citizen is an illegal just sends up red flags for me.

The problem is we have so many illegals and it's hurtful to the legal immigrants, besides being insulting. Unfortunately due to the number of illegals, legals get blamed as well because you can tell when someone is not from here, but you can't tell by looking if they got here legally.

I treat everyone I meet with the same respect and courtesy. That doesn't mean I can't call for illegals to be sent home, but since I can't tell by looking which are legal and which aren't, I have to treat them all as if they are legal. Unfortunately, some people do the opposite.

Face it. Democrats don't give a fuck about anyone who entered here legally
The hardest part for me is the thought of turning anyone away who desperately wants the dream of America or Canada.

And it is a dream to so many to live in our countries. These people come from such unbearable poverty.

Have you ever seen a new comer in one of our grocery stores? I have.

Have you ever seen a new comer in a clothing store looking in wonderment at what we can buy? I have.

I understand their dreams and their desires. We are so blessed in the US and Canada at what we have.

We have to fix our immigration systems. Long overdue. We owe it to our current citizens and to our future citizens.
well, well, lookie here,


News from The Associated Press

fucking little illegal disease ridden vermin and apes crowding out our good little American citizens.

damn you liberscum for advocating illegal alien kids get a FREE education at genuine Conservative American tax payers expense.

everyone knows liberleeches do not pay taxes, 99.9% are on welfare.

Just a little fact impaired, aren't you.

Get a grip, calm down and educate yourself.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

If it is not free, who's paying for it?
well, well, lookie here,


News from The Associated Press

fucking little illegal disease ridden vermin and apes crowding out our good little American citizens.

damn you liberscum for advocating illegal alien kids get a FREE education at genuine Conservative American tax payers expense.

everyone knows liberleeches do not pay taxes, 99.9% are on welfare.

I am against the illegals, but I'm also against your racism. Please stop. You can express your opinion without hate or rancor.

That's a good portion of the issue, they have no credible path of logic here and are forced to either yield to a higher rationale or descend into the typical Liberal race baiting . With this particular issue however , what doesn't fit into their canned hyperbole is the fact that they have no logical way of framing it in such as fashion that can pit Whites and Blacks against each other.

African Americans and other American Ethnic Minorities are victimized even more than the white population by this "Obama-nibble" strategy to transform America .
Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

If it is not free, who's paying for it?


Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)
Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)

Illegals do not pay income taxes and all of your excuses don't change that. Most of them work under the table and actually make more than Americans and legal immigrants because illegals don't pay taxes on that money. If they do still someones social security number it's even worse. The government doesn't tell you if 2 people are using your number. No, they wait until you retire and then before granting you your social security you must prove every job you have ever held. I can't do that. I was told way back when I only needed to keep records for 5 years. Guess that was when our borders were better protected.

Then there is the woman in Seattle a few years ago. Her husband had been declared dead after he was missing for 5 years. She collected on his social security, all of a sudden the checks stopped. They told her her husband was alive and working in California. No follow up story. You know why don't you? Yeah, because an illegal immigrant had stolen his social security number and this poor woman went through hell because of it. They do not belong here. Send them home and let them come back the legal way. If you want to sponsor one do so. I'd be willing to sponsor a family, would you?

Oh and for those illegals that steal social security number and you claim they pay into it but don't get out of it? They use many social security numbers and claim deductions. I worked for a tax business once where the illegals had 7 people on their income tax sheet and the social security numbers didn't match, but I was ordered to put them through anyway. You know they got that earned income credit because the IRS doesn't audit every tax form they get.
Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

And the Doctor will be paid with Public Funds , because an illegal will be entitled to free public health insurance , paid for by American People who can't afford health Insurance for themselves because of our "Obama-nibble" situation.

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

Once again , paid for with Public Funds , because an illegal will be entitled to free food and l;odging , paid for by American People who are struggling to feed our own families and keep a roof over our childrens heads because of our "Obama-nibble" situation.

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

And the Dentist will be paid with Public Funds , because an illegal will be entitled to free public health insurance , paid for by American People who can't afford health Insurance for themselves, and whose childrens teeth will rot out of their heads because of our "Obama-nibble" situation.

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come.

so, there is only one thing assured once accross the border, taxes will be leeched off the American Public and freely deposited in your pockets - because you are replacemnmt for the American Worker , and their death will come.
Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.
I did

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)
For anybody that enters this country, I would want them educated. Either before they arrive, or in the case of children, after they arrive. I simply want them to arrive legally.
Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.
I did

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)
For anybody that enters this country, I would want them educated. Either before they arrive, or in the case of children, after they arrive. I simply want them to arrive legally.
I understand that Alan, and honestly, I believe MOST of us Americans, wish for the same thing....

A solid immigration policy, that fairly allows citizens from other countries to apply for visas and then citizenship we can stay a melting pot of various nations, and not just Latin American Nations or Mexicans, but a mixture of people from all over the world....we have a problem alright, which has been ignored or even facilitated for 40 years minimum....

The right wing sees a fence as the solution, the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution...because they will always build tunnels or pay for smugglers to get them in (just like illegal drugs, the demand is what keeps it alive) IF THERE ARE JOBS HERE, that are paying them... which is the ROOT of the problem, so we see it as those who hire them under the table, or for cheap labor, as the true problem....these jobs are the main honey that draws them here....

As far as these refugees, if they are escaping for their life, I have no problems in allowing them to stay, legally....there should be a path for refugees...

This many at once? I dunno, that becomes there needs to be quotas for refugees as well, if at all possible...or arrangements for all nations of wealth to help out and take some in.

We have a group of Somalian refugees here in Maine, one family came to the town to settle and then invited all of their other refugee acquaintances and family and now the entire town is a few thousand Somalians....they are farmers for the most part, to survive....and they do get some State government assistance....Maine is 97% Caucasian, 3% of other races including the it was a real shocker to locals here and yes, some racism ended up showing its face...but all is well just took some time, and hard work of the Somalians to win the Maine citizens over...
the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution......

No you don't. You on the left see amnesty as the 'solution.' You see stacking the demographics with an endless supply of voters who are dependent on the government as the ultimate 'solution' to gaining and maintaining control.
..Maine is 97% Caucasian, 3% of other races including the it was a real shocker to locals here and yes, some racism ended up showing its face...but all is well just took some time, and hard work of the Somalians to win the Maine citizens over...

Long-time residents of Portland and Lewiston don't seem particularly "won over."
Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

That's how my wife learned.

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