Sad - State Must Pass A Law Banning Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities...& Has To Fight To Do So


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'A Florida measure that would ban sanctuary cities is set for a vote Friday in the state’s Senate after clearing its first hurdle earlier this week. The bill would effectively make it against the law for Florida’s police departments to refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. “The Governor may initiate judicial proceedings in the name of the state against such officers to enforce compliance,” a draft version of the Senate bill reads.'

I never thought I would live to see a President have to FIGHT other Americans in order to be able to ensure our own sovereignty and protect US citizens, and I never thought I would live to see a law having to be passed to make it illegal for a police agency / for police officers to aid and abet criminals / violate existing law....

Democrats have chosen sides regarding their loyalties, and they have made it clear they stand with illegals, heavily-armed border-crossing human traffickers, MS13, Drug Cartel drug runners, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, and cop killers in order to keep the borders open, illegal immigration / the invasion going, & safe-haven-providing federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities operating ... all to reap the benefits of illegal voting ... which they are trying to make legal.

I am glad to see that Judge who helped the illegal get away was perp-walked....Hopefully more criminal collaborators will follow.

Florida measure banning sanctuary cities moves along after clearing its first hurdle

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