Saw Prometheus - Was great!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
After reading the mixed reviews..I made up my mind on the recommendation of a friend to check it out. It was great. This was the prequel to the original Alien movies. Turns out the "Space Jockey" from the first Alien film in the crescent space ship is actually the creator of the creature along with many other life forms. It's not for the casual sci-fi fan. If you were a fan of films like "Event Horizon" or "From Beyond" should dig. Yeah..there's a very HP Lovecraft element to it. this case..I am glad I didn't listen to the critics.

Was an extremely enjoyable film..on many levels.
saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was good, but not great. Alien was much better, and for Alien, he did not have all of the special effects technology that they have today. What was up with Idris Elba's accent?
saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was good, but not great. Alien was much better, and for Alien, he did not have all of the special effects technology that they have today. What was up with Idris Elba's accent?


Alien might have been "better" because there were alot of firsts. No one had ever seen anything like HR Giger's set and creature designs..and going with Moebius on the design of the space suits was genius. That..and the cast was excellent. The interaction between the actors almost seemed like improv. It was very natural.

I don't put both films on equal footing..but this one was definitely really well done.
It was okay. Kinda lost me though just on the incredible implausibility of character actions. I can't imagine any such expeditions would behave so recklessly. Even the individual character motivations didn't make much sense. Seemed like a lot of interesting ideas but none of them were really followed up on or integrated with the whole.

I guess my favorite bit was the Lawrence of Arabia allusions, but even there I felt short-changed. Maybe there's more there that I missed - behind all the gratuitous action/gross-out movie tropes.
It was mediocre at best.

Visually boring and shallow character development.
I loved Alien and Aliens. Thought Aliens was just one super film.

Did Cameron do Prometheous as well??

Don't usually go to the movies so I will probably wait for Redbox and if I really like it then I'll buy it.
After reading the mixed reviews..I made up my mind on the recommendation of a friend to check it out. It was great. This was the prequel to the original Alien movies. Turns out the "Space Jockey" from the first Alien film in the crescent space ship is actually the creator of the creature along with many other life forms. It's not for the casual sci-fi fan. If you were a fan of films like "Event Horizon" or "From Beyond" should dig. Yeah..there's a very HP Lovecraft element to it.

Jeezzzusss put on a disclaimer if your going to give a nugget like that.

I heard the same thing from friends that saw it. They said if your not an Alien fan then it's hit or miss on you. If your an Alien fan you will love it, esp with the gaps they fill in for you.

I heard it completely reject the Alien vs Predator time line and story. Most people hated those movies. I was one of the few that thought they could have been better and the plot was weak, but it was still highyl entertaining and I loved the premise!
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It was mediocre at best.

Visually boring and shallow character development.

I disagree.

I thought "David" the android was compelling and amazing. In fact..most of the characters have depth.

One of my favorite parts was when the Captain says..why don't you admit you just want to get which Vickers replied "Why would I leave all the men behind on earth if that was the case". Then the captain asks.."Are you a robot?" To which Vickers replies, "My cabin, 5 minutes". Then he plays "Love the one your with".

Very witty.
I loved Alien and Aliens. Thought Aliens was just one super film.

Did Cameron do Prometheous as well??

Don't usually go to the movies so I will probably wait for Redbox and if I really like it then I'll buy it.

Aliens was okay..

But it was an "action" flick.

Scott was the original director and he did this one. It's basically the prequel to the first one.
After reading the mixed reviews..I made up my mind on the recommendation of a friend to check it out. It was great. This was the prequel to the original Alien movies. Turns out the "Space Jockey" from the first Alien film in the crescent space ship is actually the creator of the creature along with many other life forms. It's not for the casual sci-fi fan. If you were a fan of films like "Event Horizon" or "From Beyond" should dig. Yeah..there's a very HP Lovecraft element to it.

Jeezzzusss put on a disclaimer if your going to give a nugget like that.

I heard the same thing from friends that saw it. They said if your not an Alien fan then it's hit or miss on you. If your an Alien fan you will love it, esp with the gaps they fill in for you.

I heard it completely reject the Alien vs Predator time line and story. Most people hated those movies. I was one of the few that thought they could have been better and the plot was weak, but it was still highyl entertaining and I loved the premise!

I barely liked the first Predator movie. It was okay. Mashing it up with the superior Alien story line was a huge mistake. this case..I am glad I didn't listen to the critics.

Was an extremely enjoyable film..on many levels.

I will admit the critics are usually right, but there are a few movies I enjoyed even though the critics said to pass on it:
(1) Big Lebowski (loved it in my stoner days and love it today, while I am not a stoner)!
(2) Troy (I siege on the beach was great and the Achilles vs Hector fight scene was amazing)
(3) Alien vs Predator I & II (I love both movie monster and even read the comic series when I was a kid, so I'm biased, I enjoyed them and still do)
(4) Funny People (I thought it was a great blend of comedy with seriousness)
(5) Transformers (Even the first one was considered bad, but I loved it)
(6) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (People hated the opening scene. I was so glad there was another Indie movied I enjoyed it and still do; but get rid of Sasha if they are going to make another one!)
(7) Napoleon Dynamite (Read critics at the time on it, they ripped it to sheds. I think its a classic funny movie everytime I watch it)
(8) Watchmen (One of the most underrated superhero flics of all time!!!)
(9) Star War: Episode II (The first was horrible and there were some bad scenes in this one, but I Yoda fight scene was awesome!)
(10) Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (I wasn't a fan of the first one as stated above, but I thought this one was better than Return of the Jedi and Maybe a New Hope)

Just to name a few!
saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was good, but not great. Alien was much better, and for Alien, he did not have all of the special effects technology that they have today. What was up with Idris Elba's accent?


Alien might have been "better" because there were alot of firsts. No one had ever seen anything like HR Giger's set and creature designs..and going with Moebius on the design of the space suits was genius. That..and the cast was excellent. The interaction between the actors almost seemed like improv. It was very natural.

I don't put both films on equal footing..but this one was definitely really well done.

True. there were a lot of firsts, and it was artistic as compared to using special effects, except for the Alien coming out of John Hurts chest. Now that was a good special effect that has been copied several times.

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