Russians leaving Chernobyl to be treated for radiation sickness


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Russian troops leaving the Chernobyl nuclear site have 'acute radiation sickness', it has been claimed.

The Pentagon confirmed Russian troops were pulling out of the irradiated nuclear wasteland, reports the Mirror.

But an employee at the Public Council at the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management said they were running away "irradiated".

This is what happens when the guy planning his war is not a military guy, but an ex-spy with the KGB who relies on the words of "YES" men to tell him how his war is progressing. How many lives has Putin destroyed with his incompetent war. The Russian military is turning into a global joke.
No surprise. Stir up that cesium that was settled down and radiation poisoning is what you'd get. I wonder how many they will actually let get home and tell their families what 'their' government did to them'.
No surprise. Stir up that cesium that was settled down and radiation poisoning is what you'd get. I wonder how many they will actually let get home and tell their families what 'their' government did to them'.
Pootin will figure a way to keep them in treatment for as long as it takes...or until they succumb to the poisoning.
How come the Ukrainians that were allegedly forced to maintain the site aren't sick? Oh right, this is just more Ukrainian propaganda. When will people learn?
Pootin will figure a way to keep them in treatment for as long as it takes...or until they succumb to the poisoning.
Yeah probably. Apparently Russia has had more than just one plant accident.

My dad worked at a nuke plant for 6 months when they were adding something to the facility... He later developed bladder cancer and the experts attributed that all to that six month exposure.

A lot of people are too young or too dense to consider things like Love Canal. Even today some of the plants we have need shut down and rebuilt but that corporate greed just hangs on and the people in those areas sometimes suffer the consequences of it all in their lack of knowledge.

All that said I still wouldn't let Putin's threats deter me from assisting the Ukrainians in every way possible. The world doesn't need that kind of nutjob loose and free to reek havoc on people not at war with them.
Who seriously believes this shjt. LOLOL. Propaganda.
So you don't believe there's radiation still there?

Youre still supporting the communists I see. Well done your communist arsehole. Vlad will be impressed when he discovers all the republicans support him.
It's been confirmed from the pentagon. I know you trust the Kremlin more, but it is what it is.
TFG proved that MAGA trusts Pootin more when he took the murderer's word over US Intel. TFG was a gift for Pootin that just kept on giving.

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