Ryan Montgomery, person who hunts child sex predators and hacks into child sex websites attacked by leftist media.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

One of many moments of the interview that will make you sick.

Watch the part where he reads the texts he retrieved.

You can all watch the whole interview for those that care. We know the left won't. They defend child porn, child sex trafficking in hollywood and Washington among democrats like John podesta.

This is where the trained monkeys 🐒 🙈 🙊 will call us QANON....
I used to deltree pedos. :D

Don't have the chops or the ability to take risks to do stuff like that in this day and age.

If they opened what they though was underage nasty stuff, the program ran and it had The Thing in it, and I had this

particularly nasty deltree and I'd upload and run it and watch all their files disappear and then they drop offline.

And I'd know they won't be back for a while. :terror:

I'd do it to <>< I could tell were pedos by their PMs with other people from other <>< .

And the people in their little pervert rooms, too. There's some sick people out there.
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The freaks should be happy someone isn't identifying them and hunting them down for... less than legal outcomes, shall we say.
What did he expect ?
To be invited around for afternoon tea and a jolly frank discussion .
Inhumanity goes with the territory .
There should be 50 of these guys.

Having said that - where is the part where the left media trash him?
Did I miss something?

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