Saudi Muslim Religious Council Condemns Terrorism

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It has been a long time coming, and stuff like this should be trumpeted as much as possible. The only hope we have to defeat Muslim extremists if more Muslims condemn them. Give them all your support.

The Saudi fatwa is a tough condemnation of terror, and of the underground network that finances it. It has impressed senior U.S. military commanders and intelligence officers, who were initially surprised when it came out. One sent me a translation of the fatwa, and Saudi officials provided some helpful background.
"There is no gray area here," said a senior Saudi official. "Once it has come out like this, from the most senior religious body in the kingdom, it's hard for a lesser religious authority to justify violence."

RealClearPolitics - Saudi Muslim Religious Council Condemns Terrorism
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).
CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious Texts
Volume 1, Book 7, Number 331:

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
The Prophet said, "I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me.
1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey.
2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.
3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.
4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection). 5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.
CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious Texts

33:21. Indeed in the Messenger of Allâh (Muhammad ) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allâh and the Last Day and remembers Allâh much.
An Islamic Radical Forces Weapon: Muslim Misinformation As Required By Islamic Law

Alexandra Paris
2 January 2006

“’When it is possible to achieve…an aim by lying but not telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if the goal is permissible, and it is obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.
“’When, for example, one is concealing a Muslim from an oppressor who asks where he is, it is obligatory to lie about him being hidden.” [see text at note 15, infra]

“… ‘it is obligatory for a [Muslim] student to give a positive interpretation to every utterance of his [Muslim] brothers that seems to be wrong until he has exhausted seventy excuses. No one is incapable of this except a failure.’” [see text at note 22, infra]


Misinformation is information that is untrue and created to mislead. Islamic Radical Forces are pleased with the lack of critical thinking by enemies. One exception to IRForces’ pleasure are men and women who work in U.S. counter-intelligence, who are troublesome Americans. troubling for Islamic Radical goals.

Warfare creates peculiar and historical documents. Some documents provide information of truths which lead toward resolution of conflict. Consider this book. Of pivotal importance, earlier accepted in the present world conflict, are such as the war-fatwas of Sheik Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda leadership.

Also of unusual importance is below, a U.S. defenders’ briefing paper, made public in 2004 and reproduced here. Under the Freedom of Information Act, certain U.S. government documents are in the public domain. This is among this war’s foremost critical thought.
Other documents and writings provide information of falsehoods, which do not lead toward resolution of conflict. Unclassified, and based on Qur’an and other Islamic laws, this U.S. government briefing paper addresses U.S. Department of Defense recognition, and damage-control advice, as to receipt of misinformation from Muslim scholarship, and Muslim men and women increasingly engaged, worldwide, in journalism and media.

Many Muslim scholars abhor the lethal consequences of the Islamic Radical Forces in dead serious war for Allah. They are yet subject to the duties and the sanctions for hypocrites and apostates, which Allah has decreed in the Qur’an. They must understand this.
Funny, they are just now realizing that these terrorists are of an almost equal threat to them also?

They do realize after all this time that IF, and that IF will never happen, they did convert through murder and torture those who are actively fighting against them, they THEY the Saudis WILL be next.

These extremists are of a paramount thread to world peace,and if left to fester, they will be right in our living rooms. And it's taking this long for some to 'get-the-picture, why is that? The denial by much of those that are left will cost them all their lives and their freedoms. I think the effects partially go to this absolutely stupid 'correctness' in the world today. Afraid to call 'what looks like a duck, a duck" Political Correctness can end up being the death of us all.
Funny, they are just now realizing that these terrorists are of an almost equal threat to them also?

They do realize after all this time that IF, and that IF will never happen, they did convert through murder and torture those who are actively fighting against them, they THEY the Saudis WILL be next.

These extremists are of a paramount thread to world peace,and if left to fester, they will be right in our living rooms. And it's taking this long for some to 'get-the-picture, why is that? The denial by much of those that are left will cost them all their lives and their freedoms. I think the effects partially go to this absolutely stupid 'correctness' in the world today. Afraid to call 'what looks like a duck, a duck" Political Correctness can end up being the death of us all.

Im sure they are pleased you bought it.
You wont be the only one.
A lefty moonbat has to be carried kicking and screaming to the truth. He is not seeking the truth. He is seeking his agenda and the truth just gets in the way.

I've seen the evolving over the last 9 years since 9/11. They are so indoctrinated that it's like trying to rescue someone in a cult.
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Funny, they are just now realizing that these terrorists are of an almost equal threat to them also?
They do realize after all this time that IF, and that IF will never happen, they did convert through murder and torture those who are actively fighting against them, they THEY the Saudis WILL be next.

These extremists are of a paramount thread to world peace,and if left to fester, they will be right in our living rooms. And it's taking this long for some to 'get-the-picture, why is that? The denial by much of those that are left will cost them all their lives and their freedoms. I think the effects partially go to this absolutely stupid 'correctness' in the world today. Afraid to call 'what looks like a duck, a duck" Political Correctness can end up being the death of us all.

Almost equal? In regards to just American response to terrorist threats originating in Muslim ideoligy many non military killed? How many non terrorist Muslims dead? 3,000 approx. 9/11 victims ...500,000 to a milion muslims?

Ya think we have extracted or pound of flesh?
Sorry bout that,

1. I don't buy into it.
2. Islam is pure evil, and if one hand of it goes against the other hand, it shall not stand.
3. Its window dressing.
4. Watch out the Saudis are up to something, and its big.

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't buy into it.
2. Islam is pure evil, and if one hand of it goes against the other hand, it shall not stand.
3. Its window dressing.
4. Watch out the Saudis are up to something, and its big.


I do not trust the Saudis either but I support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many like you do not and that is your right but the Bush policy of allowing Muslims to run their own countries as democracies is the only way. Or don't you know we are supporting Muslims with our troops?
IF, and that's a big if, they are genuine this is a huge step; but I don't trust them.
Funny, they are just now realizing that these terrorists are of an almost equal threat to them also?
They do realize after all this time that IF, and that IF will never happen, they did convert through murder and torture those who are actively fighting against them, they THEY the Saudis WILL be next.

These extremists are of a paramount thread to world peace,and if left to fester, they will be right in our living rooms. And it's taking this long for some to 'get-the-picture, why is that? The denial by much of those that are left will cost them all their lives and their freedoms. I think the effects partially go to this absolutely stupid 'correctness' in the world today. Afraid to call 'what looks like a duck, a duck" Political Correctness can end up being the death of us all.

Almost equal? In regards to just American response to terrorist threats originating in Muslim ideoligy many non military killed? How many non terrorist Muslims dead? 3,000 approx. 9/11 victims ...500,000 to a milion muslims?

Ya think we have extracted or pound of flesh?

Evidently not because they keep terrorizing us. Must be slow learners.
Funny, they are just now realizing that these terrorists are of an almost equal threat to them also?
They do realize after all this time that IF, and that IF will never happen, they did convert through murder and torture those who are actively fighting against them, they THEY the Saudis WILL be next.

These extremists are of a paramount thread to world peace,and if left to fester, they will be right in our living rooms. And it's taking this long for some to 'get-the-picture, why is that? The denial by much of those that are left will cost them all their lives and their freedoms. I think the effects partially go to this absolutely stupid 'correctness' in the world today. Afraid to call 'what looks like a duck, a duck" Political Correctness can end up being the death of us all.

Almost equal? In regards to just American response to terrorist threats originating in Muslim ideoligy many non military killed? How many non terrorist Muslims dead? 3,000 approx. 9/11 victims ...500,000 to a milion muslims?

Ya think we have extracted or pound of flesh?

Evidently not because they keep terrorizing us. Must be slow learners.

It's no fair that we keep killing those who would do harm to this nation if given the chance.
Almost equal? In regards to just American response to terrorist threats originating in Muslim ideoligy many non military killed? How many non terrorist Muslims dead? 3,000 approx. 9/11 victims ...500,000 to a milion muslims?

Ya think we have extracted or pound of flesh?

Evidently not because they keep terrorizing us. Must be slow learners.

It's no fair that we keep killing those who would do harm to this nation if given the chance.

I know, it's just not fair. Oh well. Such is life.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't buy into it.
2. Islam is pure evil, and if one hand of it goes against the other hand, it shall not stand.
3. Its window dressing.
4. Watch out the Saudis are up to something, and its big.


I do not trust the Saudis either but I support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many like you do not and that is your right but the Bush policy of allowing Muslims to run their own countries as democracies is the only way. Or don't you know we are supporting Muslims with our troops?

1. Your smart to not believe the Saudis.
2. Their way* of muslimhood, centers on The Saudi Arabia Pennisula.
3. I am for war in the middle east, but not the kind of war that gets our mens feet on the ground.
4. I am more of an Airforce/Navy kind of war, blow their asses up from the sky/sea, never set foot in their unholy places.
5. Trying to force feed a animalistic bloody, people civilized government is a hoot, I don't think it can be done, and if it seems like its taking hold, its an illusion, its never been done.
6. Islam can only be governed with a sword, thats it!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't buy into it.
2. Islam is pure evil, and if one hand of it goes against the other hand, it shall not stand.
3. Its window dressing.
4. Watch out the Saudis are up to something, and its big.


I do not trust the Saudis either but I support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many like you do not and that is your right but the Bush policy of allowing Muslims to run their own countries as democracies is the only way. Or don't you know we are supporting Muslims with our troops?

1. Your smart to not believe the Saudis.
2. Their way* of muslimhood, centers on The Saudi Arabia Pennisula.
3. I am for war in the middle east, but not the kind of war that gets our mens feet on the ground.
4. I am more of an Airforce/Navy kind of war, blow their asses up from the sky/sea, never set foot in their unholy places.
5. Trying to force feed a animalistic bloody, people civilized government is a hoot, I don't think it can be done, and if it seems like its taking hold, its an illusion, its never been done.
6. Islam can only be governed with a sword, thats it!


Islam is worthy of anihilation and Mecca should be destroyed. Time to bring the Arabs into the 21st century.
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I commend their courage to say this. We may think it's a long time coming, but we also live in a society where we can say things without fear of being murdered for them.
Sorry bout that,

I commend their courage to say this. We may think it's a long time coming, but we also live in a society where we can say things without fear of being murdered for them.

1. So you're buying into this?
2. Tell me it ain't so,.......
3. You think the Saudis are afraid of being killed by other ayabs?
4. Hey thats an everyday deal for them, there are all sorts of ayabs who want their heads on a stick.
5. Makes no differance to them,...
6. This is a dishonest atempt at saying, "Hey we don't like terrorism"
7. While they fund it and commit it as a rule.
8. Something bigs about to happen, and they want to make it appear they are against it.
9. All the while they are the, *PuppetMasters*
10. Most you people are just way to dumb to see it.


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I dont know how muslims can reject terrorism when Mohamamd expresses his pride at being one , and he is an example for muslims to follow. I just dont get it or buy it?
I commend their courage to say this. We may think it's a long time coming, but we also live in a society where we can say things without fear of being murdered for them.

I know that, which is why we need to spread the word, it could encourage others to speak out.

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