Schiff: Whistleblower will testify soon this day and age..can this person testify without anyone leaking his/her identity?

Whistleblower Is Expected to Testify Soon, House Intelligence Chairman Schiff Says

"The whistleblower at the center of the impeachment probe of President Trump will testify in the House “very soon,” though in a way that will protect his identity, the Democrat leading the probe said Sunday.
The whistleblower, whose identity hasn’t been made public, works for the Central Intelligence Agency, The Wall Street Journal confirmed last week.

“We’ll get the unfiltered testimony of that whistleblower,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We are taking all the precautions” to protect his identity, Mr. Schiff added.
President Trump’s personal attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, initially said on the same program that he wouldn’t cooperate with Mr. Schiff’s probe, accusing the congressman of lacking fairness.
But Mr. Giuliani quickly changed his position, saying he would consider testifying. “I have to be guided by my client,” Mr. Giuliani said. “Frankly, it’s his privilege, not mine. If he decides he wants me to testify I will testify.”
Mr. Giuliani is a key figure in the impeachment probe and is depicted in the whistleblower complaint released Thursday as eager to thrust himself into U.S. foreign policy. As the president’s personal attorney, Mr. Giuliani pressed Ukraine on pursuing an investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden."

The "whistleblower" or the Whistleblower? Will they hear from the person who directly made the allegations, or, the proxy who came forward with his allegation by second hand hearsay?

I agree. The "whistleblower" didn't hear anything. He's or she just repeated what someone else said. Hearsay. Gossip more like. this day and age..can this person testify without anyone leaking his/her identity?

Whistleblower Is Expected to Testify Soon, House Intelligence Chairman Schiff Says

"The whistleblower at the center of the impeachment probe of President Trump will testify in the House “very soon,” though in a way that will protect his identity, the Democrat leading the probe said Sunday.
The whistleblower, whose identity hasn’t been made public, works for the Central Intelligence Agency, The Wall Street Journal confirmed last week.

“We’ll get the unfiltered testimony of that whistleblower,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We are taking all the precautions” to protect his identity, Mr. Schiff added.
President Trump’s personal attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, initially said on the same program that he wouldn’t cooperate with Mr. Schiff’s probe, accusing the congressman of lacking fairness.
But Mr. Giuliani quickly changed his position, saying he would consider testifying. “I have to be guided by my client,” Mr. Giuliani said. “Frankly, it’s his privilege, not mine. If he decides he wants me to testify I will testify.”
Mr. Giuliani is a key figure in the impeachment probe and is depicted in the whistleblower complaint released Thursday as eager to thrust himself into U.S. foreign policy. As the president’s personal attorney, Mr. Giuliani pressed Ukraine on pursuing an investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden."
First line of questioning:

"Were you a party to the call to Zelensky?"


"So you have no personal knowledge of what transpired on the Zelensky call?"

"I was told--"

"---But, you have no first-hand knowledge of what was said on that call because you did not hear that call, did you?"

"I was told--"

"--I don't care what you were told. You did not hear the call, did you?"


"Who was actually on the call?"

"I don't know."

"Well, who told you about the details of the call? I want some names." this day and age..can this person testify without anyone leaking his/her identity?

Whistleblower Is Expected to Testify Soon, House Intelligence Chairman Schiff Says

"The whistleblower at the center of the impeachment probe of President Trump will testify in the House “very soon,” though in a way that will protect his identity, the Democrat leading the probe said Sunday.
The whistleblower, whose identity hasn’t been made public, works for the Central Intelligence Agency, The Wall Street Journal confirmed last week.

“We’ll get the unfiltered testimony of that whistleblower,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We are taking all the precautions” to protect his identity, Mr. Schiff added.
President Trump’s personal attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, initially said on the same program that he wouldn’t cooperate with Mr. Schiff’s probe, accusing the congressman of lacking fairness.
But Mr. Giuliani quickly changed his position, saying he would consider testifying. “I have to be guided by my client,” Mr. Giuliani said. “Frankly, it’s his privilege, not mine. If he decides he wants me to testify I will testify.”
Mr. Giuliani is a key figure in the impeachment probe and is depicted in the whistleblower complaint released Thursday as eager to thrust himself into U.S. foreign policy. As the president’s personal attorney, Mr. Giuliani pressed Ukraine on pursuing an investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden."
First line of questioning:

"Were you a party to the call to Zelensky?"


"So you have no personal knowledge of what transpired on the Zelensky call?"

"I was told--"

"---But, you have no first-hand knowledge of what was said on that call because you did not hear that call, did you?"

"I was told--"

"--I don't care what you were told. You did not hear the call, did you?"


"Who was actually on the call?"

"I don't know."

"Well, who told you about the details of the call? I want some names."
Enjoy fantasyland. That question won't need to be asked, because the answer is already in the whistleblower report. And, considering the mentally ill old man confirmed the whistleblower account and cemented his credibility be releasing the transcript, that's probably not a fruitful line of questioning anyway.
Schiff and the whistleblower can have story time and see who can make up the biggest and most incredible lies about Trump.
Lies? And just exactly which part of the mentally ill old man playing gangster do you find hard to believe? Be specific. Say why.

And just exactly which part of the mentally ill old man playing gangster do you find hard to believe?


Almost everything he says.

Especially the 'parody' of what happened that was entered into the senate record.
The WB's report SPECIFICALLY said that he/she did not hear anything, but was told.
Except the account of the call is not the whole of the whistleblower report. There is, in fact, firsthand information in the report. Furthermore, his account of the call is spot on.

Furthermore, his account of the call is spot on.

Vas you dere, Chollie?
Stupid question. The transcript and the report are in the public domain. If you can't wrap your head around the baseline facts of this topic, that's your problem. We can't spend all our time catering to the slow kids.
The WB's report SPECIFICALLY said that he/she did not hear anything, but was told.
Except the account of the call is not the whole of the whistleblower report. There is, in fact, firsthand information in the report. Furthermore, his account of the call is spot on.

Furthermore, his account of the call is spot on.

Vas you dere, Chollie?
Stupid question. The transcript and the report are in the public domain. If you can't wrap your head around the baseline facts of this topic, that's your problem. We can't spend all our time catering to the slow kids.

so, you're basing your comments on second hand information?

Like the whistleblower did?
so, you're basing your comments on second hand information?
The whistleblower report and the transcript are second hand info?

And this is where you cultists are going to make your stand?


I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard".

Where is the section that was 'first hand' information?
I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.
I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.

n what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report,

I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.

n what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report,

To what?
I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.

n what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report,

To what?

what I quoted...the firsthand information.
I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.

n what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report,

To what?

what I quoted...the firsthand information.
The firsthand information in the report, and the IC IG confirming there is firsthand info in the report, is not enough for you?

Again...that's your problem. Not mine.
I read the transcript, saw a lot of "I was told", "I heard", very little of "I saw", "I overheard"
So what? Good thing we don't filter reality through the trump cultist lens.

In what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report, and the transcript released by the white house confirmed his account and cemented his credibility.

n what the rest of us call "reality", there is firsthand information in the whistleblower report,

To what?

what I quoted...the firsthand information.
The firsthand information in the report, and the IC IG confirming there is firsthand info in the report, is not enough for you?

Again...that's your problem. Not mine.

no, YOUR problem.

you are claiming there is firsthand information.

prove it.

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