Hack the Army Bounty Pays Out $100,000; 118 Flaws Fixed


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Hack The Army bounty, announced last fall, was the second such government rewards program, debuting months after the conclusion of the Hack the Pentagon bounty. Government officials positioned both programs as a vehicle for outreach to white-hat hackers and researchers, inviting a select number to participate and try to penetrate online properties and databases normally off-limits.

...Yesterday, the Army said it received more than 400 bug reports, 118 of which were unique and actionable. Participants who found and reported unique bugs that were fixed were paid upwards of $100,000. The Army added that 371 people were invited to take part, 25 of which were government employees including 17 from the military.

The Army also shared high-level details on one issue that was uncovered through the bounty by a researcher who discovered that two vulnerabilities on the goarmy.com website could be chained together to access, without authentication, an internal Department of Defense website.
Hack the Army Bounty Pays Out $100,000; 118 Flaws Fixed

I bet that last one was a surprise.
I wish Cyber Warfare had been the big thing it was when I was in that it is today. I ended up trouble shooting old ass 386's and was overjoyed the first time I saw a Pentium II processor.

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