S&P 500, Dow hit fresh records as Wall Street ends Nvidia-fueled rally week

Dont Taz Me Bro

Diamond Member
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Gold Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
OP could make a fucking PBJ sammich about the Cheeto Jesus. :uhoh3:

The DJIA hit a new record high yesterday. When these events would happen during Trump's presidency he would bring them up and take credit for them at this press conferences. Will MAGA give the same credit to Biden?

Just today, it was reported that typical of Marxists/Demofascists, THE RICH GET RICHER and THE POOR GET POORER.

Even today, Mr. Potato head has Marxists/Demofascists billionaires making more billions while Joe Black is barely making it paycheck to paycheck. But then there is a Mod who never studies economics, so has no clue what is really going on in America, but parrots what the Lame Stream Media tells him to say.

Nothing a homeless person or a single mom living on $2K/month enjoy more than getting those blue chip dividends.

Buy the rumor, sell the news. The rumor is DJT will be POTUS again. I hope he helps the less fortunate among us when he does get back in.
Just today, it was reported that typical of Marxists/Demofascists, THE RICH GET RICHER and THE POOR GET POORER.

Even today, Mr. Potato head has Marxists/Demofascists billionaires making more billions while Joe Black is barely making it paycheck to paycheck. But then there is a Mod who never studies economics, so has no clue what is really going on in America, but parrots what the Lame Stream Media tells him to say.

taz 4

tRumplings 0

I'mma stop counting now, We all know how it's gonna go,
Just today, it was reported that typical of Marxists/Demofascists, THE RICH GET RICHER and THE POOR GET POORER.

Even today, Mr. Potato head has Marxists/Demofascists billionaires making more billions while Joe Black is barely making it paycheck to paycheck. But then there is a Mod who never studies economics, so has no clue what is really going on in America, but parrots what the Lame Stream Media tells him to say.

This is a funny post from a guy who claims to have made millions from the stock market.


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