Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent

Maybe it was softcore in terms of american laws (not sure), but it involved very young children from preschool age. I think that this would be quite severely punished in the jurisdiction of the United States. As far as I know, even displaying baby nipples is illegal in the US, right?
There is a very clear pattern: when the left comes to power, riots escalate in Ukraine and separatist sentiments intensify. That's a coincidence?

The easiest way to defeat enemies is to pit them against each other. It's a left tactic, that's what they always do. And the enemies of the left are the majority of Ukrainians, Russians and Americans, all who come from patriarchal cultures and who are de facto right-wing. These are steppe horse breeding cultures that gave rise to chivalry in Europe. This is what the Left has always waged war against.
And in fact, despite the "anti-Western" rhetoric, the Russian media are constantly imposing precisely Eurocentrism and European values on the people. The Bolsheviks also did this.

They are playing a double game in PR. For the right-wing majority, they invent left-wing heroes of a patriarchal type, but in general, from the point of view of historical propaganda, they never associate the Russian path with the East, with the culture of the Huns or the Golden Horde, they always glorify only Prussian matrons and their imperial manners. They almost never mention patriarchal Austria-Hungary and Poland, they reject Polish kinship, Western Slavs do not exist for them.
Probably such a policy is implicitly supported by the northwestern part of the peoples of Russia, since they themselves come from the Baltic European cultures. In fact, all these legends about the breadth of the Russian soul are mostly fairy tales, in any case, this does not apply to all Russians. Northwestern Russia has a very pronounced tendency towards matriarchy. A typical Brezhnev-era family consisted of a domineering woman who controlled a man, many men were infantile alcoholics, women were usually the manager of finances in the family, and many men openly admitted that they were henpecked.
In this part of the people, the propensity for trade and commerce is clearly visible. They instantly adapted to commercialization, immediately began to count pennies on promotions in supermarkets.
Others absolutely cannot trade and never count anything.
By the way, the most reliable indicator in this regard is Prussian punctuality. If a person is punctual and tidy, loves to be put into service, carefully irons clothes and washes shirts, washes his hands, imitates office clerks in the style of clothing, I immediately guess in him a representative of the Northwestern matriarchal culture. It manifests itself at the level of genetics. If a person has a negative attitude to all this, is careless in clothes and manners, does not like being put into service and does not like a rigid daily routine, then he comes from the steppe culture of the southeast. And Ukrainians are more often just like that, hence their desire for freedom. Ukraine is about 90% steppe land.
Mass production of child pornography.
I don't really know, I just assumed.
I get it.
Therefore ... Assume the Position.
What Bing Crosby said to oldest son Gary,
first thing when he got home from the Studio.
It meant to go to the bedroom and bend ever
the bed for his Spanking.Sometimes with Bings
Cane if in a hurry.Udderwise his belt.
Dixie Crosby got regular calls from Gary's school
for acting out in class.Gary wrote a fantastic book about
His Father.I highly recommend.
- Going My Own Way - { 1983 }
I get it.
Therefore ... Assume the Position.
What Bing Crosby said to oldest son Gary,
first thing when he got home from the Studio.
It meant to go to the bedroom and bend ever
the bed for his Spanking.Sometimes with Bings
Cane if in a hurry.Udderwise his belt.
Dixie Crosby got regular calls from Gary's school
for acting out in class.Gary wrote a fantastic book about
His Father.I highly recommend.
- Going My Own Way - { 1983 }
I do not understand why this was, but if I decided, I would execute people who exploit minors in such production, pimps and so on. I would subject them to a shameful execution, and their family up to the 3rd generation would bear the seal of shame from birth, and I would put this seal on their foreheads, like a brand for animals, with a red-hot iron.
Maybe that's the way it will be
The fact that someone loves young bodies is not yet a crime, but this should not hurt the psyche of children. No use of children as an object of sexual desire is allowed. Those who seduce children, and even more so those who use them to make money, are criminals and there can be no exceptions.

Snuggle up to other people's children and kiss them like Biden does is also unacceptable
For the vast majority of people, one of the main life goals is the creation of a healthy family, with normal relationships, including normal intimate relationships. Such a child is much less likely to do so, and besides, such children are more likely to commit suicide. There can be no question of "liberalization" in this area, and the situation that exists now is too liberal. It will destroy society.
And all this for what? For the dirty momentary desires of the left pigs?
I do not understand why this was, but if I decided, I would execute people who exploit minors in such production, pimps and so on. I would subject them to a shameful execution, and their family up to the 3rd generation would bear the seal of shame from birth, and I would put this seal on their foreheads, like a brand for animals, with a red-hot iron.
Maybe that's the way it will be
In my day { 50's and 60's } No Dad was worth his salt who
dint have a really good strap { Thick Belt } he could
intimidate a son with if Misbehaving.
It was a right of passageEarlier in the days of those like
Golden Agers like W.C.Fields a Father would just beat the
livin' crap out a son if ticked off when coming home drunk
after work.Which is why a lot of actors from the Golden Age
got into acting.They Ran away from home.
Such is Life.It surely ain't no day in the park.
Today's youth are spoiled,undisciplined and borderline
evil.Expect many more examples of Guys like Ted Bundy.
Or worse ... John WAyne Gacy.

Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent​

If Russia does invade the Ukraine the war will last about as long as the dessert tray at Rosie O'Donnell's house. --Dennis Miller

The Beijing Olympics closing ceremony starts at 6AM EST Sunday, 7PM Beijing time. Noon Ukraine time
Ends 3 hours later.
Putin is buddies with Xi and hasn't wanted to grab the News spotlight.
So I expect a Monday app 5-6 AM local time invasion.
11PM-Midnight Sunday EST/USA.
Good job, Biden. The result of a weak child molesting president is that yet again, under a democrat administration, Russia invades a neighbor.

Right, explain your convoluted logic which Biden or any US president has the power to control what an X-KGB thug leader of Russia does.
Right, explain your convoluted logic which Biden or any US president has the power to control what an X-KGB thug leader of Russia does.
Apparently telling Putin there is only a monetary cost isn't the best deterrent, if he invades.
NATO is in tatters. The Brits and French don't trust Biden, how is this an "alliance"?

The Xi planned Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan ruined NATO.

NATO is in tatters. The Brits and French don't trust Biden, how is this an "alliance"?

The Xi planned Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan ruined NATO.

The Brits and he French are not stupid. That’s why they don’t trust Biden and neither do I.

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