Russian 'spy' worked for Foreign Office and met King Charles after being granted asylum in UK


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This will be far more rampant than people understand. This story is making news across the spectrum in the UK.

10M Crossed into the U.S in three years, the risks are staggering. 28,000 Were from China. If even only 100 are spies who can go underground, create a false legend and infiltrate the U.S it could provide unlimited benefits to China for decades.

The Chinese and Russians know how to focus on greed and corruption. This is what we have in the West today. Multi millionaire politicians who sit in positions of power for 30, 40, 50 years. They are impossible to move and no one dares confront them. China was able to influence and shape opinion through the education system, through regional offices as they pushed for addressing climate change even if it meant hurting our national economieds. They even had the West copying their response to COVID and running interference in reporting the truth of its origins!

As a consumer of real war stories and spy stories in history, I can say I am a bit of an authority on intelligence operations. I don't think anything in modern times compares to the level of success, across so many institutions and pillars of Western society, with such unheard of effectiveness as CHinas intelligence agencies over the last 25-30 years.

Russia is clearly no slouch. This guy was able to infiltrate GCHQ, he even meets the king. These nations realize that ideology isn't a means anymore, patriotism in the West is low, our systems aren't that much different anymore, it is all about money and opportunity. Boy do they find it, or rather, they are gifted an open door.

The West has plenty of intel on China and Russia (especially Russia) but the cost and effort to obtain this information is far higher than it is for them to collect on us. It is amazing really. More amazing when citizens turn their heads the other way in denial.

I am accustomed to this in Canada as citizens have little interest in what our domestic Security Industrial Complex are up to. How much they have destroyed our economy and reputation. This arrogance and lack of transparency and interest has infected all of the West and it will ensure our downfall.

An alleged Russian spy worked for the Foreign Office and met King Charles after being granted asylum in the UK, a court has heard.

The Afghan refugee, who is accused of spying for Russia’s military intelligence agency, lied to gain asylum in the UK before working for GCHQ and MI6.

He worked with two prime ministers and met King Charles and Prince William during a visit to Afghanistan while working for the UK Government, according to the Times.

The man, who can only be identified as C2, obtained both Russian and British citizenship.

He was stripped of his British citizenship in 2019 after MI5 agents accused him of being an agent for Russian intelligence agency GRU.

The government has argued that letting C2 back into the country would pose a national security risk.

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