SanFranNan's Bush-Derangement Syndrome Continues

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
The old bat did it again....full of botox and bourbon, she'd practiced all morning to deliver a stolen screed on President Trump. And once again she called Trump....Bush. She later asked the carefully chosen reporters "is it Friday again?" wasn't.

Democrooks vote for sociopaths like Ted Kennedy who murder women.

Then we have Hank Johnson Dumbocrat from GA who believes islands can capsize if you put to many marines on them.

We are talking about utterly insane motherfuckers in some cases that must be voting for these idiots and sociopaths. I'm talking batshit, eating bugs like Reinfield and muttering about serving their master crazy.

came here to post about this as well...

be proud my liberal friends - this is the face of your party!

does irrational hatred & vitriol cause dementia?

would make for an interesting case study...

What’s Wrong With Nancy? Befuddled Pelosi Thinks Bush is President, Concerned Staff Steps In

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi confused audience members and journalists on Friday morning, forgetting Donald Trump’s name and calling George W. Bush “a bully” before aides had to step in and hand her a note.

During a press conference, the former Speaker of the House went on an untethered tirade against Donald Trump, only she kept referring to him as “Bush.”

“Follow this […] New Yorkers have said to me, those that have had business dealings with him, he operates this way. First, he tries to charm you, President Bush tries to charm you,” said Pelosi, as a reporter can be heard attempting to correct the liberal lawmaker.
Bush Syndrome....many left loons suffer from it...then add in Trumpitis and the result is total insanity
Like I said:
In order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering authoritarian idiot, or a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath

These are dangerously stupid people we are living with in our society. Not these political whores, but the blithering imbeciles who elect them. These are our fellow citizens who destroy entire cities like Detroit by electing regressive sociopaths. They're weapons grade stupid and need to be kept under supervision. Once the illegals are out, and voter ID is mandatory across the country, the DNC will dissolve and merge with the CPUSA.

Just reading the posts on this thread gives thinking people a headache. I realize what the secret weapon of Republicans is…… is stupidity. Poor, rural rednecks who don't have a clue and believe everything FOX, Limbaugh, Hannity and others tell them. That's why they vote for millionaires and billionaires who don't give a fuck about them and take away their healthcare so they can give billionaires tax breaks.

Republican voters, here's your sign———> STOOPID
Just reading the posts on this thread gives thinking people a headache. I realize what the secret weapon of Republicans is…… is stupidity. Poor, rural rednecks who don't have a clue and believe everything FOX, Limbaugh, Hannity and others tell them. That's why they vote for millionaires and billionaires who don't give a fuck about them and take away their healthcare so they can give billionaires tax breaks.

Republican voters, here's your sign———> STOOPID

Unbelievable....Pelosi comes across as a senile old bat and you call republicans stupid?
The old bat did it again....full of botox and bourbon, she'd practiced all morning to deliver a stolen screed on President Trump. And once again she called Trump....Bush. She later asked the carefully chosen reporters "is it Friday again?" wasn't.

Bush Derangement Syndrome is entirely justified. He took the peace and prosperity of Bill Clinton's years, and gave us the failed Iraq War, the Bush Recession, $4 gas, the Kartina FEMA debacle, deficits for ages (including borrowing $10 billion a month for the flopped Iraq War). He left America worse off than when he took over.
Democrats are a howl, they always stand there either with a grin on their face like they have some big secret of moral superiority, or they are ranting and raving like a Black Panther with righteous outrage. Now here comes Pelosi giving us her inside straight of the new angle the Dems have thought up during their latest all-night coffee and bull session, except it is taken straight from their own playbook!

And there she stands trying to charm the press, take them into her confidence with her latest set of talking points to get out to the media, then if that doesn't work she tries to scare the public with outrageous and unfounded allegations, and finally when that fails, she walks away.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is entirely justified. He took the peace and prosperity of Bill Clinton's years, and gave us the failed Iraq War, the Bush Recession, $4 gas, the Kartina FEMA debacle, deficits for ages (including borrowing $10 billion a month for the flopped Iraq War). He left America worse off than when he took over.

"peace and prosperity" from your IMPEACHED piece of shit rapist? Willy refused to take bin-Laden from Sudan and sold our missile telemetry secrets to the Chi-coms for campaign money. Nagin let Katrina destroy Nawlins, not Bush, and Iraq was about drawing al-Qaida into a fight and massacring them....mission accomplished, moron.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is entirely justified. He took the peace and prosperity of Bill Clinton's years, and gave us the failed Iraq War, the Bush Recession, $4 gas, the Kartina FEMA debacle, deficits for ages (including borrowing $10 billion a month for the flopped Iraq War). He left America worse off than when he took over.

"peace and prosperity" from your IMPEACHED piece of shit rapist? Willy refused to take bin-Laden from Sudan and sold our missile telemetry secrets to the Chi-coms for campaign money. Nagin let Katrina destroy Nawlins, not Bush, and Iraq was about drawing al-Qaida into a fight and massacring them....mission accomplished, moron.

You are delusional. Iraq was about getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his WMDs. Turned out that there were no WMDs, and ISIS eventually filled the power vacuum created by the flopped and failed Iraq War.

If things were going so smoothly under the Bush War Monkey, why did the GOP lose Congress in 2006 and the WH in 2008? Lemme guess, Deh Media ! :badgrin:
You are delusional. Iraq was about getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his WMDs. Turned out that there were no WMDs, and ISIS eventually filled the power vacuum created by the flopped and failed Iraq War.

If things were going so smoothly under the Bush War Monkey, why did the GOP lose Congress in 2006 and the WH in 2008? Lemme guess, Deh Media ! :badgrin:

You should know by now being a communist never got anybody anything but a hovel to live in and soup and stale bread for supper.....enjoy learning that the hard way, dipshit.
You are delusional. Iraq was about getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his WMDs. Turned out that there were no WMDs, and ISIS eventually filled the power vacuum created by the flopped and failed Iraq War.

If things were going so smoothly under the Bush War Monkey, why did the GOP lose Congress in 2006 and the WH in 2008? Lemme guess, Deh Media ! :badgrin:

You should know by now being a communist never got anybody anything but a hovel to live in and soup and stale bread for supper.....enjoy learning that the hard way, dipshit.

Oh, you're one of those rightwingers who can't see a difference between liberals and communists, ie a moron.
Oh, you're one of those rightwingers who can't see a difference between liberals and communists, ie a moron.

The last known "liberal" was Joe're called "progressives" now....another synonym for leftist trash.
Unfortunately, I was born in San Fran and - hard to believe - that latex-coated skeleton Pelosi is one of the MILDER leftist human excrement that pollutes that city. It's a shame because aesthetically SF is a lovely, interesting-looking city but has some of the most Loathsome (capital L), delirious, fanatical, overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged champagne-socialist psychopaths on the entire North American continent. If you want to see hatemongering liberals with fucking ICEWATER for blood, my birth town is the gift that keeps on giving.
If you want to see todays's TRUE San Franciscan character, go to YouTube and watch the infamous "Wife Swap" episode from 2009 with Stephen Fowler and Renee Stephens; that reptilian, child-abusing couple represent SF elitism better than any diatribe I could type here.

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