Saturday Night live mocks biden's cognitive decline

There is no way Biden could handle Trump in a debate, it's Democrat level ludicrous to think Biden would stand a chance.

Maybe if Biden's wife interprets Joe's answers for everyone it would help ... ;)
Trump is easy to piss off and loose with the facts

Biden will come off as the calm, rational one
There is no way Biden could handle Trump in a debate, it's Democrat level ludicrous to think Biden would stand a chance.

Maybe if Biden's wife interprets Joe's answers for everyone it would help ... ;)
Trump is easy to piss off and loose with the facts

Biden will come off as the calm, rational one

Gads .. I'm sure glad I'm not living in your alternate reality but thanks for the laugh..
Before the debate Joe Biden must pass a drug test, because surely he must have to be drugged in order to focus in a discussion, like he has been doing in his house speeches.

Democrats still have time to select a more reliable candidate.

But lets analyze the liberal mind. They want Biden to choose a black woman. Then, they know Biden's mind won't last long, so the replacement will be the black woman. This will bring them worldwide "popularity". Nice move. Liberals will vote in base of race rather than choosing the right candidate.

Question is why liberals are so obstinate in choosing everything that is against decency and integrity?
There is no way Biden could handle Trump in a debate, it's Democrat level ludicrous to think Biden would stand a chance.

Biden is sharp, while Trump is a drooling imbecile who can't function without Adderall (that is, amphetamines). Biden will wipe the floor with him, while never losing his friendly smile.

Plus, Trump is a wimp. That's why the Trumpflakes love him, because like attracts like. Trump isn't just the wimpiest president in history. He's one of the biggest pussies that humanity as a whole has every spawned.

And Trump can barely control his bladder on a good day. In order to avoid pissing himself, he'll need to really up his Adderall dosage, and that will have hilarious results.
Maybe Biden is just acting mentally challenged and his ninja brain will pounce unexpectedly in a debate..

.. boy, I'm really worried about that now... ;)

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