Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a activist, who was sentenced to death last year, has lost his final appeal for justice and is due to be executed by beheading, followed by the mounting of his headless body onto a crucifix for public viewing

Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at age 17, in the predominantly Shia province of Qatif, and accused of participating in anti-government protests and possessing illegal firearms. He has repeatedly denied the latter charge, although he was reportedly tortured into confessing the offenses after his arrest. According to Amnesty International, al-Nimr spent a short time in a juvenile detention facility before being transferred to prison when he turned 18, and was sentenced to death in 2014.

Al-Nimr was likely targeted because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimra, a prominent Shi’a cleric who was also sentenced to death in 2014. Al-Nimr’s father is also a political activist.

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

I can't believe we are allies with this monarchy, the new King is a lunatic.
Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a activist, who was sentenced to death last year, has lost his final appeal for justice and is due to be executed by beheading, followed by the mounting of his headless body onto a crucifix for public viewing

Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at age 17, in the predominantly Shia province of Qatif, and accused of participating in anti-government protests and possessing illegal firearms. He has repeatedly denied the latter charge, although he was reportedly tortured into confessing the offenses after his arrest. According to Amnesty International, al-Nimr spent a short time in a juvenile detention facility before being transferred to prison when he turned 18, and was sentenced to death in 2014.

Al-Nimr was likely targeted because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimra, a prominent Shi’a cleric who was also sentenced to death in 2014. Al-Nimr’s father is also a political activist.

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

I can't believe we are allies with this monarchy, the new King is a lunatic.

Saudi arabia functions with shariah law--------shariah law is barbaric. Are you suggesting that any country that utilizes Shariah law be shunned by the USA?.
Iran does so too. to a more or less extent----so does Indonesia, especially in specific parts-----as does Nigeria and Uganda, Sudan, Maldives, Pakistan,
Afghanistan ----etc etc
All of them are barbaric. Then again, our prisons might be so full if those currently in there knew there was a possibility of being beheaded and their body hung on a pole.
Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a activist, who was sentenced to death last year, has lost his final appeal for justice and is due to be executed by beheading, followed by the mounting of his headless body onto a crucifix for public viewing

Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at age 17, in the predominantly Shia province of Qatif, and accused of participating in anti-government protests and possessing illegal firearms. He has repeatedly denied the latter charge, although he was reportedly tortured into confessing the offenses after his arrest. According to Amnesty International, al-Nimr spent a short time in a juvenile detention facility before being transferred to prison when he turned 18, and was sentenced to death in 2014.

Al-Nimr was likely targeted because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimra, a prominent Shi’a cleric who was also sentenced to death in 2014. Al-Nimr’s father is also a political activist.

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

I can't believe we are allies with this monarchy, the new King is a lunatic.

But, the Iranian religious nuts are great, aren't they, Penelope, since you never seem to have anything negative to say about them? It's difficult to believe in this day and age that we have such religious crazies governing countries, such as we see in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Looks like both countries are in the running for the gold medal when it comes to the number of executions.
Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a activist, who was sentenced to death last year, has lost his final appeal for justice and is due to be executed by beheading, followed by the mounting of his headless body onto a crucifix for public viewing

Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at age 17, in the predominantly Shia province of Qatif, and accused of participating in anti-government protests and possessing illegal firearms. He has repeatedly denied the latter charge, although he was reportedly tortured into confessing the offenses after his arrest. According to Amnesty International, al-Nimr spent a short time in a juvenile detention facility before being transferred to prison when he turned 18, and was sentenced to death in 2014.

Al-Nimr was likely targeted because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimra, a prominent Shi’a cleric who was also sentenced to death in 2014. Al-Nimr’s father is also a political activist.

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

I can't believe we are allies with this monarchy, the new King is a lunatic.

Muslim countries using Sharia Law are 600 years behind Western civilization.
Islam started 600 years after Christianity, and 400 years ago Christian authorities executed many heretics too.

Maybe in 100-200 years the Muslim cultures with current Sharia Law will grow up and replace stupid religious beliefs with some rationality,
Turkey seems to be leading the way.
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.
Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a activist, who was sentenced to death last year, has lost his final appeal for justice and is due to be executed by beheading, followed by the mounting of his headless body onto a crucifix for public viewing

Al-Nimr was arrested in 2012, at age 17, in the predominantly Shia province of Qatif, and accused of participating in anti-government protests and possessing illegal firearms. He has repeatedly denied the latter charge, although he was reportedly tortured into confessing the offenses after his arrest. According to Amnesty International, al-Nimr spent a short time in a juvenile detention facility before being transferred to prison when he turned 18, and was sentenced to death in 2014.

Al-Nimr was likely targeted because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimra, a prominent Shi’a cleric who was also sentenced to death in 2014. Al-Nimr’s father is also a political activist.

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

I can't believe we are allies with this monarchy, the new King is a lunatic.

(shrugs indifferently) So? Wanna send in the Marines to every country about to execute somebody for something we think is ok? You ok with other countries doing that in Texas say when we execute a retarded person?
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.
It is funny how we do not want to send Marines to Saudi Arabia but we are super enthusiastic about sending the same Marines to Iran and Syria.
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.

There is extensive effort on the part of U.S. media such as CNN to spread propaganda against Iran even though there are far worse countries in the Middle East. I wonder why.
It is funny how we do not want to send Marines to Saudi Arabia but we are super enthusiastic about sending the same Marines to Iran and Syria.

we are??? we have a military base in Saudi arabia------why would we send more
people there----there is not much action there now at all and none for us------I must
have missed something-----who is super enthusiastic about sending marines to
It is funny how we do not want to send Marines to Saudi Arabia but we are super enthusiastic about sending the same Marines to Iran and Syria.

we are??? we have a military base in Saudi arabia------why would we send more
people there----there is not much action there now at all and none for us------I must
have missed something-----who is super enthusiastic about sending marines to

That was in response to your brother. Read his post :) You cut right in front of me.
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.

There is extensive effort on the part of U.S. media such as CNN to spread propaganda against Iran even though there are far worse countries in the Middle East. I wonder why.

I hadn't noticed. Iran is -----specifically----an old time enemy of the USA ----
since the 70s. Right now it is working hard to get control of the water traffic
of the red sea and Persian gulf (maybe----geography confuses me-----but they are----they want to be able to block the strait of Hormuz-----because it is important
for oil shipping) Iran is also desperate to attack Saudi arabia. Iran is fomenting
a war over there-------Bahrain is not bothering the USA----even Egypt is not-----
Turkey is a bit of a pain in the ass------but mostly to Europe's ass. The Russians seem to want a FOOTHOLD in the Levant via Syria-----way back in the 60s ----they wanted Egypt. Remember the first act of hostility in 1967 on the part of Egypt was BLOCKADE of the Strait of Tiran-----blocking waterways seems to be what Russians do. My theory is that the whole mess going on in Syria and Iran and
Yemen and Iraq-----right now is mediated by------that little creep----putin------
it seems putinesque (as in pasta puttanesqua)
It is funny how we do not want to send Marines to Saudi Arabia but we are super enthusiastic about sending the same Marines to Iran and Syria.

we are??? we have a military base in Saudi arabia------why would we send more
people there----there is not much action there now at all and none for us------I must
have missed something-----who is super enthusiastic about sending marines to

That was in response to your brother. Read his post :) You cut right in front of me.

I never pass on the right-----and never "right in front"-----I am a timid driver
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.

There is extensive effort on the part of U.S. media such as CNN to spread propaganda against Iran even though there are far worse countries in the Middle East. I wonder why.

I hadn't noticed. Iran is -----specifically----an old time enemy of the USA ----
since the 70s. Right now it is working hard to get control of the water traffic
of the red sea and Persian gulf (maybe----geography confuses me-----but they are----they want to be able to block the strait of Hormuz-----because it is important
for oil shipping) Iran is also desperate to attack Saudi arabia. Iran is fomenting
a war over there-------Bahrain is not bothering the USA----even Egypt is not-----
Turkey is a bit of a pain in the ass------but mostly to Europe's ass. The Russians seem to want a FOOTHOLD in the Levant via Syria-----way back in the 60s ----they wanted Egypt. Remember the first act of hostility in 1967 on the part of Egypt was BLOCKADE of the Strait of Tiran-----blocking waterways seems to be what Russians do. My theory is that the whole mess going on in Syria and Iran and
Yemen and Iraq-----right now is mediated by------that little creep----putin------
it seems putinesque (as in pasta puttanesqua)

Iran is an enemy of the U.S. because there is a group of people who are hell bent on making Iran an enemy of the U.S. Iran does not pose any more danger to the U.S. than for example Pakistan and China do.
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.

There is extensive effort on the part of U.S. media such as CNN to spread propaganda against Iran even though there are far worse countries in the Middle East. I wonder why.

I hadn't noticed. Iran is -----specifically----an old time enemy of the USA ----
since the 70s. Right now it is working hard to get control of the water traffic
of the red sea and Persian gulf (maybe----geography confuses me-----but they are----they want to be able to block the strait of Hormuz-----because it is important
for oil shipping) Iran is also desperate to attack Saudi arabia. Iran is fomenting
a war over there-------Bahrain is not bothering the USA----even Egypt is not-----
Turkey is a bit of a pain in the ass------but mostly to Europe's ass. The Russians seem to want a FOOTHOLD in the Levant via Syria-----way back in the 60s ----they wanted Egypt. Remember the first act of hostility in 1967 on the part of Egypt was BLOCKADE of the Strait of Tiran-----blocking waterways seems to be what Russians do. My theory is that the whole mess going on in Syria and Iran and
Yemen and Iraq-----right now is mediated by------that little creep----putin------
it seems putinesque (as in pasta puttanesqua)

Iran is an enemy of the U.S. because there is a group of people who are hell bent on making Iran an enemy of the U.S. Iran does not pose any more danger to the U.S. than for example Pakistan and China do.

funny you mention Pakistan and China-------I consider both-----right now----to be
enemies of the USA-----about as much as is Iran. Pakistan is a cradle for terrorism and islamicism. China is economically imperialistic
Yet, I see so much propaganda against Iran but there is no mention of objective news like these about Saudis in main stream U.S. media.

I do-----there are often bits on "how many people Saudi arabia beheaded this year"----and stuff on ---"Saudi arabia beheads foreign maid for killing her employer" (who was probably raping her at the time)-------in news papers-----here and there.

There is extensive effort on the part of U.S. media such as CNN to spread propaganda against Iran even though there are far worse countries in the Middle East. I wonder why.

I hadn't noticed. Iran is -----specifically----an old time enemy of the USA ----
since the 70s. Right now it is working hard to get control of the water traffic
of the red sea and Persian gulf (maybe----geography confuses me-----but they are----they want to be able to block the strait of Hormuz-----because it is important
for oil shipping) Iran is also desperate to attack Saudi arabia. Iran is fomenting
a war over there-------Bahrain is not bothering the USA----even Egypt is not-----
Turkey is a bit of a pain in the ass------but mostly to Europe's ass. The Russians seem to want a FOOTHOLD in the Levant via Syria-----way back in the 60s ----they wanted Egypt. Remember the first act of hostility in 1967 on the part of Egypt was BLOCKADE of the Strait of Tiran-----blocking waterways seems to be what Russians do. My theory is that the whole mess going on in Syria and Iran and
Yemen and Iraq-----right now is mediated by------that little creep----putin------
it seems putinesque (as in pasta puttanesqua)

Iran is an enemy of the U.S. because there is a group of people who are hell bent on making Iran an enemy of the U.S. Iran does not pose any more danger to the U.S. than for example Pakistan and China do.

funny you mention Pakistan and China-------I consider both-----right now----to be
enemies of the USA-----about as much as is Iran. Pakistan is a cradle for terrorism and islamicism. China is economically imperialistic

Iran is an OK country compared to Pakistan and China.

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