Santorum fear mongering to the ignorant


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Who don’t know better and don’t want to hear anything else. Obama the destroyer.

Santorum’s speeches and ad are directed specifically to ignorant bible and gun toting T-Baggers and village idiots who cannot think for themselves. His latest ad “Obamaville” is a script straight from a B rated science fiction Last Day on Obama’s Earth. Ad after ad and speech after speech is based entirely on fear mongering of what will happen if Obama is re-elected. The real fear will come if Radical Right Wing Extremists get the keys to the white house and our federal government. That is a fact that should scare the hell out of every American.
Obamacare has been in limited effect and it is working and no death panels or rationing of medical care.
It's how Republican leaders talk to their base. No new information here.
The more that Santorum moves into the twilight zone of far right paranoia, the more that Romney moves in the same direction. And alienates the centrist Independents. And a supposedly intelligent guy like Romney doesn't seem to be aware of what is taking place. The Etch-a-Sketch scenerio just won't work. One almost wonders if Santorum is actively working to get President Obama re-elected.
The more that Santorum moves into the twilight zone of far right paranoia, the more that Romney moves in the same direction. And alienates the centrist Independents. And a supposedly intelligent guy like Romney doesn't seem to be aware of what is taking place. The Etch-a-Sketch scenerio just won't work. One almost wonders if Santorum is actively working to get President Obama re-elected.

Naah Santorum and much of the right are REALLY that delusional.
It has been an amazing programming process over the last 3 decades.
Romeny is just playing the game and trying to win, he will be back in the middle after the election.
Yes, of course he will. But will enough people believe that he is sincere about being in the middle? That Etch-a-Sketch comment was very damaging, as it drew a very accurate picture of the way that Romney is campaigning. He may find the right wing of the GOP staying home, and enough Independents doubtful of his sincerity on any issue, that he will lose big time.
As long as his actions put him in the middle he will be better than anyone else in the running.

Or perhaps I should say less dangerous/bad.
Creepy Rickey's role in this election is to make Romney look like the only viable Republican candidate.

He's doing a bang up job of it, too, in my opinion.
I think that Santorum actually does get working folks and their concerns, but he spices it up with this religious lunacy. However, no one ever lost an election with religious lunacy in this country. Obama went to a Church where the preacher screamed "God Damn America" from the Pulpit and Romney thinks he's going to be a God on his own world in the afterlife if he wears his magic underpants.
lol, panties in a twist over a political ad..

you want to listen to fear mongering listen to the DEMOCRATS.

there is a war on women, a war on black, a war on Hispanics, a war on old people

there is war war war war war war...
Creepy Rickey's role in this election is to make Romney look like the only viable Republican candidate.

He's doing a bang up job of it, too, in my opinion.

He does make Romney appear sane by comparison
It was really fucked up when Santorum threatened that seniors wouldn't get their Social Security checks unless the debt ceiling was raised.....

I laughed reading this....

Just think now everyone is using the DNC playbook.
Obama plays to his base, that's ok. A right winger plays to his bace... that's evil.

The left.... if it wasn't for double standards, y'all would have no standards at all. But, it is vaguely entertaining to see y'all get all butthurt about it.
Santorum’s speeches and ad are directed specifically to ignorant bible and gun toting T-Baggers.
Yup, you are a moron.

Is that the best you can do. I wonder when it became a standard insult if you have religion and partake in your second amendment rights....

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