Sarah Palin warned us about Putin, but how could she have known?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Says she made an "accurate prediction" that if Barack Obama were elected it would encourage Russia to invade Ukraine.

A prediction? And the connection between Georgia and Ukraine.

It is clear Palin suggested Russia might invade Ukraine. But did she predict it? And did it happen because of Obama’s reaction to Russia’s incursion into another former Soviet republic, Georgia, in 2008? Back then Obama wasn't president, George W. Bush was.

"Palin did not predict anything; she laid out a possibility," said Mark Beissinger, director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.

"Her exact words are not exactly a prediction, but a comment that suggests it raised the probability that Putin would act against Ukraine in the future," said Mark Brawley, professor of international relations, McGill University.

Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington academic center, had similar reservations. But he doesn’t quibble that she pointed to Ukraine as a geopolitical flash point.

"She did raise the scenario," O’Hanlon said. "So I'd give her half credit."

Trickier, our experts said, was Palin’s 2008 words linking Obama’s "indecision" about Georgia and forthcoming aggression in Ukraine.

It’s a point where a definitive answer is not possible.

More: Palin: I predicted Obama's win would trigger a Russian invasion into Ukraine - PunditFact

Palin made lots of wacky claims, so it was almost inevitable that she would get one partially right.

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Says she made an "accurate prediction" that if Barack Obama were elected it would encourage Russia to invade Ukraine.

A prediction? And the connection between Georgia and Ukraine.

It is clear Palin suggested Russia might invade Ukraine. But did she predict it? And did it happen because of Obama’s reaction to Russia’s incursion into another former Soviet republic, Georgia, in 2008? Back then Obama wasn't president, George W. Bush was.

"Palin did not predict anything; she laid out a possibility," said Mark Beissinger, director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.

"Her exact words are not exactly a prediction, but a comment that suggests it raised the probability that Putin would act against Ukraine in the future," said Mark Brawley, professor of international relations, McGill University.

Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington academic center, had similar reservations. But he doesn’t quibble that she pointed to Ukraine as a geopolitical flash point.

"She did raise the scenario," O’Hanlon said. "So I'd give her half credit."

Trickier, our experts said, was Palin’s 2008 words linking Obama’s "indecision" about Georgia and forthcoming aggression in Ukraine.

It’s a point where a definitive answer is not possible.
She knows more than your pimp in the WH.
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Says she made an "accurate prediction" that if Barack Obama were elected it would encourage Russia to invade Ukraine.

A prediction? And the connection between Georgia and Ukraine.

It is clear Palin suggested Russia might invade Ukraine. But did she predict it? And did it happen because of Obama’s reaction to Russia’s incursion into another former Soviet republic, Georgia, in 2008? Back then Obama wasn't president, George W. Bush was.

"Palin did not predict anything; she laid out a possibility," said Mark Beissinger, director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.

"Her exact words are not exactly a prediction, but a comment that suggests it raised the probability that Putin would act against Ukraine in the future," said Mark Brawley, professor of international relations, McGill University.

Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington academic center, had similar reservations. But he doesn’t quibble that she pointed to Ukraine as a geopolitical flash point.

"She did raise the scenario," O’Hanlon said. "So I'd give her half credit."

Trickier, our experts said, was Palin’s 2008 words linking Obama’s "indecision" about Georgia and forthcoming aggression in Ukraine.

It’s a point where a definitive answer is not possible.

Palin made lots of wacky claims, so it was almost inevitable that she would get one partially right.
She knows more than your pimp in the WH.

If so, that would mean she knows more than all of Obama's advisers, the CIA, and the Pentagon.
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Says she made an "accurate prediction" that if Barack Obama were elected it would encourage Russia to invade Ukraine.

A prediction? And the connection between Georgia and Ukraine.

It is clear Palin suggested Russia might invade Ukraine. But did she predict it? And did it happen because of Obama’s reaction to Russia’s incursion into another former Soviet republic, Georgia, in 2008? Back then Obama wasn't president, George W. Bush was.

"Palin did not predict anything; she laid out a possibility," said Mark Beissinger, director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.

"Her exact words are not exactly a prediction, but a comment that suggests it raised the probability that Putin would act against Ukraine in the future," said Mark Brawley, professor of international relations, McGill University.

Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington academic center, had similar reservations. But he doesn’t quibble that she pointed to Ukraine as a geopolitical flash point.

"She did raise the scenario," O’Hanlon said. "So I'd give her half credit."

W's critics have faulted him for not taking action to prevent the 9/11 skyjackings because the specter of terrorism had been raised in a PDB.

Had he the same amount of an inclination that a 9/11 style of attack was likely to happen I'll bet he'd have been better prepared to stop it and he might have been able to pull it off.

So, you criticize W for not acting when he had only a scant amount of info to go on but when the 2008 GOP VP candidate correctly predicts a Russian invasion of Ukraine you think Obama should be held guiltless.

And you scoff that she was only HALF right.

Know what?

People like you should be enjoying the leadership you elected.

Go ahead and bask in the failure of it all.


(Reuters) - Ukraine's refusal to sign a trade pact drawing it into Europe's orbit marked a victory for Vladimir Putin, winning him time to lure Kiev into a project for a trade and political bloc stretching from the frontiers of China to the edge of the EU.

The Russian president sees his "Eurasian Union", in which Ukraine would play a central role, as a future rival to China, the United States and the European Union. Some say he sees it as the president's personal political legacy - a strong force emerging from the ashes of the old Soviet Union.

"The Eurasian Union is a very important project for Putin. Without Ukraine, he will lose all enthusiasm for it," said Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Kremlin spin doctor who has also worked in Ukraine. "Without Ukraine, Putin's project is impossible."

More: Ukraine holds key to Putin's dream of a new union - Reuters

How would Sarah Palin have had any grasp of this in 2008?
(Reuters) - Ukraine's refusal to sign a trade pact drawing it into Europe's orbit marked a victory for Vladimir Putin, winning him time to lure Kiev into a project for a trade and political bloc stretching from the frontiers of China to the edge of the EU.

The Russian president sees his "Eurasian Union", in which Ukraine would play a central role, as a future rival to China, the United States and the European Union. Some say he sees it as the president's personal political legacy - a strong force emerging from the ashes of the old Soviet Union.

"The Eurasian Union is a very important project for Putin. Without Ukraine, he will lose all enthusiasm for it," said Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Kremlin spin doctor who has also worked in Ukraine. "Without Ukraine, Putin's project is impossible."

More: Ukraine holds key to Putin's dream of a new union - Reuters

How would Sarah Palin have had any grasp of this in 2008?

Maybe it came to her in a Caribou hunt.

Or maybe she's brighter and better informed and has a better grasp of world affairs than you give her credit for having.
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Says she made an "accurate prediction" that if Barack Obama were elected it would encourage Russia to invade Ukraine.

A prediction? And the connection between Georgia and Ukraine.

It is clear Palin suggested Russia might invade Ukraine. But did she predict it? And did it happen because of Obama’s reaction to Russia’s incursion into another former Soviet republic, Georgia, in 2008? Back then Obama wasn't president, George W. Bush was.

"Palin did not predict anything; she laid out a possibility," said Mark Beissinger, director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University.

"Her exact words are not exactly a prediction, but a comment that suggests it raised the probability that Putin would act against Ukraine in the future," said Mark Brawley, professor of international relations, McGill University.

Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington academic center, had similar reservations. But he doesn’t quibble that she pointed to Ukraine as a geopolitical flash point.

"She did raise the scenario," O’Hanlon said. "So I'd give her half credit."

Trickier, our experts said, was Palin’s 2008 words linking Obama’s "indecision" about Georgia and forthcoming aggression in Ukraine.

It’s a point where a definitive answer is not possible.

More: Palin: I predicted Obama's win would trigger a Russian invasion into Ukraine - PunditFact

Palin made lots of wacky claims, so it was almost inevitable that she would get one partially right.

Mod Edit: You can't post the entire article. Shortened quote to an excerpt.

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I'm sure Obama is wondering the same thing.

Understanding the past and present are key to understanding where things are headed. The left has re-written the past and Obama is lying about the present, so he is clueless when it comes to predicting what will happen next. Same with socialism. Shame that many don't understand the past or they wouldn't be so anxious to go that way again.

Palin understands what is going on with Russia. Romney even looks like a genius now for his statements during the debate. Make all the jokes you want, but you know you're jealous because they were both smarter than Obama.
Palin understands people, not as some vision of how they should be (Obama's speeches which gave orgasms to liberals) but as they are. This is why she is so damn effective as jamming the shiv into the ribs of liberals and politicians.

She also understands the geopolitical forces in the world, unlike Obama who promises to halt the rising of the sea and other liberal nonsense.

When you understand people and what motivates them, when you understand geopolitics, it's not hard to predict future actions.

Gotta love the "experts" who grudgingly give her half-credit and yak-yak in order to minimize her prediction. Obviously they KNOW that Governor Palin is a moron, so there must be some other explanation, like luck, to explain this. Parsimony indicates that their perception of her being a moron was wrong, but that would mean admitting that they made the error and that's always difficult for effete liberal elites to admit. They're liberals, after all, and that means that they're correct about everything because being liberal means never having to even consider the possibility that you are wrong.
The real truth is she stated the obvious, the obvious truth that Obama didn't want to deal with and ignored. Didn't take a mind reader to realize that Putin would act in such a fashion and a more flexible president would only spur Putin on.

Just shows that a middle class woman who has made a success of herself is more down to Earth then a community organizer.
The funny thing is how liberals think Palin said she could see Russia from her house. They believe she said it.

No sense trying to communicate with these unreal ignorant piles of brainwashed hacks.
:badgrin::badgrin: What an assclown the Community Organizer and his loopy leftist buttmunchers are..

Sarah Barracuda was ripped apart relentlessly by leftists, women libbers, the media.. all because she was a real threat .. she has more grace in her pinky finger than all you libbies combined.. Your hatred clouded your judgement and still does.. You and your boy king will go down as the worst President in the history of this country and you lemmings will be recorded as brain rotted Zombies.
Putin was signaling Palin by semaphore when she looked at Russia from her house...letting her know his plans...

Check out this ignorant post of moonglow. Then look at the morons that liked it. You think he is being sarcastic, but he is being serious.

He still thinks to this moment that Palin claimed she could see Russia from her house.

Liberals....are that dumb.

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