S pledge a form of indoctrination?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
I have grandkids in public school. They say the pledge every morning. I am wondering if I need to have a talk with them about this issue. You see, I pledge allegiance to my savior and my family, both highest priorities. I do not want my grandkids indoctrinated to any one countries ideals. They need to think for themselves. I don't want american cheerleaders leading them.
Our children say the pledge every morning and are given the opportunity to pray if they wish.

Mom approves
We and you live in a constitutional republic not a democracy as the trumpkens are beginning to realize.

You of course can make choices, then you are responsible for the choices you made.
I disapprove of this form of national indoctrination. My daughter unfortunately is a flag waver but I love her nonetheless. But she respects my ideas greatly and I think its time to end the nonsense. Pledge allegiance to your savior. Your country isn't all that important.
I disapprove of this form of national indoctrination. My daughter unfortunately is a flag waver but I love her nonetheless. But she respects my ideas greatly and I think its time to end the nonsense. Pledge allegiance to your savior. Your country isn't all that important.

It's your right to express your opinion. I see no harm in it and in fact encourage it with our children, but they are a product of a military family so it doesn't take much encouraging on my part
My brother died in a military jeep accident in an inept military in 59. I quit being a fan of this country then. Nothing has changed.
Sassy, I emphasize INEPT. No treason for it. I fly old glory upside down and challenge anyone to come to my house and tell me different. The bad feelings only grow. In fact I hope I make people upset...they cannot do a thing.
Sassy, I emphasize INEPT. No treason for it. I fly old glory upside down and challenge anyone to come to my house and tell me different. The bad feelings only grow. In fact I hope I make people upset...they cannot do a thing.

You're spoiling for a fight and I'm not going to go there. Again it's your right to express an opinion and feel the way you do

I lost my best friend in Iraq, I'm not bitter, that's life. He chose to serve and he served honorably and there isn't a day I'm not reminded of him. He loved this nation and fell while serving it and when I see the flag I think of thousands upon thousands of people who did the same thing. They are heroes
Your hurt will be over soon enough, initforme.

I am sorry you are hurting.
Yes I will get over it....the day I pass onto my savior and lord Jesus. But don't expect me to respect my country. So if this irritates someone I am more than happy...in fact I am ecstatic. I owe nobody anything and my country is below my pets on my priority. If one disagrees then let's go.
I have grandkids in public school. They say the pledge every morning. I am wondering if I need to have a talk with them about this issue. You see, I pledge allegiance to my savior and my family, both highest priorities. I do not want my grandkids indoctrinated to any one countries ideals. They need to think for themselves. I don't want american cheerleaders leading them.

You'll have time for a nice, long talk on the boat ride to another country. Bye.
.... But don't expect me to respect my country. So if this irritates someone I am more than happy...in fact I am ecstatic. I owe nobody anything and my country is below my pets on my priority. If one disagrees then let's go.

Yeah, go. GTFO. You don't understand or deserve to live in America. Don't come back.
Nah....I'm here to irritate you. My soul mission...lol. Do you expect me to give a rats butt? Yeeeeerhawwwee.
I have grandkids in public school. They say the pledge every morning. I am wondering if I need to have a talk with them about this issue. You see, I pledge allegiance to my savior and my family, both highest priorities. I do not want my grandkids indoctrinated to any one countries ideals. They need to think for themselves. I don't want american cheerleaders leading them.

I showed this one before.
I strongly oppose brainwashing. I think it lends itself to passiveness. That isn't what being American is about. Citizens have a responsibility.
My brother died in a military jeep accident in an inept military in 59. I quit being a fan of this country then. Nothing has changed.

Sorry for the loss, it is never easy to lose a loved one.

As far as you attitude toward the country, that is fine with me. We should all be allowed to have our opinions.

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