Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!

She quit her last elected job.
And you folks claim she is electable.
LOL. Folks, she is toast. She is not a candidate and never will be again.
This is just too funny. Sarah Palin a viable candidate?
What world do you folks live in?

I can smell the FEAR in your words. You fear her don't you? If you didn't you wouldn't even bother with her.

If she is so bad you should be building her up so she can take the GOP down to defeat.

You know she is great and you know she is a star and you fear that. Reagan was subjected to the dame Liberal attacks that Sarah is getting and for exactly the same reasons. Fear her, fear her greatly. She will take your drugs and take your kinky sex away from you, and you know you can't stand that. Fear her. You Lib attacks just strengthen her. It make Conservative love her just that much more.

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Sarah is a good pin-up, not presidential timber. Love the eye candy as a conservative cheerleader. Like Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter or any of the Fox babes. Just another pretty face to get the base up.

Yeah, and Ronald Reagan was just a grade B movie actor, putting Bonzo to bed, but he sure made the Libs eat dirt before it was over with.

We need a woman president and Hillary is a shrewish B****, so that leaves just Sarah. (Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!)

She WILL be the first woman President, and every woman worth spit should vote for her for just that one reason, never mind the other 1000 good reasons.
She WILL be the first woman President, and every woman worth spit should vote for her for just that one reason, never mind the other 1000 good reasons.
On the contrary, she does not stand a chance. Leave her be to do what she does best: Rally the base and raise oodles of $$ for conservative political candidates.
Palin is a polarizing figure.

She can raise a lot of money for anyone she backs.

She's sure created a nitch for herself.

She ain't running for anything and she sure as hell is laughing all the way to the bank.

There are some who thinks she's stupid. I sure don't. I think she's one savvy lady and I like her.

Oh Yes. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. You go girl.

And not only that:

She has started and ran and grew several companies.
Has a husband that loves her that is her strong right arm, and is more conservative than she is.
Is able to raise 100 million dollars in 90 days for her run for the Presidency.
Has tens of thousands of followers that will descend on NH and Iowa and storm the state for her. She will win both primaries. After that who can stop her from the nomination?
The General Election as we all know is a totally different thing, but she will move to the center and win that too.
Did you see the chop job she did on Biden in the debates?
And every day in every way she gets sharper and sharper.

By 2012 she will be dominating the political landscape and Obama can be sent back to his Mamas with his tail tucked between his legs. He deserves and will get Jimmy Carter's second term and that is all.
She quit because she's fiscally responsible, and realized she couldn't do her job with every lib in the country gunning for her.

Are you serious??? Good Lord, man! Please take Palin's dick out of your mouth every now and again, would ya?

If Sarah is such a disaster then every Liberal should be wishing she gets the nomination, and helping her to do so, so that she can sink the Republican Party for good.

But no, they curse her and make sexist remarks about her because they fear her power and ability to make them eat dirt when she becomes President.

They can't have it both ways. They can't say she is a basket case and then oppose her getting the GOP nomination. So, which is it Libs? Is she to be feared as your worst nightmare, or laughed at as having no chance? Choose!

I DO believe every liberal (and MANY of us Independents) ARE hoping like hell she gets the nomination. I stated as much on page one. I realize you are a noob, but please do try to keep up.
She WILL be the first woman President, and every woman worth spit should vote for her for just that one reason, never mind the other 1000 good reasons.
On the contrary, she does not stand a chance. Leave her be to do what she does best: Rally the base and raise oodles of $$ for conservative political candidates.

The evidence contradicts you. She is the front runner as of this moment.

I have never seen anyone so perfectly poised to take it all the way to the White House. She literally has everything going for her, except Liberals, but then, Liberals are even so ashamed of their reputation that they have now, (just like some criminals,) changed their own soiled name to "Progressives."

As WB Fields used to say. "If you are unsure of your reputation, change your name and move to another town." This is what Liberals have now done.

But, is anyone fooled for a moment? No! Progressives are just as Communist and racist as the former Liberals. Henry Wallace, a Communist, started the Progressive Party in 1948 to try to defeat Truman. So that name is already dirtied.

I am mainstream Republican. I voted for McCain, which meant I had to vote for Palin. The next time my Party puts a nut on the ticket, I am going to have figure something out other than voting for my party's candidates.

On second thought, let's elect Dear Leader.

Jake is a Mainstream Republican like Buffalo Bill is a real woman, except Bill's act is far less obvious and repulsive

The Tea Party will be absorbed and dissipated by the Republican Party, and it will not have the influence that the far right conservatives hope for. There are simply not enough of them to do anything more than cause a flash in the pan excitement.
I think that she has 5 children not 6, just a correction.

Yes, you are right, thanks. She has the three girls and the one boy in the service, and the new boy. Being a mom gives her an insight that many don't have. Women leaders of countries historically have all been great. I don't know of a failure among them. I'm sure she is our best bet to recover America.
The Tea Party will be absorbed and dissipated by the Republican Party, and it will not have the influence that the far right conservatives hope for. There are simply not enough of them to do anything more than cause a flash in the pan excitement.

You trample on the people's hopes. I feel you hate this Country and are a Democrat in disguise. You are no Republican, or even an American IMO. The Tea Party Folks ARE America, all of it that is worth spit.

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