Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent

Not at all hard to understand.Virtually Everything you read
or were told by CNN and MSNBC regarding Russia was
a Huge Lie.Including that they hacked into Hillary Clinton's
Face it yer just part of the Toadstool lying MSM
Brigade of oily Narratives.
Lets make this real simple.What has Hillary said concerning
Russia that was truthful.Or anything for that matter.
Trump got along with Putin but also never cowered.
On CBS Face the Nation { w/ Margaret Brennan } May 2019
" Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign
policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades."
- Robert Gates
I can 100% GUARANTEE you that back during the Bush years you were telling folks like me that we hated America and was on the side of the terrorists because we opposed invading Iraq....

You are a clown....
Lol, no problems with Ukraine until now....

Then why did Trump try to strong arm Ukraine by holding military aid over their heads??

and let's be honest...if Russia backs will be sad....especially with the way you idiots have been waving poms poms for Putin...

Because then you can't pretend to be outraged over Russia invading Ukraine.....
Biden was the one that held back aid until someone got fired didn't he ??
Biden was the one that held back aid until someone got fired didn't he ??
Why US have to send aid to fashists?
Is it not enough that the United States voted in the UN against the law banning the glorification of Nazism together with Ukraine? No one else in the world did .
Therefore, I repeat, the United States has no one else in the world except fascists to whom it is possible to provide military assistance?
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Of course.Because Biden needs to use Ukraine to
play politics.Like under Trump there were No problems
with Ukraine.Most everything was hunky dory.As soon as this
Biden ringer gets into office,we have Ukrainian problems.
Now ask yerself ... How come.
Now Russia is Backing off on some of their troop
training and going back home.
5 will getcha 10 Biden and his Shunks in the Media
were purposedly hyping an Invasion so that in the event
Russia backed Off ... Commander Joe can pin a fleet
of medals on his sportcoat and act like a decorated
Bull Connor.
What bullshit. Not everyone is like trump .
You don't say!

The official representative of the russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, asked the American and British "mass disinformation media" in her Telegram channel for a schedule of Russia's "invasions" of Ukraine in order to plan her vacation.
"A request to the US and British mass disinformation media Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Sun, etc. - announce the schedule of our "invasions" for the coming year. I would like to plan a vacation," she wrote.

Moscow categorically denies the plans attributed to Russia to escalate the situation around Ukraine and constantly states that they do not threaten anyone, and all such statements are used as an excuse to deploy more NATO military equipment near the Russian borders.

As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier, Russia does not create any reasons for a conflict situation around Ukraine. According to him, Russia does not rule out that the hysteria around Ukraine promoted by the West is aimed at covering Kiev's line of sabotage of the Minsk agreements on Donbass. The Kremlin noted that the information hysteria of the United States and NATO on Ukraine is generously framed by lies and fakes.
You don't say!

It's an SS badge. No matter how cruel they were, they themselves put Bandera in prison. Bandera was an left accomplice of Bolshevism in Ukraine. He destroyed the Poles(including Ukrainians) and prevented the Ukrainian-Polish integration. That is, he did the same thing as the left during the bloody terror and glodomors.
Bandera was an accomplice of leftist perverts, he also loved children, but in his own way, in the style of BDSM. Therefore, the position of the Democrats is quite understandable: in America they are only allowed to kiss and touch, this is not enough free sex for the Democrats.

For the same reason leftists and RINOs gave the children of northern Afghanistan to the Taliban. They believe that the Taliban will invite them to their Bacha-bazi.
The official representative of the russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova
Sober this time?

I have strong suspicions that the conflict is being ignited from both sides at the same time, and there is only one puppeteer: the Global Left.

The Russian media are constantly engaged in de facto inciting hatred between Ukrainians and Russians and Americans and Russians. If they wanted peace, they would change their rhetoric.

They don't even say anything concrete, no facts. They use the Bandera card in order to inflate the hype and mutual hatred.
Of course, in Ukraine there is no universal support for Bandera among the masses, this is a problem of the loyalty of the authorities.
They constantly lie and sanctify the situation one-sidedly. They are not trying to find allies in Ukraine.
As for the issue of condemning the crimes of Bolshevism, here the position of Russia is generally completely inadequate. They took on the role of lawyers. And what do they care about Bolshevism, why did they undertake to defend it? Is that what they are accused of?

This is further evidence that the left on both sides.
Zakharova is an even more caricatured person than Psaki. I think that in the evenings they drink alcohol together and play the balalaikas. This allows them to accumulate their behavior patterns and intellectual baggage. Psaki has already learned the famous Russian word "Pohuy"?
The Russian media lie about the fact that Novorossiya was on the territory of the Donbass. It wasn't there. It was in a different place: south of the Hetmanate, on the territory of the region that is presented to Ukrainians as the source of their national military culture, and this was the Moscow land. This has nothing to do with the Donbass, and this is a direct lie.

Bandera is positioned as "patriots" of Western Ukraine. But Western Ukraine is Poland, and the Western Ukrainian language is a dialect of Polish, and Bandera killed the Poles. How can he be a patriot of the West?
Novorossia is the former Novoserbia, it was located on the territory of the modern Kirovograd region.
Both sides of the left scammers
What is the problem in finding a compromise between Russia and America regarding the Bandera fascists? This is open terrorism, and terrorism is prohibited in international law. It is enough to bring in peacekeepers from both sides and cleanse the country of terrorism.

There is no conflict and there are no problems; they are inflated by the left from scratch, from nothing. Everything is done only in order to undermine the situation as much as possible and find a reason for bloodshed. Bloodshed is the goal of this policy. The left doesn't like the Ukrainian people and they don't like the American people. The fewer living Ukrainians and Americans, the greater the influence of the left in the US and Eastern Europe. Divide et Impera (C)
Let's not forget that British left imperialism, from which the left is descended, was the enemy of the Americans themselves. The Americans kicked their masters out of the US during the Civil War.

And now their henchmen openly paw the children of Americans.
Biden was the one that held back aid until someone got fired didn't he ??
US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up it's reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment.
US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up it's reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment.
They have attracted investment, since the Obama era, Ukraine has gained a reputation as the largest child trafficking market for European perverts.
They pay for it too. This is an investment in the erotic business

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