Sarah Palin Rips Obama In Scathing Attack & Lays Out Her Plan To Fix This Mess

She has leveled a intense scathing attack on him about a hour ago and this was her best yet. Did you know that everything she warned us about this man has come true. Did you know that her warnings what was taking place in Europe would be coming here and what has happened? It's come true due to our presidents lack of executive experience even though he went to Columbia, Occidental and Harvard. This has come to critical mass. No other person has warned us about what would happen except her. Read what she said in a peice called Conquering The Storm and read her plan how to fix this mess. It's the best I have seen.



You people need to read this and pay attention very closely what she has to say.
Governor Palin: Conquering the Storm | Conservatives4Palin


I’m surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P’s decision. Weren’t people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating agencies that this was coming? I’ve been writing and speaking about it myself for quite some time.

Back in December 2010, I wrote: “If the European debt crisis teaches us anything, it’s that tomorrow always comes. Sooner or later, the markets will expect us to settle the bill for the enormous Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending binge. We’ve already been warned by the credit ratings agency Moody’s that unless we get serious about reducing our deficit, we may face a downgrade of our credit rating.” And again in January, in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address I wrote: “With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so ‘great’ when its credit rating is in tatters.”

One doesn’t need a Harvard Law degree to figure this out! Just look across the pond at Europe. European nations with less debt and smaller deficits than ours and with real “austerity” plans in place to deal with them have had their ratings downgraded. By what magical thinking did we figure we could run up perpetual trillion dollar deficits and still somehow avoid the unforgiving mathematics of a downgrade? Nothing is ever “too big to fail.” And there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Didn’t we all learn that in our micro and macro econ classes? I did at the University of Idaho. How could Obama skip through Columbia and Harvard without learning that?


It is a disgraceful and embarrassing situation when the United States finds itself justifiably chastised in the same tone normally reserved for near-bankrupt economies.

And in this, like in shutting off your water, the federal government has failed you. Their reckless spending and destruction of the dollar will make access to available credit for farmers and small business owners harder to get. And it will make transportation costs higher because it will hit everyone at the gas pump. You see, because the Obama White House won’t let us drill domestically, we’re forced to import oil that we pay for in dollars. So, when the value of the dollar drops, the price of gas goes up. And if you think $4 a gallon is bad, wait till you see what life is like at $6 or $7 a gallon.

Last November, the so-called smart people all laughed at me when I warned them of this. They told me not to make such a big deal about rising prices. Well, guess what – it became a big deal all on its own.

To see what her plan is read the link above:

It's worth it to get a feel how this American Patriot thinks.

Sarah Rocks, but she won't run, she has a microphone that reaches all audiences even the ones that hate her, but she does great damage to Obama ( the socialist with marixt leanings) everytime she speaks.
Palin has a degree in Journalism and knows how to write. You seem to forget that a domestic terrorist and friend of Obama's named Bill Ayers wrote his biography 'Dreams Of My Father'? I thought you did. Palin gets the point as many Americans and democrats have figured out. Obama will lose to Palin in 2012.

What was it, 6 years and 5 colleges or 5 years and 6 colleges.

Now get this. This is truly hilarious. In all those years, at all those universities, she was never recorded on tape, she never wrote an article. Get it.

Universities with Journalism degree programs all have radio and TV stations, even if it's closed circuit. And they have school papers. In all those years she was never on any university radio of TV show. Never wrote an article. School papers, radio shows and TV are all public domain. No signature needed to release or copy.

It's like getting an art degree, but never painting or drawing. It's like getting a degree in acting without ever setting foot on stage.

You get that, right? You understand what I'm saying?

Obama was "Editor" of the Harvard Law Review. Palin graduated from "Potato U" in Idaho.

And then you had to go and tell a lie. What right wingers always accuse me of doing.
Show me what Obama edited at the Harvard Law Review. Show me the articles he wrote that was published. Actually Palin got her bachelors in Communications (with a emphasis on Journalism) with a minor in Political Science and it doesn't matter how many schools she attended. People switch schools and degrees many times and some take up to 8 years to finally get a degree. Palin did work as a Journalist at at two tv stations and did her own reports and was seen on live tv as a anchor at KTUU and KTVA in Anchorage fufilling her early ambitions before turning to politics all on her own. At least she wasn't selected through affirmative action like Obama the negro usurper was. Also again. Show me the articles Obama edited and published with the Harvard Law Review. I await your response.

[ame=]‪Sarah Palin vs. Boom Goes The Dynamite‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Sarah Palin: KTUU-TV Sports Reporter (1988) Footage‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

You posted the same broadcast twice. Not sure why.

Do you understand what an "editor" does?

editor [ˈɛdɪtə]
1. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person who edits written material for publication
2. (Business / Professions) a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
3. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
4. (Performing Arts) Films
a. a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film
b. a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
5. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) Television Radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
6. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer

editor - definition of editor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge there — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review’s most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hmm, let's see, second string sports girl at local station or Editor of the Nation's most prestigious law review? Difficult choice. You decide. Don't let me sway your opinion.

Of course, Palin did balance the budget. Alaska is a state that has so much oil money, it has to pay people to live there so I don't see how hard that could be. But she did it in spite of those "difficulties". She was a "runway walker" in a skimpy suit, big hair and stilettos. I'm sure that didn't hurt her chances of getting a job.

[ame=]‪SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited by a moderator:
What was it, 6 years and 5 colleges or 5 years and 6 colleges.

Now get this. This is truly hilarious. In all those years, at all those universities, she was never recorded on tape, she never wrote an article. Get it.

Universities with Journalism degree programs all have radio and TV stations, even if it's closed circuit. And they have school papers. In all those years she was never on any university radio of TV show. Never wrote an article. School papers, radio shows and TV are all public domain. No signature needed to release or copy.

It's like getting an art degree, but never painting or drawing. It's like getting a degree in acting without ever setting foot on stage.

You get that, right? You understand what I'm saying?

Obama was "Editor" of the Harvard Law Review. Palin graduated from "Potato U" in Idaho.

And then you had to go and tell a lie. What right wingers always accuse me of doing.
Show me what Obama edited at the Harvard Law Review. Show me the articles he wrote that was published. Actually Palin got her bachelors in Communications (with a emphasis on Journalism) with a minor in Political Science and it doesn't matter how many schools she attended. People switch schools and degrees many times and some take up to 8 years to finally get a degree. Palin did work as a Journalist at at two tv stations and did her own reports and was seen on live tv as a anchor at KTUU and KTVA in Anchorage fufilling her early ambitions before turning to politics all on her own. At least she wasn't selected through affirmative action like Obama the negro usurper was. Also again. Show me the articles Obama edited and published with the Harvard Law Review. I await your response.

[ame=]‪Sarah Palin vs. Boom Goes The Dynamite‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Sarah Palin: KTUU-TV Sports Reporter (1988) Footage‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

You posted the same broadcast twice. Not sure why.

Do you understand what an "editor" does?

editor [ˈɛdɪtə]
1. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person who edits written material for publication
2. (Business / Professions) a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
3. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
4. (Performing Arts) Films
a. a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film
b. a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
5. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) Television Radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
6. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer

editor - definition of editor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge there — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review’s most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hmm, let's see, second string sports girl at local station or Editor of the Nation's most prestigious law review? Difficult choice. You decide. Don't let me sway your opinion.

Of course, Palin did balance the budget. Alaska is a state that has so much oil money, it has to pay people to live there so I don't see how hard that could be. But she did it in spite of those "difficulties". She was a "runway walker" in a skimpy suit, big hair and stilettos. I'm sure that didn't hurt her chances of getting a job.

[ame=]‪SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."
Show me what Obama edited at the Harvard Law Review. Show me the articles he wrote that was published. Actually Palin got her bachelors in Communications (with a emphasis on Journalism) with a minor in Political Science and it doesn't matter how many schools she attended. People switch schools and degrees many times and some take up to 8 years to finally get a degree. Palin did work as a Journalist at at two tv stations and did her own reports and was seen on live tv as a anchor at KTUU and KTVA in Anchorage fufilling her early ambitions before turning to politics all on her own. At least she wasn't selected through affirmative action like Obama the negro usurper was. Also again. Show me the articles Obama edited and published with the Harvard Law Review. I await your response.

‪Sarah Palin vs. Boom Goes The Dynamite‬‏ - YouTube

‪Sarah Palin: KTUU-TV Sports Reporter (1988) Footage‬‏ - YouTube

You posted the same broadcast twice. Not sure why.

Do you understand what an "editor" does?

editor [ˈɛdɪtə]
1. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person who edits written material for publication
2. (Business / Professions) a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
3. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
4. (Performing Arts) Films
a. a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film
b. a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
5. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) Television Radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
6. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer

editor - definition of editor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge there — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review’s most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hmm, let's see, second string sports girl at local station or Editor of the Nation's most prestigious law review? Difficult choice. You decide. Don't let me sway your opinion.

Of course, Palin did balance the budget. Alaska is a state that has so much oil money, it has to pay people to live there so I don't see how hard that could be. But she did it in spite of those "difficulties". She was a "runway walker" in a skimpy suit, big hair and stilettos. I'm sure that didn't hurt her chances of getting a job.

[ame=]‪SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."

You didn't read the articles I linked to. Most right wingers understand blacks aren't smart. They can't be. They're black. Right?
You posted the same broadcast twice. Not sure why.

Do you understand what an "editor" does?

editor [ˈɛdɪtə]
1. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person who edits written material for publication
2. (Business / Professions) a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
3. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
4. (Performing Arts) Films
a. a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film
b. a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
5. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) Television Radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
6. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer

editor - definition of editor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge there — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review’s most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hmm, let's see, second string sports girl at local station or Editor of the Nation's most prestigious law review? Difficult choice. You decide. Don't let me sway your opinion.

Of course, Palin did balance the budget. Alaska is a state that has so much oil money, it has to pay people to live there so I don't see how hard that could be. But she did it in spite of those "difficulties". She was a "runway walker" in a skimpy suit, big hair and stilettos. I'm sure that didn't hurt her chances of getting a job.

‪SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...‬‏ - YouTube

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."

You didn't read the articles I linked to. Most right wingers understand blacks aren't smart. They can't be. They're black. Right?
One thing is correct. Sarah Palin is a lot smarter than Obama, She has proven to be successful WITHOUT affirmative action. She has proven it by having a successful fiscal record as governor. She has run a business. She has done all this while being a mother of 5 kids. She has done it by self determination without help from huge donors that are untraceable like Obama's were. She is fully all 100% natural born citizen unlike Obama who isn't. She doesn't share Obama's Marxist views. Nope, blacks aren't as smart as whites as genetics have proven through experimentation and IQ tests. Look at the inner city schools and handout programs for them to get by on because to them.....'it's just a unfair too tough world for them to compete hoo.' Spare me. Getting back to the original topic. This story is going viral tonight and tomorrow the White House will be in damage control from her attack. This American Patriotic white woman is going to take back the White House from him and it will be a blessing.
Last edited:
No other person has warned us about what would happen except her

bullcrap! I warned about it before she was even guv of Laska.
And all her current supporters ridiculed me.
Palin has a degree in Journalism and knows how to write. You seem to forget that a domestic terrorist and friend of Obama's named Bill Ayers wrote his biography 'Dreams Of My Father'? I thought you did. Palin gets the point as many Americans and democrats have figured out. Obama will lose to Palin in 2012.

What was it, 6 years and 5 colleges or 5 years and 6 colleges.

Now get this. This is truly hilarious. In all those years, at all those universities, she was never recorded on tape, she never wrote an article. Get it.

Universities with Journalism degree programs all have radio and TV stations, even if it's closed circuit. And they have school papers. In all those years she was never on any university radio of TV show. Never wrote an article. School papers, radio shows and TV are all public domain. No signature needed to release or copy.

It's like getting an art degree, but never painting or drawing. It's like getting a degree in acting without ever setting foot on stage.

You get that, right? You understand what I'm saying?

Obama was "Editor" of the Harvard Law Review. Palin graduated from "Potato U" in Idaho.

And then you had to go and tell a lie. What right wingers always accuse me of doing.
Show me what Obama edited at the Harvard Law Review. Show me the articles he wrote that was published. Actually Palin got her bachelors in Communications (with a emphasis on Journalism) with a minor in Political Science and it doesn't matter how many schools she attended. People switch schools and degrees many times and some take up to 8 years to finally get a degree. Palin did work as a Journalist at at two tv stations and did her own reports and was seen on live tv as a anchor at KTUU and KTVA in Anchorage fufilling her early ambitions before turning to politics all on her own. At least she wasn't selected through affirmative action like Obama the negro usurper was. Also again. Show me the articles Obama edited and published with the Harvard Law Review. I await your response.

Why do people accuse those on the right of racism?
Why do people accuse those on the right of racism?

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."

You didn't read the articles I linked to. Most right wingers understand blacks aren't smart. They can't be. They're black. Right?
One thing is correct. Sarah Palin is a lot smarter than Obama, She has proven to be successful WITHOUT affirmative action. She has proven it by having a successful fiscal record as governor. She has run a business. She has done all this while being a mother of 5 kids. She has done it by self determination without help from huge donors that are untraceable like Obama's were. She is fully all 100% natural born citizen unlike Obama who isn't. She doesn't share Obama's Marxist views. Nope, blacks aren't as smart as whites as genetics have proven through experimentation and IQ tests. Look at the inner city schools and handout programs for them to get by on because to them.....'it's just a unfair too tough world for them to compete hoo.' Spare me. Getting back to the original topic. This story is going viral tonight and tomorrow the White House will be in damage control from her attack. This American Patriotic white woman is going to take back the White House from him and it will be a blessing.

Can't think of a sign can you?

Nope, me neither.

And you'll see none...


other republicans take on this racist piece of shit. And when you accuse them of harboring racist views all you get is "Whatever do you mean". Object lesson right here.
Last edited:
You posted the same broadcast twice. Not sure why.

Do you understand what an "editor" does?

editor [ˈɛdɪtə]
1. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person who edits written material for publication
2. (Business / Professions) a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
3. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
4. (Performing Arts) Films
a. a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film
b. a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
5. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) Television Radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
6. (Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer

editor - definition of editor by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge there — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review’s most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hmm, let's see, second string sports girl at local station or Editor of the Nation's most prestigious law review? Difficult choice. You decide. Don't let me sway your opinion.

Of course, Palin did balance the budget. Alaska is a state that has so much oil money, it has to pay people to live there so I don't see how hard that could be. But she did it in spite of those "difficulties". She was a "runway walker" in a skimpy suit, big hair and stilettos. I'm sure that didn't hurt her chances of getting a job.

‪SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ...‬‏ - YouTube

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."

You didn't read the articles I linked to. Most right wingers understand blacks aren't smart. They can't be. They're black. Right?

MAYBE YOU could explain the need for continually lowering standards and cheating on student exams. We dont have to believe, all we need do is look at current DOJ policy.
She has leveled a intense scathing attack on him about a hour ago and this was her best yet. Did you know that everything she warned us about this man has come true. Did you know that her warnings what was taking place in Europe would be coming here and what has happened? It's come true due to our presidents lack of executive experience even though he went to Columbia, Occidental and Harvard. This has come to critical mass. No other person has warned us about what would happen except her. Read what she said in a peice called Conquering The Storm and read her plan how to fix this mess. It's the best I have seen.



You people need to read this and pay attention very closely what she has to say.
Governor Palin: Conquering the Storm | Conservatives4Palin


I’m surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P’s decision. Weren’t people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating agencies that this was coming? I’ve been writing and speaking about it myself for quite some time.

Back in December 2010, I wrote: “If the European debt crisis teaches us anything, it’s that tomorrow always comes. Sooner or later, the markets will expect us to settle the bill for the enormous Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending binge. We’ve already been warned by the credit ratings agency Moody’s that unless we get serious about reducing our deficit, we may face a downgrade of our credit rating.” And again in January, in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address I wrote: “With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so ‘great’ when its credit rating is in tatters.”

One doesn’t need a Harvard Law degree to figure this out! Just look across the pond at Europe. European nations with less debt and smaller deficits than ours and with real “austerity” plans in place to deal with them have had their ratings downgraded. By what magical thinking did we figure we could run up perpetual trillion dollar deficits and still somehow avoid the unforgiving mathematics of a downgrade? Nothing is ever “too big to fail.” And there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Didn’t we all learn that in our micro and macro econ classes? I did at the University of Idaho. How could Obama skip through Columbia and Harvard without learning that?


It is a disgraceful and embarrassing situation when the United States finds itself justifiably chastised in the same tone normally reserved for near-bankrupt economies.

And in this, like in shutting off your water, the federal government has failed you. Their reckless spending and destruction of the dollar will make access to available credit for farmers and small business owners harder to get. And it will make transportation costs higher because it will hit everyone at the gas pump. You see, because the Obama White House won’t let us drill domestically, we’re forced to import oil that we pay for in dollars. So, when the value of the dollar drops, the price of gas goes up. And if you think $4 a gallon is bad, wait till you see what life is like at $6 or $7 a gallon.

Last November, the so-called smart people all laughed at me when I warned them of this. They told me not to make such a big deal about rising prices. Well, guess what – it became a big deal all on its own.

To see what her plan is read the link above:

It's worth it to get a feel how this American Patriot thinks.

Sarah Palin nails it again. A former governor with executive experience--a small business woman--compared to our Harvard graduate--community organizer--and now amateur golfer President who leads from the REAR--or ass first. Who voted PRESENT on 99% of the bills that came across his desk in the Illinois senate--and democrats were so DUMB to kick Hillary Clinton to the curb to elect this economic MORON. A President who takes no responsibility himself--and continually blames others--when things don't go his way--who has yet to come up with a WRITTEN plan that his own CBO can score.

And yet there are still Americans who are still "in-Love" with those "tingley leg feelings." Brought on by staged lighting--Greek columns and perfectly pronounced speeches.

I never believed that Americans were that STUPID--but they have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they are.

You voted for it--YOU got it!

Show me these articles Obama personally wrote and edited? You have yet to do so.

Politico is a left leaning site heavily biased towards Obama. You know that.
For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, "A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time."

You didn't read the articles I linked to. Most right wingers understand blacks aren't smart. They can't be. They're black. Right?
One thing is correct. Sarah Palin is a lot smarter than Obama, She has proven to be successful WITHOUT affirmative action. She has proven it by having a successful fiscal record as governor. She has run a business. She has done all this while being a mother of 5 kids. She has done it by self determination without help from huge donors that are untraceable like Obama's were. She is fully all 100% natural born citizen unlike Obama who isn't. She doesn't share Obama's Marxist views. Nope, blacks aren't as smart as whites as genetics have proven through experimentation and IQ tests. Look at the inner city schools and handout programs for them to get by on because to them.....'it's just a unfair too tough world for them to compete hoo.' Spare me. Getting back to the original topic. This story is going viral tonight and tomorrow the White House will be in damage control from her attack. This American Patriotic white woman is going to take back the White House from him and it will be a blessing.

Hahahaha. Racist old white people make me laugh. Go keep the balls that roll on your lawn and yell at the little kids that step on your lawn.
What was it, 6 years and 5 colleges or 5 years and 6 colleges.

Now get this. This is truly hilarious. In all those years, at all those universities, she was never recorded on tape, she never wrote an article. Get it.

Universities with Journalism degree programs all have radio and TV stations, even if it's closed circuit. And they have school papers. In all those years she was never on any university radio of TV show. Never wrote an article. School papers, radio shows and TV are all public domain. No signature needed to release or copy.

It's like getting an art degree, but never painting or drawing. It's like getting a degree in acting without ever setting foot on stage.

You get that, right? You understand what I'm saying?

Obama was "Editor" of the Harvard Law Review. Palin graduated from "Potato U" in Idaho.

And then you had to go and tell a lie. What right wingers always accuse me of doing.
Show me what Obama edited at the Harvard Law Review. Show me the articles he wrote that was published. Actually Palin got her bachelors in Communications (with a emphasis on Journalism) with a minor in Political Science and it doesn't matter how many schools she attended. People switch schools and degrees many times and some take up to 8 years to finally get a degree. Palin did work as a Journalist at at two tv stations and did her own reports and was seen on live tv as a anchor at KTUU and KTVA in Anchorage fufilling her early ambitions before turning to politics all on her own. At least she wasn't selected through affirmative action like Obama the negro usurper was. Also again. Show me the articles Obama edited and published with the Harvard Law Review. I await your response.

Why do people accuse those on the right of racism?

It IS a puzzlement, alright.
Sarah Palin Rips Obama In Scathing Attack & Lays Out Her Plan To Fix This Mess's Snooki & Huck.....together (again).....​

"Mike Huckabee blithely ignored the S&P statement about the role of "political brinksmanship" in its decision to downgrade the U.S. debt rating in order to repeatedly suggest it was "vindication" for the Tea Party."

"In the post, titled “Conquering the Storm,” Palin says the “political class” should stop its “happy talk” about “solar shingles” and “really fast trains” and start investing in things that matter, such as domestic energy development and drilling for natural gas."


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