SALT or State and Local Regulation, which is Costing more Wealth?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
I was looking at the Lowe's store closure map on CNBC and the closures seem to have been in line with high state and provincial (Canadian stores) regulation so I was wondering about the cost of SALR. Are their any studies about the bad effects of SALR?
I was looking at the Lowe's store closure map on CNBC and the closures seem to have been in line with high state and provincial (Canadian stores) regulation so I was wondering about the cost of SALR. Are their any studies about the bad effects of SALR?
When I worked at Home Depot, each store that was created was out of the profits(evil profits) that Home Depot made, thus only the merchandise was borrowed money, and since the stores turned the merchandise around 6 times per year, it was very profitable. Now with Lowes, they borrowed money to open stores, thus having more interest payments per store, and this was good when Obama was doing his FREE MONEY Quantitative Easing, but now with the Fed Res Banks, raising interest rates, Lowes has to sell off some stores or get smacked with high interest payments. Oh, well, the Dumocraps didnt see this coming, I did back when QE was started, now the belly aching is happening because those liberals near Lowes, has to go someplace else.
I was looking at the Lowe's store closure map on CNBC and the closures seem to have been in line with high state and provincial (Canadian stores) regulation so I was wondering about the cost of SALR. Are their any studies about the bad effects of SALR?
When I worked at Home Depot, each store that was created was out of the profits(evil profits) that Home Depot made, thus only the merchandise was borrowed money, and since the stores turned the merchandise around 6 times per year, it was very profitable. Now with Lowes, they borrowed money to open stores, thus having more interest payments per store, and this was good when Obama was doing his FREE MONEY Quantitative Easing, but now with the Fed Res Banks, raising interest rates, Lowes has to sell off some stores or get smacked with high interest payments. Oh, well, the Dumocraps didnt see this coming, I did back when QE was started, now the belly aching is happening because those liberals near Lowes, has to go someplace else.

Yeah, true. However I'm wondering about how much of the current problems in the Blue wall are the result of State and Local Regulation. the left coast and northeast are being crushed economically

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