School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The Article: School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism’

From the Article:

"In a letter to the White House, a group that represents school boards urged the Biden administration to consider whether confrontations by outraged parents over COVID restrictions and critical race theory (CRT) being incorporated into class curriculum violate the Patriot Act. The letter contended that “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The National School Boards Association has asked President Biden to determine whether recent incidents of threats and violence against educators are prohibited under the legislation, passed in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Gun-Free School Zones Act and a number of other statutes.

"Coupled with attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees, many public school officials are also facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula,” a letter from the group obtained by Fox News read."

OP Comment(s):

Parents of school age children across our once great nation are at last waking up to the advent of the cult-like neo-religion masquerading and prevailing as government sanctioned curricula in public schools. Critical Race Theory is a religion of hate, an anti-American political religion parents must resist at all costs to prevent the poisoning of their children's young minds. Next up will we see drone strikes on parents who protest CRT? Or will specialized militarized Homeland Security tactical teams be raiding parents' homes middle of the night? We're on the cusp of not just a Police State coast to coast, but a Police Terror state with federal law enforcement agencies poised to become the Americanized version of the old Soviet NKVD. When will our federal government stop making war on the nuclear family?
Threats and violence it says. Violence and the threat of violence is already unlawful, but domestic terrorism? Ridiculous. This is why people like that are called snowflakes. One would hope the community would vote those people off the school board at the earliest opportunity. I suppose there are places of extreme wokeness where that isn't going to happen; but either way those parents need to be talking to their kids about what is going on and explaining to them why it matters.
It used to be, in America, if you didn't like who was running things, you campaigned and voted them out. Now, the thugs on the Right are using violence.

During a press conference Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated that the administration is investigating whether it can get involved to protect the school boards allegedly receiving these verbal assaults.

“We’re continuing to explore if more can be done from across the administration,” she said. “Obviously these threats to school board members is horrible. They’re doing their jobs.”

Echoing Psaki at a U.S. Senate committee hearing Thursday, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona slammed the antagonism against school administrators, applauding the school boards for their commitment to safe school re-opening. He expressed concern with the level of animus and aggression exhibited at some school board meetings, calling it “very dangerous.”

Ohhh, a verbal assault! The horror! "Animus and aggression" at a school board meeting! And THIS is domestic terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? No burning buildings, no riots in the streets, no rocks and bottles being thrown at somebody, nothing like that? And these snowflake bastards want parents to be treated as terrorists who are bent on doing as much death and damage as they can? Fuck 'em.
During a press conference Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated that the administration is investigating whether it can get involved to protect the school boards allegedly receiving these verbal assaults.

“We’re continuing to explore if more can be done from across the administration,” she said. “Obviously these threats to school board members is horrible. They’re doing their jobs.”

Echoing Psaki at a U.S. Senate committee hearing Thursday, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona slammed the antagonism against school administrators, applauding the school boards for their commitment to safe school re-opening. He expressed concern with the level of animus and aggression exhibited at some school board meetings, calling it “very dangerous.”

Ohhh, a verbal assault! The horror! "Animus and aggression" at a school board meeting! And THIS is domestic terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? No burning buildings, no riots in the streets, no rocks and bottles being thrown at somebody, nothing like that? And these snowflake bastards want parents to be treated as terrorists who are bent on doing as much death and damage as they can? Fuck 'em.

Any speech against such neo political religions could soon be classified as domestic terrorism. We speak out against evil and radical political religions; they riot, burn, pillage and murder for months and they call it "justice". Such is the America we inhabit currently.
During a press conference Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated that the administration is investigating whether it can get involved to protect the school boards allegedly receiving these verbal assaults.

“We’re continuing to explore if more can be done from across the administration,” she said. “Obviously these threats to school board members is horrible. They’re doing their jobs.”

Echoing Psaki at a U.S. Senate committee hearing Thursday, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona slammed the antagonism against school administrators, applauding the school boards for their commitment to safe school re-opening. He expressed concern with the level of animus and aggression exhibited at some school board meetings, calling it “very dangerous.”

Ohhh, a verbal assault! The horror! "Animus and aggression" at a school board meeting! And THIS is domestic terrorism? Are you fucking kidding me? No burning buildings, no riots in the streets, no rocks and bottles being thrown at somebody, nothing like that? And these snowflake bastards want parents to be treated as terrorists who are bent on doing as much death and damage as they can? Fuck 'em.
Why don‘t you believe School Boards or any public official deserve protection if they are threatened?
so then anyone any were who makes a physical threat against someone is a terrorist?.....

If you threaten because your kid got expelled you are just a thug

If you make threats because of your political agenda, you are a terrorist
If you threaten because your kid got expelled you are just a thug

If you make threats because of your political agenda, you are a terrorist
now it depends.....the FBI says....Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, .....what violence and force was used against the school board?...

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