School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
The sheriff's office responded to the threat. It's nice to see lessons were learned. There were many red flags on that Cruz shooter that were not acted on.

I agree with Marion that this is thought crimes territory. However, threats ought to be investigated.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

So someone who has an "arsenal" of weapons and ammo only has it to shoot up schools?
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

So someone who has an "arsenal" of weapons and ammo only has it to shoot up schools?
Okay, I was thinking if you are right, there may be a good reason to have an asenal and ammo... but I csame up empty. Son't want to think of pissing that guy off, though.

I think so. He is a good actor. He can play a whole bunch of different roles, from villain to hero. :)

Yeah, I was thinking about some movie where he played a bad guy. He put on an accent and everything. Somebody finally killed his ass, though.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
good thing they didn't tell the FBI or we'd have another shooting in a few weeks. great job by this man to stop another incredible crime as part of this is we need to get smarter about how we deal with it but more laws isn't the answer.

i don't get your "no more AR-15's" however. would we then ban the mini-14? no longer allow reduced AK-47's? this isn't "ONE" type of gun there are a lot that look and act this way. however, look at the ruger 10/22. it's a simple .22 "plinker" and spec for spec sans the bullets used, they have the same details.

accessorize capability
increased magazine size
can easily be made to "look" like an AR-15

what *traits* from an AR-15 should we look for to ban we don't also find in almost every other gun out there? we are really harping on the gun for how it looks, not what it does.

but you can't just get rid of the AR and even if you do, what about the 10+ million that are out there? turn 'em in? good luck getting that done. there will always at this point be in pawn shops and so forth unless you can talk millions of owners to simply give up theirs.

i'm 100% for deeper background checks and if you really want to own guns, training and getting a license. not for tracking on what you buy, but to track in case you get in a felony later and commit an act that requires you to give 'em up. i did read that if denied a gun right now there is due process in what to do to try and restore that right but it gets kinda cloudy from there. intentional or me not reading enough, i don't know yet but will dig more this weekend.

I think so. He is a good actor. He can play a whole bunch of different roles, from villain to hero. :)

Yeah, I was thinking about some movie where he played a bad guy. He put on an accent and everything. Somebody finally killed his ass, though.

Probably the movie, Kalifornia. He was disgusting in that movie! Lol! That part where he was sitting at the table, picking his toes? :lol: What about Fight Club? He wasn't really a "good" guy in that movie either.

I think so. He is a good actor. He can play a whole bunch of different roles, from villain to hero. :)

Yeah, I was thinking about some movie where he played a bad guy. He put on an accent and everything. Somebody finally killed his ass, though.

Probably the movie, Kalifornia. He was disgusting in that movie! Lol! That part where he was sitting at the table, picking his toes? :lol: What about Fight Club? He wasn't really a "good" guy in that movie either.

That was it! :badgrin: Kalifornia.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.

Hmmm. Cute AND smart! :D

and good at his job, too! :rolleyes-41:

I think so. He is a good actor. He can play a whole bunch of different roles, from villain to hero. :)

Yeah, I was thinking about some movie where he played a bad guy. He put on an accent and everything. Somebody finally killed his ass, though.

Probably the movie, Kalifornia. He was disgusting in that movie! Lol! That part where he was sitting at the table, picking his toes? :lol: What about Fight Club? He wasn't really a "good" guy in that movie either.

That was it! :badgrin:

I loved his character in Inglorious Bastards too. Arrivederci! :lol:

Hmmm. Cute AND smart! :D

and good at his job, too! :rolleyes-41:

I think so. He is a good actor. He can play a whole bunch of different roles, from villain to hero. :)

Yeah, I was thinking about some movie where he played a bad guy. He put on an accent and everything. Somebody finally killed his ass, though.

Probably the movie, Kalifornia. He was disgusting in that movie! Lol! That part where he was sitting at the table, picking his toes? :lol: What about Fight Club? He wasn't really a "good" guy in that movie either.

That was it! :badgrin: Kalifornia.

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
good thing they didn't tell the FBI or we'd have another shooting in a few weeks. great job by this man to stop another incredible crime as part of this is we need to get smarter about how we deal with it but more laws isn't the answer.

i don't get your "no more AR-15's" however. would we then ban the mini-14? no longer allow reduced AK-47's? this isn't "ONE" type of gun there are a lot that look and act this way. however, look at the ruger 10/22. it's a simple .22 "plinker" and spec for spec sans the bullets used, they have the same details.

accessorize capability
increased magazine size
can easily be made to "look" like an AR-15

what *traits* from an AR-15 should we look for to ban we don't also find in almost every other gun out there? we are really harping on the gun for how it looks, not what it does.

but you can't just get rid of the AR and even if you do, what about the 10+ million that are out there? turn 'em in? good luck getting that done. there will always at this point be in pawn shops and so forth unless you can talk millions of owners to simply give up theirs.

i'm 100% for deeper background checks and if you really want to own guns, training and getting a license. not for tracking on what you buy, but to track in case you get in a felony later and commit an act that requires you to give 'em up. i did read that if denied a gun right now there is due process in what to do to try and restore that right but it gets kinda cloudy from there. intentional or me not reading enough, i don't know yet but will dig more this weekend.
Here is a modified Ruger 10/22 and to a liberal, looks very scary...

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

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