Schiff: I took Trump's comment as a threat!!!

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
President Donald Trump has criticized, mocked and derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on several occasions since taking office, but Democrats said the president crossed a line on Sunday, characterizing one of his tweets about the California Democrat as a "threat."

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial of the president, mentioned the tweet during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." Defending his decision to cite a report during his arguments before the Senate that Trump had threatened Republicans who did not stand with him, Schiff said Trump was "wrathful and vindictive president."

Trump tweet was 'threat' against Adam Schiff, Democrats say

When things start looking bad for you as a Democrat politician, just claim victimhood. I understand Schiff is a pencil necked geek, but does he really think this 73 year old man is going to kick his ass or something?

Much like the phone transcript, Schiff is going to take Trump's words and try to twist them to his advantage using lies. Trump didn't threaten anybody. It's clear that when Trump tweeted "Hasn't paid the price yet" he meant in a political way. This is another display of desperation on the Democrats part.

But if it makes you feel any safer Schiff, next time you're in New York, don't walk down 5th avenue. :boo_hoo14:
The question is, will it ever stop? These Democrats look straight into the camera, lie to the pubic, and then wonder how they are losing power.
President Donald Trump has criticized, mocked and derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on several occasions since taking office, but Democrats said the president crossed a line on Sunday, characterizing one of his tweets about the California Democrat as a "threat."

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial of the president, mentioned the tweet during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." Defending his decision to cite a report during his arguments before the Senate that Trump had threatened Republicans who did not stand with him, Schiff said Trump was "wrathful and vindictive president."

Trump tweet was 'threat' against Adam Schiff, Democrats say

When things start looking bad for you as a Democrat politician, just claim victimhood. I understand Schiff is a pencil necked geek, but does he really think this 73 year old man is going to kick his ass or something?

Much like the phone transcript, Schiff is going to take Trump's words and try to twist them to his advantage using lies. Trump didn't threaten anybody. It's clear that when Trump tweeted "Hasn't paid the price yet" he meant in a political way. This is another display of desperation on the Democrats part.

But if it makes you feel any safer Schiff, next time you're in New York, don't walk down 5th avenue. :boo_hoo14:
Adam asshole is real drama queen.
I just assumed Trump meant that he should be behind bars.

Had the house hearings been an actual trial, he very well could be for such obvious perjury as his.
Why the hell is POTUS posting shit like that? I have to laugh how Trumpers jump to their deal leader’s defense when Trump posts this juvenile shit. Given how thin skinned and divorced from reality Trumpers are I am sure more than a few took it like Schiff. Be that as it may, it shows how pathetically low the bar is for the presidency. You guys should be ashamed.
President Donald Trump has criticized, mocked and derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on several occasions since taking office, but Democrats said the president crossed a line on Sunday, characterizing one of his tweets about the California Democrat as a "threat."

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial of the president, mentioned the tweet during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." Defending his decision to cite a report during his arguments before the Senate that Trump had threatened Republicans who did not stand with him, Schiff said Trump was "wrathful and vindictive president."

Trump tweet was 'threat' against Adam Schiff, Democrats say

When things start looking bad for you as a Democrat politician, just claim victimhood. I understand Schiff is a pencil necked geek, but does he really think this 73 year old man is going to kick his ass or something?

Much like the phone transcript, Schiff is going to take Trump's words and try to twist them to his advantage using lies. Trump didn't threaten anybody. It's clear that when Trump tweeted "Hasn't paid the price yet" he meant in a political way. This is another display of desperation on the Democrats part.

But if it makes you feel any safer Schiff, next time you're in New York, don't walk down 5th avenue. :boo_hoo14:
Wait, you think by threat Schiff was saying that he thought Trump wanted to physically kick his ass?
President Donald Trump has criticized, mocked and derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on several occasions since taking office, but Democrats said the president crossed a line on Sunday, characterizing one of his tweets about the California Democrat as a "threat."

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial of the president, mentioned the tweet during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." Defending his decision to cite a report during his arguments before the Senate that Trump had threatened Republicans who did not stand with him, Schiff said Trump was "wrathful and vindictive president."

Trump tweet was 'threat' against Adam Schiff, Democrats say

When things start looking bad for you as a Democrat politician, just claim victimhood. I understand Schiff is a pencil necked geek, but does he really think this 73 year old man is going to kick his ass or something?

Much like the phone transcript, Schiff is going to take Trump's words and try to twist them to his advantage using lies. Trump didn't threaten anybody. It's clear that when Trump tweeted "Hasn't paid the price yet" he meant in a political way. This is another display of desperation on the Democrats part.

But if it makes you feel any safer Schiff, next time you're in New York, don't walk down 5th avenue. :boo_hoo14:

He's a crappy script writer, and a worse actor.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

Say that again.............please :2up:

that's exactly how it is!:04:
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

They are like cats. They aimlessly stare at a wall and hope for the best.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.
^^^^^^^^^^^**^That post is called projection. You can’t make this up.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

They are like cats. They aimlessly stare at a wall and hope for the best.

Cats are better.

Don't even compare.:wink_2:
Schitt is a sad little sissy. He's that creepy little shitstain we used to throw rocks at while he was in his orange vest doing his crossing guard thing.

And it's back to haunt us now.... make us pay for our transgressions..... maybe we deserve it? <snicker>

Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

Say that again.............please :2up:

that's exactly how it is!:04:
Do you both realize how ridiculous you sound?! Like two boobs riding to Aspen on a scooter.
None of the other smears have worked for Schiffstain so I guess accusing Trump of physical threats had to come sooner or later.
Why the hell is POTUS posting shit like that? I have to laugh how Trumpers jump to their deal leader’s defense when Trump posts this juvenile shit. Given how thin skinned and divorced from reality Trumpers are I am sure more than a few took it like Schiff. Be that as it may, it shows how pathetically low the bar is for the presidency. You guys should be ashamed.

How low is the bar for the House Intelligence committee chairman, when he can stand up there in front of a camera and spew out a Lying screed ... attributing things to Trump that he never said?

"And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand. Lots of it."

only seven times? why not 20 times?.. 30 times? 132 times? .... lots of it? trump never asked Zelensky for results... never. aking for an investigation is not asking for specific results one way or the other.

One can imagine why Trump might be a little irritated after being falsely accused of Russian Collusion and now this. What Schiff did and is doing demands riddicule.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

Say that again.............please :2up:

that's exactly how it is!:04:
Do you both realize how ridiculous you sound?! Like two boobs riding to Aspen on a scooter.

so funny.....I just broke a rib laughing :popcorn: :rolleyes-41:
Schitt is a sad little sissy. He's that creepy little shitstain we used to throw rocks at while he was in his orange vest doing his crossing guard thing.

And it's back to haunt us now.... make us pay for our transgressions..... maybe we deserve it? <snicker>


Micheal Moores fugly sister

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