Russian provocation, lets see what Obama does if Russia moves

If Putin does seize the Crimea, does that spell the pending doom of Ukrainian independence, as well, once Uncle Vlad has it confirmed for him, what he's figured all along - namely, that there's nobody West of Kiev with the balls to draw a real line in the sand?

The President's (Obama's) remarks at a press conference carried by CNN a few minutes ago were not exactly inspiring.
Then again, given all the Genocidal Policies and Ethnic Cleansing that the Soviet Russians carried out against the Ukrainians in the decades after the 1917-1918 Revolutions, and that the Russians moved so many ethnic Russians into the eastern part of the Ukraine to fill the vacuum and create population pressure against the surviving Ukrainians... hell... the place is half ethnic Russian already... maybe they should split into East and West Ukraine, with both having a respectable Black Sea access.
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Russia won't move. But if they do, I doubt Obama will fabricate WMD information so that he can invade a country.

Your right... Obama will do nothing


I disagree.
Obama will wag his finger scoldingly and declare he "means it" and he will draw a red line for Russian behavior. When the RUssians cross that red line he will declare someone else must have done that.
The most incompetent president in history faces probably the most competent Russian leader since Peter the Great. The world will be laughing at us for years.

Aaannd, did I call it or what? The most predictably incompetent president in history. The Kremlin is laughing its drunken ass off at that clown.
Obama warns Russia of 'costs' for any Ukraine intervention
Are the Russians still being viewed as a second-string military power (outside the realm of nukes, anyway)?

Have they managed to chip the rust off their naval and air fleets and brought themselves back to First Stringer status?
It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.

Derative false analogy. (1) Putin is not Hitler. (2) Ukraine is not Sudentenland. (3) Russia and Ukraine do not affect our national security.
Your right... Obama will do nothing


I disagree.
Obama will wag his finger scoldingly and declare he "means it" and he will draw a red line for Russian behavior. When the RUssians cross that red line he will declare someone else must have done that.
The most incompetent president in history faces probably the most competent Russian leader since Peter the Great. The world will be laughing at us for years.

Aaannd, did I call it or what? The most predictably incompetent president in history. The Kremlin is laughing its drunken ass off at that clown.
Obama warns Russia of 'costs' for any Ukraine intervention

What did you call?
Since 1990, the Ukraine and Poland have had a pact which could in a remote possibility, put Poland into the mix against Russia. If that were to happen and Russia in any way attacked Poland, as Poland might defend pro-western Ukrainians, then that would generate a mandatory military response from NATO, which Poland is a member of (NATO Treaty calls for military defense of any of its members, if attacked). That would throw western Europe and the U.S. into the fight.
However, this scenario is remote as the Polish government would more likely just take in refugees.
Neither Barack Obama nor John Kerry have any Street Cred when it comes to sabre-rattling.

I have a sinking feeling that the Russians are laughing their asses off at us.
Threats will be made!

Lines will be drawn!

Sabres will be rattled!

Golf will be played!

And the boys will still sing:

[ame=]The Beatles - Obladi Oblada - YouTube[/ame]

ObLaDi, goes on........
Are the airplanes with Russian troops landing yet?

They did the same thing in Afghanistan in 1979.
NATO has been stiff-arming the Ukraine re: membership for some years now.

I'm guessing that the NATO folks had such a scenario in mind when they held their arms stiff like that.

That, and not wanting to over-excite the Russians, and trigger an Anschluss before the Ukrainians could be integrated into the European defense shield.

there is no reason to invite Ukraine into nato, Russias ( Putins) military is a shadow of its self comparatively, with say the 70's 80's.

Putin may be a kgb/fsb thug but Geo-politics is still a game that must be played, and as obama said, he doesn't play chess, well, putin and iran do.

Ukraine most certainly is in Russias sphere of influence and instead of stomping all over Putin a smart Geo-political player, like say a Kissinger or Nixon would have turned Putin into a sometime ally, but we don't have a FP, we have a fire brigade FP, devoid of a chessplayer in a chess game.
Yes Obummer is weak and indecisive on foreign policy.
Realistically, what are the options?
Move the 6th fleet into the Black Sea? Wouldn't happen even if Krauthammer was potus and Kristol the scty of defense.
Blockade Russia? Riiiiiiiiight.
I know it is frustrating for keyboard warriors and armchair generals, but just as in 2008 when Georgia poked the bear in the eye with a sharp stick and got bitch slapped for it, nothing is gonna happen.
We certainly have no interests there compelling enough to send troops over to lose their lives over it.

There are no moves on the board other than strongly worded letters of red ass, deal with it.
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.

Derative false analogy. (1) Putin is not Hitler. (2) Ukraine is not Sudentenland. (3) Russia and Ukraine do not affect our national security.
I'm gonna pretend that I did not see this, otherwise I would have to admit agreeing with fakey.
Yes Obummer is weak and indecisive on foreign policy.
Realistically, what are the options?
Move the 6th fleet into the Black Sea? Wouldn't happen even if Krauthammer was potus and Kristol the scty of defense.
Blockade Russia? Riiiiiiiiight.
I know it is frustrating for keyboard warriors and armchair generals, but just as in 2008 when Georgia poked the bear in the eye with a sharp stick and got bitch slapped for it, nothing is gonna happen.
We certainly have no interests there compelling enough to send troops over to lose their lives over it.

There are no moves on the board other than strongly worded letters of red ass, deal with it.

yes and when you compare obamas reactions over the last 5 years, and today to what he said ala Georgia back then, wherein Putin really was making a land grab, well, there ya go.

Oh and don't forget his completely incomprehensible reaction to Zelaya's actions in Honduras and there ya go, his FP is chaotic gobbledygook.
Burying our heads in the sand did not work in the 30's and it won't work now. a renewed aggressive Russia is a direct threat to our nation and our stability. If Russia seizes Ukraine and no one acts they will be free to seize other nations that broke away from the old Soviet Union. And THAT will lead to war.

What the clueless don't know is that the Budapest Memorandum treaty the US and UK signed with Ukraine requires that we militarily defend them in a conflict, so the US is REQUIRED to act.

Putin that fucking piece of shit cu-t knows that obama is a weak turd, so he sends in out-of-uniform proxy fighters (taking a page from iran and syria) under the fig leaf that they are not Russian "soldiers", so he can pretend there is no invasion, and obozo does not get pulled into following through on the treaty. This will certainly infuriate Ukraine, who has already disclosed that they will rebuild the nukes they gave up in that treaty since the US/UK are not following their treaty obligations.

If this country has ever had a weaker, less respected leader around the world - I'd have yet to see them. Putin continues to test the US all over the globe and what do we get? More horseshit from obummer and kerry claiming how badly we'll condemn russia if they invade Ukraine... :eusa_boohoo:
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Here's a thought. Why don't all you second amenders pickup your arms and go defend Freedom overseas.

Here's a better thought, how about you just shut the fuck up already and stop posting infantile, moronic garbage?

Another idiot tool with no facts nor brains. Is there any way to eradicate the cancer of the ron paul psychotic cheerleader?

For the sane, look up Budapest Memorandum. It IS our fucking business, if we are ever to have ANY credibility again.
Obama's being backed into a corner!

He can't just sit back and let The Ukraine happen.

He'll do the only thing he can under the circumstances.....

Fly to Hawaii and play a round of golf.

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