Saudi king ‘repeatedly requested’ US attack Iran: WikiLeaks

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
So much for "another war for Israel"

Saudi king ‘repeatedly requested’ US attack Iran: WikiLeaks documents
By David Edwards
Nov 28th, 2010

Included in 250,000 documents being released by WikiLeaks this week was a secret diplomatic cable that indicated Saudi King Abdullah had urged the US ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, to use force to stop Iran's nuclear program.

According to the document, Abdullah repeatedly requested that the US attack Iran. Other leaked documents also described how other Arab countries pushed for military action.

One cable said the Saudi king "frequently exhorted the US to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons program," the British newspaper Guardian reported.

The Saudi Ambassador to the US, Adel al-Jubeir, recalled in April 2008, "[Abdullah] told you [Americans] to cut off the head of the snake."

Al-Jubeir added "that working with the US to roll back Iranian influence in Iraq is a strategic priority for the King and his government."
Kuwaiti strategist: Israel should strike Iran
Mar 9, 2008
(Link expired)

The destruction of Iran's nuclear capabilities would be in the interest of the Arab nations in the Gulf, and it would be "less embarrassing" if it was done by Israel rather than the US, a top Kuwaiti strategist said in remarks published Sunday.

Officially Kuwait, like the other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, wants a peaceful solution to the nuclear standoff between Teheran and the West and will not allow the US to use its territories for any attack on Iran.

But when asked in an interview with the daily Al-Siyassah about the consequences of an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear reactors, analyst and former government adviser Sami al-Faraj said it would not be such a bad thing.

"Honestly speaking, they would be achieving something of great strategic value for the GCC by stopping Iran's tendency for hegemony over the area," He said, adding that "nipping it in the bud by Israeli hands would be less embarrassing for us" than if the Americans did it.

Al-Faraj said Teheran was interfering in Iraq, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories, and inciting strife between Sunnis and Shiites.

"The question is what would it do if it were a nuclear nation?
We have to call a spade a spade and say that burying the military nuclear Iranian project is in the interest of GCC states," and other countries in the area, added al-Faraj, who heads the independent Kuwait Center for Strategy Studies.

Teheran has denied it is seeking nuclear weapons and insists its program is for peaceful purposes. Despite three sets of United Nations sanctions, it is still defying demands to suspend uranium enrichment.

GCC countries -Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain - have announced they want to use nuclear energy for civilian uses as well.

Al-Faraj told the daily the GCC "offered" to cooperate with Teheran on a joint nuclear fuel station, but Iran turned down the offer.
Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar all host US military facilities
Indeed we should cut them at the knees and take care of the problem. But we arent that way.
If NATO does it on their own without the US, then I'm more than sure we'd get involved.
Ain't it grand?

A theocratic monarchy asks a secular nation to attack another theocratic state. And both from the same religion no less.

Ain't it grand?

A theocratic monarchy asks a secular nation to attack another theocratic state. And both from the same religion no less.


Thier concern is caused by the fact that thier entire poltical leadership is in Riyhad, a city with zero religous significance.

One quick nuke could destroy riyhad, destroying the saudi monarchy. At that point the two holiest cities in islam, mecca and medina, become uncontrolled politically. Into that vacuum I wonder which state would profit most?

After Jerusalem, Qom is one of the holiest cities in islam, and guess where that is?

The end of Saudi Control of Mecca and Medina would start an Islamic power struggle the world hasn't seen since the Ottomans.
And now they are in a Proxy War in Syria.
Not the first, several smaller things have been percolating like Yemen and within 'Arab Spring'.

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