Savita Halappanavar Dead:


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
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DUBLIN -- The debate over legalizing abortion in Ireland flared Wednesday after the government confirmed that a woman in the midst of a miscarriage was refused an abortion and died in an Irish hospital after suffering from blood poisoning.
Her case highlighted the legal limbo in which pregnant women facing severe health problems can find themselves in predominantly Catholic Ireland.

what happens when extremists have their way ...
DUBLIN -- The debate over legalizing abortion in Ireland flared Wednesday after the government confirmed that a woman in the midst of a miscarriage was refused an abortion and died in an Irish hospital after suffering from blood poisoning.
Her case highlighted the legal limbo in which pregnant women facing severe health problems can find themselves in predominantly Catholic Ireland.

what happens when extremists have their way ...

Abortion itself is an act of extremism. A perverted barbaric act of extremism.

what happens when extremists have their way ...

Abortion itself is an act of extremism. A perverted barbaric act of extremism.

So using your logic, forbidding the abortion which is tantamount to signing the death warrants of not only the mother, but the child, is less barbaric. Instead of saving one life, your logic would guarantee the loss of 2.

Did I understand that correctly?
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Interesting. How do you interpret this as moral given that what you're advocating ensures of the death of both the mother and the child, in Savita's case.

Is it not the aim of the Pro-Life movement to, in fact, S-A-V-E the life of the child?

How is this possible when you're essentially ok with allowing the mother to die?

I didn't make such a statement nor did I infer it.
My words: "A perverted barbaric act of extremism."

The rest is yours. Don't put words in my mouf.

Interesting. How do you interpret this as moral given that what you're advocating ensures of the death of both the mother and the child, in Savita's case.

Is it not the aim of the Pro-Life movement to, in fact, S-A-V-E the life of the child?

How is this possible when you're essentially ok with allowing the mother to die?

I didn't make such a statement nor did I infer it.
My words: "A perverted barbaric act of extremism."

The rest is yours. Don't put words in my mouf.

You've made your position this very clear. I have very little need to put words in your mouth when they were already there in the first place.

As for your words....I'm going to make another inference here and I'll even place it in the form of a question for you:

When the child's existence threatens the life of its mother, Which is more barbaric? Aborting the child to save the mother or doing nothing to ensure both die?
To repost: Abortion itself is an act of extremism. A perverted barbaric act of extremism.

That's it. That's my sum contribution to this thread. If you don't like it, tough shit.
Tough shit? More like chicken shit.

Nut up and own up to the fact that you think saving the life of the mother is apparently more barbaric than letting both of them die. It's bassackwards and utter nonsense, but if that's what you believe, at least have the conviction to come out and say it.

But hey don't let me get in the way of your failure to back up your position with a concrete argument. Any one can just pop into a thread, spit out a catchy one-liner and then high tail it outta there.

Enjoy your night.
what happens when extremists have their way ...

Abortion itself is an act of extremism. A perverted barbaric act of extremism.

Why don't you go blow up an abortion clinic. It's pretty clear life has little value to you.

I know the west seems to make abortion seem like an acceptable and harmless form of birthcontrol but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Abortion is a medical proceedure that can cause infection,sterilization and death and the most barbaric form of birthcontrol there is. Before you go off on people who oppose abortion why not scream at the dumb fucks who were to lazy to use birthcontrol in the first place. While I agree that this woman should have been allowed to have an abortion to save her life,I disagree that is should be allowed on demand because the baby is inconvienient.

It's not rocket science how not to have a baby. Use a condom,diaphram,birth control pills,spemicide or simply don't have vaginal sex. If you have had kids and it gets to be to dangerous a woman can always do what I did after I almost died giving birth, have your tubes tied(tubal ligation). I had it done in my early 30's and it works fine, I've had no pregnancies since, imagine that.

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