Santorum--delegate math--It's impossible for him to win the nomination.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Frontloading HQ’s Josh Putnam crunches the numbers and finds that under the most optimistic scenario, Rick Santorum is limited to a delegate haul of 1,075, which falls somewhat short of the 1,144 needed to win the nomination.

Putnam notes that you could goose that even further and assume big wins for Santorum in the remaining primaries. Even still, the most he could win is 1,152 delegates. By contrast, Mitt Romney’s minimum 1,162 delegates while his maximum extends to 1,341 delegates.

In other words—at this point—it’s mathematically impossible for Santorum to win the nomination through delegate accumulation. Of course, there’s always the question of a brokered convention. But as Putnam points out, of the people to win the nomination through negotiation, Santorum is at the bottom of the list:

The bottom line here is that Romney has enough of a delegate advantage right now and especially coming out of today’s contests that it is very unlikely that anyone will catch him, much less catch him and get to 1144. The latter seems particularly far-fetched given the above scenarios. And that is a problem in this race. Well, a problem for Gingrich and Santorum anyway. If all either of them can take to voters is an argument that all they can do is prevent Romney from getting to 1144, then neither has a winning strategy. That sort of strategy has a half life; one that will grow less effective as, in this case, Romney approaches 1144.

Complicating this scenario even further for Gingrich and Santorum is the fact that if neither can get to 1144 or even close to it, neither is all that likely to be the candidate to emerge as the nominee at any – unlikely though it may be – contested convention.
Rick Santorum Can't Win

This article doesn't mention the delegates that Santorum is ineligible for because of improper filing in many state congressional districts. Illinois--coming up--for example.

Santorum has failed to file full delegate slates in Tennessee, New Hampshire and Illinois, and has failed to submit enough delegates in several Ohio congressional districts,” Williams said in a statement.
He wants the second spot.

It's all he ever wanted. A nice cushy goobermint job with a nice lifelong pension.
Every republican candidate besides Ron Paul is no different than any progressive - they just have a different perspective on how the government should rule our lives...
He wants the second spot.

It's all he ever wanted. A nice cushy goobermint job with a nice lifelong pension.

Yep, where he can push his radical, anti-woman agenda and get a nice lifelong pension to supplement his speaking fees and book selling.

Typical of the R's.

No work but lots of pay.
WHAT is wrong with the rw's that they would want a little kid who knows nothing, has experienced nothing and has already started with the Repub lies about who and what he is.

Oh wait - remembering Norquist's words, that all they want is a yes man. So, yeah, Rubio would make a good veep yes man.

(STOOPID rw's)
I don't think Romney can win on the first ballot. Once that fails, none of the delegates have to vote the same way on the second ballot.
Every republican candidate besides Ron Paul is no different than any progressive - they just have a different perspective on how the government should rule our lives...

We don't have to tolerate this shit. But as long as they have us divided we're screwed.
I don't think we'll be unscrewed very soon. The liberals will never trust in there fellow citizen.
They are joined at the hip with the creeps in DC and downward.

It's all shit.. and shit runs down hill.
Never say never. The count of delegates is strictly academic right now. All the caucus states that the media have assigned the delegates are still in the process of selecting delegates. Not only that but delegates can change their mind and vote for whoever they wish.

“[The] RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose.” Thus, if a delegate were to challenge his or her ability to vote as a free agent, he or she would have grounds under Rule 38..
Republican National Committee: Rule 38: Can A "Bound" Candidate Vote For Someone Other Than The Winner Of Their State Primary? | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty
WHAT is wrong with the rw's that they would want a little kid who knows nothing, has experienced nothing and has already started with the Repub lies about who and what he is.

Oh wait - remembering Norquist's words, that all they want is a yes man. So, yeah, Rubio would make a good veep yes man.

(STOOPID rw's)

And yet you voted exactly what you just described in as Commander in Chief four years ago.

You seriously dont see your own hypocrisy here?
So Oreo, do you expect Santorum to drop out now? He's ahead of Newt in the Delegate count, so if this is true, it means Newt cant win either. Im trying to figure out why you are focused on Santorum rather than all the candidates who can't win without a brokered convention.
Every republican candidate besides Ron Paul is no different than any progressive - they just have a different perspective on how the government should rule our lives...

We don't have to tolerate this shit. But as long as they have us divided we're screwed.
I don't think we'll be unscrewed very soon. The liberals will never trust in there fellow citizen.
They are joined at the hip with the creeps in DC and downward.

It's all shit.. and shit runs down hill.

Sooner rather than later there will be a breaking point..
I don't think winning is his goal.

He wants the vp slot and will be trying to use his power to get it. He will fail.

Rubio needs to be the pic.

There is no way he is going to be chosen as a VP pick, women cantstandum and they are already calling him that. " Cantstandum" is his new name, he is driving women right back over to the democrat party the sooner he gets out the better for all of us.

I want Rubio or any other number of good candidates.
Romney will win the nomination with more than enough delegates, and have the nomination sewn up long before the Convention. Bank on it!


This is what VICTORY looks like.
So Oreo, do you expect Santorum to drop out now? He's ahead of Newt in the Delegate count, so if this is true, it means Newt cant win either. Im trying to figure out why you are focused on Santorum rather than all the candidates who can't win without a brokered convention.

Let's face it, Romney will be our nominee, there is not a snow ball's chance in hell of either Newt or Rick going the distance, there is no sense in them continuing on with the campaign, their big money donors are doing the math and they are not going to flush the money by continuing to donate to their campaigns only to see them lose in an impossible mission.

In fact, Newt's big campaign donor the billionaire in Vegas is backing Romney today.

They both need to put their huge ego's away and do what is right for the country and drop out. Even if Santorum wins the next 5 states he will only come away with 100 delegates, Romney will gain as well because these are proportional, then it's Romney country with winner take all states in April. There is just no chance that Santorum and Newt could ever regain the lead.

Romney is well in the lead on the delegate count he has a 200+ lead on his nearest rival Santorum. There is no catching up.
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Romney will win the nomination with more than enough delegates, and have the nomination sewn up long before the Convention. Bank on it!


This is what VICTORY looks like.

Thank you Zander a picture is worth a thousand words.
Santorum hasnt relied on big money donors. Neither has Paul. I see no reason why they wouldnt continue with their current strategies. Newt on the other hand is screwed IMHO. He's in for sheer ego, and that's fine by me.

I dont expect Santorum to pull out and support Romney if he doesnt think that's what's best for the country.

The only real strategy here is to push for a brokered convention. Again i dont have a problem with that. Some of our best candidates came out of brokered conventions. It will give tons of media attention on the Republican side and completely blanket out Obama.
Santorum hasnt relied on big money donors. Neither has Paul. I see no reason why they wouldnt continue with their current strategies. Newt on the other hand is screwed IMHO. He's in for sheer ego, and that's fine by me.

I dont expect Santorum to pull out and support Romney if he doesnt think that's what's best for the country.

The only real strategy here is to push for a brokered convention. Again i dont have a problem with that. Some of our best candidates came out of brokered conventions. It will give tons of media attention on the Republican side and completely blanket out Obama.

That's nonsense, a brokered convention is not going to happen, read Dick Morris it would be a disaster for our party and chances of beating Obama. the sooner we get this primary over with the sooner we can focus our money, our time and talents and direct it all towards the real enemy Barach Obama.

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