Santorum needs to go


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
The GOP needs to settle with Mitt. There is no room for an Ultra-Conservative in the Presidential race. Mitt, the Moderate, will govern as he has always governed, from the Middle.

The Tea Baggers will love him!
The GOP needs to settle with Mitt. There is no room for an Ultra-Conservative in the Presidential race. Mitt, the Moderate, will govern as he has always governed, from the Middle.

The Tea Baggers will love him!

Then who would protect us all from the dangers of contraception????:shock:
The GOP needs to settle with Mitt. There is no room for an Ultra-Conservative in the Presidential race. Mitt, the Moderate, will govern as he has always governed, from the Middle.

The Tea Baggers will love him!

No! obama needs to go.
Santorum will go as soon as he loses in Pennsylvania.

"To Tampa and Beyond....."

At least Santorum actually stands for something. So the GOP's chances in the election ride on how fast they can jettison the last of their principles?
Santorum will go as soon as he loses in Pennsylvania.

I agree, but he is for the time being.

He sees the writing on the wall. As soon as the evangelicals and tea party broke for Romney, his bow-out is unavoidable.

Now the democrats will have to concentrate on how unpopular Romney is and republicans will agree with them and vote Romney anyway.

It's like Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is unpopular, she's an idiot, she's stupid. Republicans know better but they let the left rave on anyway.
At least Santorum actually stands for something. So the GOP's chances in the election ride on how fast they can jettison the last of their principles?

That is what it looks like. If Romney wins the nomination, the ultras will fall victim to the Greatest Snow Job ever. He is saying and doing everything he can to win the nomintion and the Tea Baggers and the Ultra-Right are falling for his line. I LOVE IT! :lol:

At least Santorum actually stands for something. So the GOP's chances in the election ride on how fast they can jettison the last of their principles?

The principles Santorum stands for are LOSING!!!!!!!! The majority of the conservative right couldn't give a shit about Santorum's principles.........evidently.
Santorum will go as soon as he loses in Pennsylvania.

I agree, but he is for the time being.

He sees the writing on the wall. As soon as the evangelicals and tea party broke for Romney, his bow-out is unavoidable.

Now the democrats will have to concentrate on how unpopular Romney is and republicans will agree with them and vote Romney anyway.

It's like Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is unpopular, she's an idiot, she's stupid. Republicans know better but they let the left rave on anyway.

Republicans know better, but put Sarah Palin in a position to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

That makes a lot of sense.
At least Santorum actually stands for something. So the GOP's chances in the election ride on how fast they can jettison the last of their principles?

The principles Santorum stands for are LOSING!!!!!!!! The majority of the conservative right couldn't give a shit about Santorum's principles.........evidently.

It is good to know the GOP solidly stands for something, holding fast to their long established principles of.....ahhhh.....whatever....:doubt:
When the party front runner can't close the deal it indicates a major lack of confidence in Mitt and his progressive compassionate Conservative message. The fight is for congress, the party that controls both houses runs the government, and sadly if Obama is reelected and retains control of the Senate were fucked!

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