Saluting the Commander in Chief


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Anyone know the correct military protocols for the CIC?

I sometimes see the President saluting his honor guard. They obviously salute him. Since he does not wear a uniform, this seems weird to me; salutes are for people in uniform.

Can the CIC give commands such as "At ease!" Does he ever do a rifle inspection (assuming he would have any idea what to look for)?

I noticed that when Barry was getting on the plane to go to California on Friday, he DID NOT salute the soldiers, but I couldn't see if they were saluting him. At the time he was a civilian, eh?

And what about a uniform? Is the CIC authorized to wear a military uniform? Is there an appropriate rank insignia for CIC?

Just wondering.
I believe Reagan is the one that starting saluting our military and it has carried forward to today as a tradition. He is considered the CiC of the military.
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Anyone know the correct military protocols for the CIC?

I sometimes see the President saluting his honor guard. They obviously salute him. Since he does not wear a uniform, this seems weird to me; salutes are for people in uniform.

Can the CIC give commands such as "At ease!" Does he ever do a rifle inspection (assuming he would have any idea what to look for)?

I noticed that when Barry was getting on the plane to go to California on Friday, he DID NOT salute the soldiers, but I couldn't see if they were saluting him. At the time he was a civilian, eh?

And what about a uniform? Is the CIC authorized to wear a military uniform? Is there an appropriate rank insignia for CIC?

Just wondering.


If Obama was going to California on the afternoon of Friday 20 January 2017 then he was no longer the CIC and no longer rated a salute from the military.


Anyone know the correct military protocols for the CIC?

I sometimes see the President saluting his honor guard. They obviously salute him. Since he does not wear a uniform, this seems weird to me; salutes are for people in uniform.

Can the CIC give commands such as "At ease!" Does he ever do a rifle inspection (assuming he would have any idea what to look for)?

I noticed that when Barry was getting on the plane to go to California on Friday, he DID NOT salute the soldiers, but I couldn't see if they were saluting him. At the time he was a civilian, eh?

And what about a uniform? Is the CIC authorized to wear a military uniform? Is there an appropriate rank insignia for CIC?

Just wondering.

Lots of people are saluting Trump lately
I remember only one saying about the salute and it was by the enlisted.
Enlisted man salutes officer and the salute means: Your a better man than I am, sir."
And the officers return salute response: "I know it."
The strict protocol for U.S. Military personnel does not extend to the civilian-in-chief. The President is free to salute or not or wave or not or place his hand over his heart or not. Rumors are that Obama refused even to acknowledge the Military or the National Anthem before he succumbed to political pressure and placed his hand over his heart.
The strict protocol for U.S. Military personnel does not extend to the civilian-in-chief. The President is free to salute or not or wave or not or place his hand over his heart or not. Rumors are that Obama refused even to acknowledge the Military or the National Anthem before he succumbed to political pressure and placed his hand over his heart.
What about the rumors that Trump spit on returning Vietnam soldiers?
I just think it looks stupid and pretentious for a guy in a suit to be saluting soldiers in uniform. The custom originated with suits of armor, when knights would raise their face shields so they could be identified. The soldiers, too. Stand at attention, but saluting a civilian is inappropriate.

But that's just my feeling. I wonder if there is a written guideline on the subject.
I looked it up. Reagan was the first to do it, and his military advisors told him it was not appropriate. However, he liked it,a nd the honor guards apparently liked it, and now we have a sort-of-a custom of the President doing it, even though it's not appropriate.

Consider the following hypothetical: An Army private, dressed in civilian clothes, encounters his CO, in uniform, on the street. A salute is NOT appropriate. "Good evening, sir," is all that is required or appropriate. Saluting is for soldiers and sailors in uniform.

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