Schiavo Autopsy Released - No Abuse

Every American soldier killed in combat in Iraq has been sacrificed for the sake of money. Too bad the people and corporations making the money don't care.
Gabriella84 said:
Every American soldier killed in combat in Iraq has been sacrificed for the sake of money. Too bad the people and corporations making the money don't care.
and this has what to do with the autopsy?
Gabriella84 said:
Every American soldier killed in combat in Iraq has been sacrificed for the sake of money. Too bad the people and corporations making the money don't care.

Good Grief


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IControlThePast said:
The malpractice suit ended in early 1992. She recieved rehabilitation from 1990-1994, so that's almost two years worth after the settlement, plus two years worth before. The settlement was placed in a third party controlled trust fund to cover only Terri's medical and healthcare costs.

So how long exactly was it before you showed any sign of progress? It seems by the timeline you provided almost immediately, and definately less than five years, as was your rewiring example.

I started showing signs of marked progress about six months after being released from the hospital...this was through my own regement of therapy...forced exercise...I am still 19% mylopothy...can walk pretty good now but run like a duck!lol This does not diminish the doctors statement that I would probably never walk again as he related it to the spinal cord damage...and the Insurer went along with the initial assessment and cut off professional therapy...this is most likely the case with Terri Schaivo...she was showing marked improvement before the money for therapy was cut off... I had control of my facilties and was able to fend for myself...not in her for I was within the so called five year period...well this is just a it relates to the "norm"...There was a case as I stated a few post back where a young black male lost 1/2 of his brain mass do to disease...the material(1/2 brain) was removed during all logic that you presented this person was PV...not the case... this person recovered and has a full and useful life.............. :wtf:
archangel said:
I started showing signs of marked progress about six months after being released from the hospital...this was through my own regement of therapy...forced exercise...I am still 19% mylopothy...can walk pretty good now but run like a duck!lol This does not diminish the doctors statement that I would probably never walk again as he related it to the spinal cord damage...and the Insurer went along with the initial assessment and cut off professional therapy...this is most likely the case with Terri Schaivo...she was showing marked improvement before the money for therapy was cut off... I had control of my facilties and was able to fend for myself...not in her for I was within the so called five year period...well this is just a it relates to the "norm"...There was a case as I stated a few post back where a young black male lost 1/2 of his brain mass do to disease...the material(1/2 brain) was removed during all logic that you presented this person was PV...not the case... this person recovered and has a full and useful life.............. :wtf:

No that doesn't diminish the Doctors statement, but notice that he did say probably, not that it detracts any from what you did. That wasn't the case for Terri, her state was ruled to be "irreversable," and that's what the autopsy showed too. She didn't show any improvement under rehab, just continued degeneration. The rehabilitation treatments were unsuccessful. Look at the link I provided.

How soon did your half brained patient example take to show signs of progress. Most likely the maximum he was in was a coma or vegitative state, not a persistent vegitative state. A PVS diagnosis takes time.
IControlThePast said:
No that doesn't diminish the Doctors statement, but notice that he did say probably, not that it detracts any from what you did. That wasn't the case for Terri, her state was ruled to be "irreversable," and that's what the autopsy showed too. She didn't show any improvement under rehab, just continued degeneration. The rehabilitation treatments were unsuccessful. Look at the link I provided.

How soon did your half brained patient example take to show signs of progress. Most likely the maximum he was in was a coma or vegitative state, not a persistent vegitative state. A PVS diagnosis takes time.

All medical prognosis is based on the "norm" is theory...not all cases have the same result to include time theory this person I cited should have been diagnosed as clinically brain dead...without the hope of recovery...did not Terri have only 1/2 of her brain functional...and for you to play God and say because she did not complete recovery in 5years or 15 years for that matter...she would never recover...shame on you Dr.I control!
archangel said:
All medical prognosis is based on the "norm" is theory...not all cases have the same result to include time theory this person I cited should have been diagnosed as clinically brain dead...without the hope of recovery...did not Terri have only 1/2 of her brain functional...and for you to play God and say because she did not complete recovery in 5years or 15 years for that matter...she would never recover...shame on you Dr.I control!

I ain't no Dr. I'm far from that. And I ain't playin God either. Not only did she not complete recovery, but she did not even start it. The ones playin God are the ones who were artifically keepin her alive. Now that's what's un-natural. All law and science is based on the norm too, yet we send people to jail and astronauts into space. We used atom bombs on nothing more than a theory, killed about a half million people on just a theory. We find it necessary to use just a theory.

Well you said that your braindead person actually had half a brain too. How long did it take for him to start recovering again? You argue his condition was even worse, so why did he start recovering in so much less time? You want to provide a link to this story too?
IControlThePast said:
I ain't no Dr. I'm far from that. And I ain't playin God either. Not only did she not complete recovery, but she did not even start it. The ones playin God are the ones who were artifically keepin her alive. Now that's what's un-natural. All law and science is based on the norm too, yet we send people to jail and astronauts into space. We used atom bombs on nothing more than a theory, killed about a half million people on just a theory. We find it necessary to use just a theory.

Well you said that your braindead person actually had half a brain too. How long did it take for him to start recovering again? You argue his condition was even worse, so why did he start recovering in so much less time? You want to provide a link to this story too?

I give up...I'm tired and hungry and I think I will make some a little SciFi channel...if I continue this diatribe any longer I will probably go brain dead...LOL....If I could remember the name of the case I cited I would post a was several years ago when I read the case..I'm sure if ya googled miracles in medicine...nervous systems and brain injuries you will find this case or others like it...I'm really to tired and hungry to google it for you!
You put up a good argument...but did not change my mind set anymore than I changed yours....hey have a great night though! :bye1:
archangel said:
I give up...I'm tired and hungry and I think I will make some a little SciFi channel...if I continue this diatribe any longer I will probably go brain dead...LOL....If I could remember the name of the case I cited I would post a was several years ago when I read the case..I'm sure if ya googled miracles in medicine...nervous systems and brain injuries you will find this case or others like it...I'm really to tired and hungry to google it for you!
You put up a good argument...but did not change my mind set anymore than I changed yours....hey have a great night though! :bye1:

Likewise, at least these debates can be kept sensible too, and don't have to degenerate.
wolverine said:

Take heed OCA, anyone can become a "fucking veggie" at any given time. Car accident, vein pops. I would hope others would show you a little more respect if, God forbid, you were in that state.

What respect? Fuck it, i'd want to be smoked and put in the ground, exactly the same as Terri wanted. If you are arguing over the word "veggie", sorry, it was absolutely appropriate in this case as she was in a persistent vegetative state, I just like to cut to the chase.
OCA said:
What respect? Fuck it, i'd want to be smoked and put in the ground, exactly the same as Terri wanted. If you are arguing over the word "veggie", sorry, it was absolutely appropriate in this case as she was in a persistent vegetative state, I just like to cut to the chase.

I would prefer a quicker end than starvation, for my family's sake. This whole we chose to do nothing but didn't kill her idea is just circular reasoning to make people feel better and ethical.
Gabriella84 said:
An autopsy of the alleged brain of Tom DeLay would produce the same result. :D

Gabriela I went to bat for you, don't screw this up with inane comments such as this. Your a newbie, you need to earn your stripes here if you think this is a wonderful place as you've claimed previously.
no1tovote4 said:
I would prefer a quicker end than starvation, for my family's sake. This whole we chose to do nothing but didn't kill her idea is just circular reasoning to make people feel better and ethical.

I completely agree, lethal injection would've been much more humane but I guarantee you the zealots would've freaked on that too.
Gabriella84 said:
I am sure Daniel Pearl's family feels the same way. Not to mention the families of hundreds of death row prisoners. The majority of whom had non-damanged, functioning brains.

Of course, no one mentions the fact that Tom DeLay pulled the plug of his own father.

You do realize that his father was terminally ill, right? Do you agree that its a private family matter i these situations? Are you also claiming that death row inmates who are a danger to society as deemed by our legal system should be spared with functioning brain or non-functioning brain? I would argue that because they got themselves on death row that they also have non-functioning brains.
IControlThePast said:
I ain't no Dr. I'm far from that. And I ain't playin God either. Not only did she not complete recovery, but she did not even start it. The ones playin God are the ones who were artifically keepin her alive. Now that's what's un-natural. All law and science is based on the norm too, yet we send people to jail and astronauts into space. We used atom bombs on nothing more than a theory, killed about a half million people on just a theory. We find it necessary to use just a theory.

I wonder about that. It seems like people who play god are the ones that assume to know what she wished with scant evidence and thus made choices for her, either way. I wish this Terry had a living will, we would know with a certainty and much of the argument in the case would be moot. In the absence of that the Husband, as next of kin, has the right to make decisions on her behalf. We second guessed the motives of a person whom we don't know and was never on trial and many convicted him in the court of public opinion. I can only hope that none of us are ever in the position to make such choices for our spouse and that if we are the law will support each of us as the person that can make decisions on behalf of our spouse.
Gabriella84 said:
Every American soldier killed in combat in Iraq has been sacrificed for the sake of money. Too bad the people and corporations making the money don't care.

Gabriela you have any evidence to back this stupid fucking statement up? Or did daddy who has lied to you your whole life about his supposed "stoppage" of the Vietnam war(a lie) because he was a stoned out hippie clouded and brainwashed your thought process. Two can play your game.
Pro life zealotry. Euthanasia is a tough thing. I am for it in extreme cases, but I know if legalized it will be "overprescribed" once socialized medicine is instituted. It will be heavily overprescribed to cut costs and hide the economic failures of our shiny, new, golden health care system. They just need to erode our reverence for life first.

And yes, this is the conspiratorial case of "they".

Crazy! You called?

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