Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.
Yea tell Saudi we do then we will crank up the fracking/ green energy and a shit load of more jobs

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.
Yea tell Saudi we do then we will crank up the fracking/ green energy and a shit load of more jobs

That will make a slight dent, maybe. Make sure to keep gutting funding for alternative energy so the Saudi’s can maintain their power.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.

Some tried to start weening us off of oil, then republicans villainized and berated them for it.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

The house of Saud exist at the leisure of the US government. Let oil hit 400 bucks a barrel. Then we can stop selling them guns, and security. Fuck'em.
Yea tell Saudi we do then we will crank up the fracking/ green energy and a shit load of more jobs

That will make a slight dent, maybe. Make sure to keep gutting funding for alternative energy so the Saudi’s can maintain their power.

Who has gutted alternative energy????


Name one thing they did to stop alternative energy? Hell gas is at $3 bucks a gallon or don't you pay attention..
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.

Some tried to start weening us off of oil, then republicans villainized and berated them for it.

Yet you can't say who, thus your opinion is just another hipster political lie.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.

Some tried to start weening us off of oil, then republicans villainized and berated them for it.

All sides pushed their selfish agendas. They should have instead worked together to achieve energy independence. We have the oil, and we could have developed other energy options. But all sides just wanted to fight each other at every turn.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

The house of Saud exist at the leisure of the US government. Let oil hit 400 bucks a barrel. Then we can stop selling them guns, and security. Fuck'em.

Their on the verge of becoming a Nuclear Power. If that happens, it's all over. We would have no leverage. The Frankenstein we created, would be unstoppable.
We have oil in Alaska. Off the coast of California and off the coast of Florida.

Not to mention the fracking in North Dakota.

The Chinese have been slant drilling off the Florida coast for years.

We could be independent of the ME oil if the idiots in Congress would get off their asses and make it so.
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This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.

Some tried to start weening us off of oil, then republicans villainized and berated them for it.

bullshit. stop making this left vs. right all the time.
The Saudi Frankenstein is our creation. We're responsible for all its awful actions. Can we put the Genie back in the bottle? I don't think so. Their on the verge of becoming a Nuclear Power. Some believe they already are. More than likely we'll just talk tough, but do nothing. For the most part, Americans are fat, greedy, and entitled. They can't deal with high gas prices. It is what it is.
We are outraged because the Saudi government may have executed a spy in a foreign land. Where was the outrage when obama used drones to kill American citizens. Atleast the Saudi’s only killed the targeted person and not 15 bystanders like obama when he unleashed his drone on a restaurant full of innocent diners to kill one man. Outrage is really defined by political party instead of what’s right.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Thanks, Obama


Texas will eclipse the rest of the US in GDP in a matter of a month. DO IT, BITCHES!!



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