Schakowsky: Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money

Explain to me why, unless you're your own Country/entity, you deserve to keep ALL your money? Just lemme know. Maybe I'm missing something.

Explain to me why it is OK for someone who chooses not to work gets to have the government take my money and give it to them? If they did it directly I would get to shoot them or they would get arrested for robbery etc. So you tell me what's the difference?

Because that's one of the differences of an enlightened society versus a 3rd world.

If you don't like it, go make your money in a 3rd world country where there are no rules.

What's so enlightened about robbery? I have no problem paying for the normal appurtenences of modern life. I do have a problem supporting those who choose not to work.
How do you rectify that?
Explain to me why it is OK for someone who chooses not to work gets to have the government take my money and give it to them? If they did it directly I would get to shoot them or they would get arrested for robbery etc. So you tell me what's the difference?

Because that's one of the differences of an enlightened society versus a 3rd world.

If you don't like it, go make your money in a 3rd world country where there are no rules.

What's so enlightened about robbery? I have no problem paying for the normal appurtenences of modern life. I do have a problem supporting those who choose not to work.
How do you rectify that?

Well, I do agree with you that those who abuse the system do not deserve the safety that such a powerful country like ours can provide to it's citizens.

But to those it truly helps survive, it is well worth it.
Because that's one of the differences of an enlightened society versus a 3rd world.

If you don't like it, go make your money in a 3rd world country where there are no rules.

What's so enlightened about robbery? I have no problem paying for the normal appurtenences of modern life. I do have a problem supporting those who choose not to work.
How do you rectify that?

Well, I do agree with you that those who abuse the system do not deserve the safety that such a powerful country like ours can provide to it's citizens.

But to those it truly helps survive, it is well worth it.

And I agree, that is part of the social contract we as citizens agree to when we live here. How then, do you stop the leeches who are in the long run going to destroy the system?
What's so enlightened about robbery? I have no problem paying for the normal appurtenences of modern life. I do have a problem supporting those who choose not to work.
How do you rectify that?

Well, I do agree with you that those who abuse the system do not deserve the safety that such a powerful country like ours can provide to it's citizens.

But to those it truly helps survive, it is well worth it.

And I agree, that is part of the social contract we as citizens agree to when we live here. How then, do you stop the leeches who are in the long run going to destroy the system?

I'm not really a specialist at economics but it would seem to me that stricter regulations on accepting who applies, closer background checks, closer examinations of reasons for not working, etc.

The system certainly needs to be reigned in, and the unemployment extensions are too easy to get, requiring very little information. Most accept people at their word. But when someone becomes suddenly unemployed it is important that their income is replaced quickly.

It's a catch 22 though, government is inefficient by design.
Well, I do agree with you that those who abuse the system do not deserve the safety that such a powerful country like ours can provide to it's citizens.

But to those it truly helps survive, it is well worth it.

And I agree, that is part of the social contract we as citizens agree to when we live here. How then, do you stop the leeches who are in the long run going to destroy the system?

I'm not really a specialist at economics but it would seem to me that stricter regulations on accepting who applies, closer background checks, closer examinations of reasons for not working, etc.

The system certainly needs to be reigned in, and the unemployment extensions are too easy to get, requiring very little information. Most accept people at their word. But when someone becomes suddenly unemployed it is important that their income is replaced quickly.

It's a catch 22 though, government is inefficient by design.

Yes gvernment is inefficient and logically it seems that the government actively allows corruption to garner votes. It's fine so long as there are enough people who will do the work. What do you do when they say "screw it" and quit? As is certain to occur. It's simple human nature to resent supporting those who choose to not work.
Schakowsky: Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money
CHICAGO (WLS) - A lot of reaction Wednesday morning to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's interview with Don Wade and Roma.

Schakowsky said that Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money because we need taxes to support our society.

“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security. Like have police and fire. What about the people that work at the National Institute of Health who are looking for a cure for cancer,” Schakowsky said.

Schakowsky also says one reason the 2009 stimulus bill did not succeed was because it was not large enough.​
Total Tax Revenue and Savings Rate by country - as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product

Country - Tax % / Savings % / S&P Rating
Austrailia - 30.8% / 2.5% / AAA

Austria - 42.3% / 9.8% / AAA

Canada - 33.3% / 1.1% / AAA

Finland - 43.0% / (-2.2%) / AAA

France - 43.5% / 12.3% / AAA

Germany - 36.2% / 10.6% / AAA

Italy - 43.5% / 6.8% / A+

Japan - 28.3% / 2.6% / AA

South Korea - 26.5% / 2.5 /A-

Netherlands - 37.5% / 6.4% / AAA

Norway - 43.6% / 1.4% / AAA

Sweden - 48.3% / 7.8% / AAA

Switzerland - 28.9% / 9.5% / AAA

United States - 28.3% / 1.2% / AA+

Sources: OECD Tax Database and OECD Economic Outlook Database
tax data was from 2007
savings rates from 2009

1. With a total tax revenue/GDP ratio of 26.5%, the US is one of the least taxed countries when compared to other modern nations. Therefore the current tax controversy in America is largely a "red herring" because after South Korea (26.5%), the US and Japan are tied for 2nd as the least taxed of the 14 nations under consideration.

2. A nation's rate of taxation appears to have little to do with its economic prosperity or credit rating. None of the 3 nations with the lowest tax rates (South Korea, US, Japan) currently have a S&P AAA credit rating - and in the cases of the US and Japan, this can be attributed to their large national debt and the political lack of will to address it by raising taxes.

3. Contrary to conventional wisdom, low tax rates doen't necessarily translate into increased savings. Citizens from nations like France, Germany, Austria and Sweden, where some tax rates can exceed those of the US by as much as 20%, can still find it possible to save substantially more than their counterparts in South Korea, Japan and the US.
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Explain to me why it is OK for someone who chooses not to work gets to have the government take my money and give it to them? If they did it directly I would get to shoot them or they would get arrested for robbery etc. So you tell me what's the difference?

Because that's one of the differences of an enlightened society versus a 3rd world.

Wrong again. All countries have taxation. You haven't explained how taxation differs morally from robbery.

If you don't like it, go make your money in a 3rd world country where there are no rules.

There are no countries without taxation. Even if there were, that wouldn't make it right to do here. If murder didn't exist in some other country, would that make it OK here?

This, "love it or leave it" argument is one of the most idiotic, but libturds seem to be fond of it.
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Well, I do agree with you that those who abuse the system do not deserve the safety that such a powerful country like ours can provide to it's citizens.

But to those it truly helps survive, it is well worth it.

If you choose not to work, then why should anyone help you "survive?" Being a parasite is always "worth it" to the parasite.
And I agree, that is part of the social contract we as citizens agree to when we live here. How then, do you stop the leeches who are in the long run going to destroy the system?

The mere fact of my birth in this country doesn't mean I have agreed to anything. The social contract is a myth created to justify plunder.
I'm not really a specialist at economics but it would seem to me that stricter regulations on accepting who applies, closer background checks, closer examinations of reasons for not working, etc.

The system certainly needs to be reigned in, and the unemployment extensions are too easy to get, requiring very little information. Most accept people at their word. But when someone becomes suddenly unemployed it is important that their income is replaced quickly.

It's a catch 22 though, government is inefficient by design.

There is no way to reform plunder. Furthermore, the politicians who support it don't want it reformed.
The 2009 bill was not large enough or designed well enough, either, to really get at the problem.

It might have helped somewhat, but somewhat isn't enough.

Almost none of the 2009 Bill was even designed to get at the problem, and neither is this new bill. They are designed to ease peoples pain temporarily, and do almost NOTHING to get at the real Problems. In the end all you are left with is more Debt.

Even Democrats are admit what little effect the 2009 Bill had, is now wearing off. Which proves my point. It's just temporary pain easing, it does not do anything to spur on Private Sector Growth, and frankly that is what is needed.

I don't see the Employer Payroll tax cut, and a 4000 dollar tax credit for hiring, doing much to help either. Especially not since the tax cuts are only temporary, and he is asking for 460 Billion in new taxes later to pay for it. It is exactly that kind of uncertainty about the Future that is killing jobs right now. That and uncertainty about all the new Regulations Obama is heaping on as well.

I have 0 Faith he meant what he said about looking into cutting some regulations either.

Sorry but this Bill is Nothing but a shameless attempt to buy Votes, and cause some artificial GDP growth for a bit to help Obama win.
Schakowsky: Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money
CHICAGO (WLS) - A lot of reaction Wednesday morning to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's interview with Don Wade and Roma.

Schakowsky said that Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money because we need taxes to support our society.

“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security. Like have police and fire. What about the people that work at the National Institute of Health who are looking for a cure for cancer,” Schakowsky said.

Schakowsky also says one reason the 2009 stimulus bill did not succeed was because it was not large enough.​
If "daveman" is looking to move to countries that are "tax paradises"

Nation - income tax rates
Bahamas 0%
Brunei 0%
British Virgin Islands 0%
Monaco 0%
United Arab Emirates 0%
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Schakowsky: Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money
CHICAGO (WLS) - A lot of reaction Wednesday morning to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's interview with Don Wade and Roma.

Schakowsky said that Americans don't deserve to keep all of their money because we need taxes to support our society.

“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security. Like have police and fire. What about the people that work at the National Institute of Health who are looking for a cure for cancer,” Schakowsky said.

Schakowsky also says one reason the 2009 stimulus bill did not succeed was because it was not large enough.

Total Tax Revenue and Savings Rate by country - as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product

Country - Tax % / Savings % / S&P Rating

Austrailia - 30.8% / 2.5% / AAA
Austria - 42.3% / 9.8% / AAA

Canada - 33.3% / 1.1% / AAA

Finland - 43.0% / (-2.2%) / AAA

France - 43.5% / 12.3% / AAA

Germany - 36.2% / 10.6% / AAA

Italy - 43.5% / 6.8% / A+

Japan - 28.3% / 2.6% / AA

South Korea - 26.5% / 2.5 /A-

Netherlands - 37.5% / 6.4% / AAA

Norway - 43.6% / 1.4% / AAA

Sweden - 48.3% / 7.8% / AAA

Switzerland - 28.9% / 9.5% / AAA

United States - 28.3% / 1.2% / AA+

Sources: OECD Tax Database and OECD Economic Outlook Database

tax data was from 2007
savings rates from 2009

Tax Rates By Country

1. With a total tax revenue/GDP ratio of 26.5%, the US is one of the least taxed countries when compared to other modern nations. Therefore the current tax controversy in America is largely a "red herring" because after South Korea (26.5%), the US and Japan are tied for 2nd as the least taxed of the 14 nations under consideration.

2. A nation's rate of taxation appears to have little to do with its economic prosperity or credit rating. None of the 3 nations with the lowest tax rates (South Korea, US, Japan) currently have a S&P AAA credit rating - and in the cases of the US and Japan, this can be attributed to their large national debt and the political lack of will to address it by raising taxes.

3. Contrary to conventional wisdom, low tax rates doen't necessarily translate into increased savings. Citizens from nations like France, Germany, Austria and Sweden, where some tax rates can exceed those of the US by as much as 20%, can still find it possible to save substantially more than their counterparts in South Korea, Japan and the US.
makmende, Kenyan for "make my day."

Firstly, this thread is not about other countries so you are :offtopic: when you bring them up. Secondly, the Kenyan is not going to have his day made for him much longer after frittering away the national treasury on the likes of Solyndra and other thieving pals of his whose interests are going up in smoke due to fiscal malfeasance anyway.

Thirdly, America has had enough, and Americans not going to take it any more. Since we're not begging to the world to rubberstamp ourselves into their failed economies, we're giving the boot to the Dems and are going to reorganize society so the little Demmie precinct chairmen who steal votes from the dead, dying, and on life support voters, other criminals, and foreign hate-america laraza sorts are going to have to sit in the corner in their little 6x10 cells for the rest of their criminal lives. Crime does not pay and stealing votes is a crime punishable by prison terms.
If "daveman" is looking to move to countries that are "tax paradises"

Nation - income tax rates
Bahamas 0%
Brunei 0%
British Virgin Islands 0%
Monaco 0%
United Arab Emirates 0%

Tax rates around the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're also free to move to a country where they don't allow citizens go vote on the taxes they pay. Meanwhile, the rest of us can vote to kick the tax-and-spend liberals out of office.
The 2009 bill was not large enough or designed well enough, either, to really get at the problem.

It might have helped somewhat, but somewhat isn't enough.

Almost none of the 2009 Bill was even designed to get at the problem, and neither is this new bill. They are designed to ease peoples pain temporarily, and do almost NOTHING to get at the real Problems. In the end all you are left with is more Debt.

Even Democrats are admit what little effect the 2009 Bill had, is now wearing off. Which proves my point. It's just temporary pain easing, it does not do anything to spur on Private Sector Growth, and frankly that is what is needed.

I don't see the Employer Payroll tax cut, and a 4000 dollar tax credit for hiring, doing much to help either. Especially not since the tax cuts are only temporary, and he is asking for 460 Billion in new taxes later to pay for it. It is exactly that kind of uncertainty about the Future that is killing jobs right now. That and uncertainty about all the new Regulations Obama is heaping on as well.

I have 0 Faith he meant what he said about looking into cutting some regulations either.

Sorry but this Bill is Nothing but a shameless attempt to buy Votes, and cause some artificial GDP growth for a bit to help Obama win.

Well it's high time to stop coddling businesses then. It's ridiculous they make outrageous profits and basically extract all that for a select few.

There are some pretty common sense ways to do this too:

-Get rid of the "Overseas tax deferral law" enacted by the Eisenhower administration. Guess worked, enough already
-Impose tariffs on Chinese imports.
-Add a telecommunications "tax" for companies that open up help desks overseas.
-Add a "luxury tax" to executives who's yearly compensation exceeds 5 million dollars.
-Withdraw all government employee 401K, IRAs, and other retirement plans from private institutions.
-Impose a 10 to 1 compensation limit on all government contractors. In that executives cannot make more then 10xs the salary of the lowest paid employee in the same company.
-Get rid of all tax loopholes and grants.
-Charge a licensing fee for all technology coming out of government labs.
That we collectively are overtaxed is obvious.

The question is are we overtaxed fairly and consistently?

Clearly not.

I have yet to see any wealthy person who chose to give up their rate of taxation and chose to be poor to avoid those taxes.

I have yet to met a single middle class person who would not happily pay that lesser rate on their income taxes to enjoy the benefit of lower taxes.

All I can tell those wealthy who think that the poor are getting a great deal at their expense is this:

If you are so envious of the lower tax rates and social security nets that the poor enjoy, it is easy enough for you too, to have that life.

Give up your wealth and you TOO will enjoy the poverty lifestyle that you apparently think is so great.
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There are no countries without taxation.

Economy of North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Korea claims that it is the only state in the world that does not levy taxes. Taxes were abolished beginning on April 1, 1974.

Welcome to paradise.

Commies don't tax.

North Korea has adopted the economic program people like you support.

I support a democratic republic with a capitalistic economic system.

You support a Monarchy.

And North Korea is far closer to a Monarchy, in practice, then a Democratic Republic with a capitalistic economy.

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