Sanders lead Trump by 21% in new CNN poll

at least three different republicans beat hillary in 3 different electoral-vote rich states in head to head match-ups
clinton leads sanders 56% to 19%

now i know hillary is fading but really dude?
at least three different republicans beat hillary in 3 different electoral-vote rich states in head to head match-ups
Those Republicans aren't gonna beat Trump, by the looks of it.
My dream general election is Trump vs. Sanders just so we all at least get a little entertainment out of the proceedings.
LOL You can tell it's a dimwit poll.....Scott Walker get's 42% never heard of? Please, it's a CNN (Clinton News Poll). Waste of bytes
Hillary Clinton likewise kicks Trump's ass by a smaller yet still huge 16%.

this may be an indication that leading the party of crazies is much easier than leading in a general election.
2016 -- Conducted July 22-25 2016

Exact stats:

Clinton 51 (54) / Bush 46 (41), margin = Clinton +5 (+13)
Sanders 47
/ Bush (48), margin = Bush +1

Clinton 53 (57) / Walker 40 (40), margin = Clinton +13 (+17)
Sanders 48 / Walker 43 , margin = Sanders +5

Clinton 56 (59) / Trump 40 (35), margin = Clinton +16 (+24)
Sanders 59 / Trump 38 , margin = Sanders +21

The values in parentheses are the figures from the last CNN/ORC poll, for comparison purposes.
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Honestly, I'm kind of resigned to the fact that a democrat will win. Unfortunately, this country will find out how bad it is going to get.
CNN has long-since morphed into a Leftist media outlet (Anderson, Cuomo, et al).

They are about as reliable on such matters as a condemned man's opinion on the subject of capital punishment.

I do not trust them to provide objective data in any Left-vs-Right beauty contest, such as Trump vs. Sanders.

Go back and find and serve-up some objective data along those lines, and maybe I (and a great many others) will give the findings a little more credence.
CNN has long-since morphed into a Leftist media outlet (Anderson, Cuomo, et al).

They are about as reliable on such matters as a condemned man's opinion on the subject of capital punishment.

I do not trust them to provide objective data in any Left-vs-Right beauty contest.

Go back and find and serve-up some objective data along those lines, and maybe I (and a great many others) will give the findings a little more credence.

The CNN polls are conducted by ORC, which is independent.

CNN has a pretty darned solid polling record. It is considerably better than Rasmussen, Pulse or Gravis. Also decidedly better than Mason-Dixon or Insider Advantage.

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