Freedom Rider: Russophobia: War Party Propaganda | Black Agenda Report

Nearly every claim of Russian evil doing is a lie, a ruse meant to put Americans in a fighting mood and lose their fear of nuclear conflagration. It isn’t clear if Clinton and the rest of the would-be warriors actually realize they are risking mushroom clouds. Perhaps they believe that Vladimir Putin will be easily pushed around when all evidence points to the contrary.

The unproven allegations of interference in the presidential election and casting blame on Russia as the sole cause of suffering in Syria are meant to desensitize the public. It is an age old ploy which makes war not just acceptable but deemed a necessity. The usual suspects are helping out eagerly. The corporate media, led by newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, are front and center in pushing tales of Russian villainy. Human Rights Watch and other organizations who care nothing about abuses committed by the United States and its allies are also playing their usual role of choosing the next regime change victim.
The Black Panthers are Marxists.

Black Panther's Ten-Point Program

10-10-50 - The African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Det.
Okay, what has that to do with US propaganda that demonizes Russia?
The Russians should be demonized. I'm just surprised it is the Democrats doing it. I'm old enough to remember when the Democrat party defended the Russians' honor against their biggest enemy, Ronald Reagan.

Well that was when the Soviet Union was ACTUALLY a real threat to US, and was communists.

Two good reasons for dems to side with them.
Freedom Rider: Russophobia: War Party Propaganda | Black Agenda Report

Nearly every claim of Russian evil doing is a lie, a ruse meant to put Americans in a fighting mood and lose their fear of nuclear conflagration. It isn’t clear if Clinton and the rest of the would-be warriors actually realize they are risking mushroom clouds. Perhaps they believe that Vladimir Putin will be easily pushed around when all evidence points to the contrary.

The unproven allegations of interference in the presidential election and casting blame on Russia as the sole cause of suffering in Syria are meant to desensitize the public. It is an age old ploy which makes war not just acceptable but deemed a necessity. The usual suspects are helping out eagerly. The corporate media, led by newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, are front and center in pushing tales of Russian villainy. Human Rights Watch and other organizations who care nothing about abuses committed by the United States and its allies are also playing their usual role of choosing the next regime change victim.
The Black Panthers are Marxists.

Black Panther's Ten-Point Program

10-10-50 - The African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Det.
Okay, what has that to do with US propaganda that demonizes Russia?
Marxists, Socialists and Communists protect their own kind and all hate both Western democracy and Western capitalism.

How long have you been a Marxist?

Which explains why you dems were always siding with the Soviets during the later Cold War.
You words make no sense, and have no connection to recent history.

If the Soviet Union had conquered Western Europe, that shift in economic and military power would have let the SU dominate the world.

If PUtin takes the Ukraine, it won't mean shit outside of the Ukraine.
Of course not. You've got your head buried to far up into politics the only thing that makes sense to you is when someone agrees with you.
Which explains why you dems were always siding with the Soviets during the later Cold War.
I'm not a Democrat, never have been and I definitely never sided with the fucking Russians, more things to add to your loooong list of fucked up assumptions. Why are you siding with the Russians now?
I was supporting the President's hard line against the Soviet Union, which was ACTUALLY dangerous to US.
Thanks for your yellow ribbons. Those of us who actually served our nation and put our asses on the frontlines defending it appreciate civilians who wave flags and tie ribbons around trees every Fourth of July before they spend the other 364 days of the year doing what they do best; not giving a shit about anyone else except themselves.
The Op is correct, and yet the media is silent to the core on this issue. THE SAME MEDIA THAT SPENT WEEKS, EVEN MONTHS COVERING REV. WRIGHT AND EVERYTHING NEG. ABOUT OBAMA...CAUSE HE SAT IN A FUCKIN CHURCH IS SILENT LIKE A MF ON PUTIN AND RUSSIA'S CONNECTION TO THIS ELECTION....The fact that Guliani predicted the FBI report on Hillary a day before it happened?????????????????and was asked about it one day and the next day, this thing is gone, is just astounding.
No again what you and the article is suggesting is to censor the internet from outside information on a candidate .. You and the article don't want the truth to be told to the public

All those leaked did was fulfill a campaign promise that Obama wouldn't do.

A transparent government.
Wrong again, but thanks for the insights into how your brain works. I'm sure your Young Pioneer meetings teach you that Russia is harmless, but the fact remains, it's been a danger to the Free World since 1917. It continued to be a threat after the Cold War. Why else did GW nullify the ABM treaty?

What the greatest threat to American National Security? Russia at the same time ISIS.

What's the Greatest Threat to U.S. National Security? - Room for Debate -
What evidence do you have that Russia hacked and then leaked emails to sway our election?
First, it's more about a constant effort by Russia to undermine western democracy than sway a single election. As powerful as the office of the President of the United States can be, Congress is more powerful and less easily altered. However, if enemy forces can seed dissent and distrust among American citizens, it exacerbates our problems.

As for evidence of Russian hacking, it's not solid but more akin to "where there's smoke, there's fire" line of thinking. Besides, didn't Trump ask them to do so? Why would he ask the Russians and not the Chinese or American hackers? Odd, isn't it?

What is also odd is that clearly Hillary's paranoia led her to use an unsecure email system which, undoubtedly, was hacked. Do anyone have proof it was hacked? Not to my knowledge, but since it was unsecure, it was certainly hackable and as SoS, she would be a prime target for all hackers, not just Russians.

What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak
The U.S. government has not yet publicly named the culprit behind the DNC hack. But there seems to be widespread agreement among cybersecurity experts and professionals that the attribution belongs to Russian intelligence actors. Whether Russia hacked the DNC intending to affect the election remains unknown.

"The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC is at this point very strong, albeit not unanimous," said cybersecurity consultant Matt Tait, who has been critical of Clinton’s email practices. "The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC in support of Trump is, by contrast, plausible, but something for which the jury at this stage is very much still out."

I will bet that this Russia hacking nonsense disappears after Nov 8th.
No again what you and the article is suggesting is to censor the internet from outside information on a candidate .. You and the article don't want the truth to be told to the public

All those leaked did was fulfill a campaign promise that Obama wouldn't do.

A transparent government.
Wrong again, but thanks for the insights into how your brain works. I'm sure your Young Pioneer meetings teach you that Russia is harmless, but the fact remains, it's been a danger to the Free World since 1917. It continued to be a threat after the Cold War. Why else did GW nullify the ABM treaty?

What the greatest threat to American National Security? Russia at the same time ISIS.

What's the Greatest Threat to U.S. National Security? - Room for Debate -
Russia first since they have nuclear forces and a world class military.

ISIS is a threat because they are holding a knife to the throat of almost 60% of the world's energy resources in a world based on petrodollars. Almost everything runs on petrol including fertilizer, plastics and, of course, trade ships, trains and 18-wheelers.
I will bet that this Russia hacking nonsense disappears after Nov 8th.
What do you bet? $25? Will a single article suffice to say I've won or will you be like a fucking liberal weenie and constantly demand further evidence without ever paying off?

The last thing I am is a liberal. I just think that it wasn't the Russians doing the hacking and it was all bullshit made up by the liberals to use against Trump.
I will bet that this Russia hacking nonsense disappears after Nov 8th.
What do you bet? $25? Will a single article suffice to say I've won or will you be like a fucking liberal weenie and constantly demand further evidence without ever paying off?

The last thing I am is a liberal. I just think that it wasn't the Russians doing the hacking and it was all bullshit made up by the liberals to use against Trump.
The made up bullshit is propaganda designed for a greater purpose. Yes it may disappear for a while following the election, but after Hillary is sworn in and the US starts pressuring Russia in Syria more forcefully it may be necessary to recall it and so much more propaganda that is designed to make the population more pliant.

Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty

"It remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive of totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century."

Alex Carey
No again what you and the article is suggesting is to censor the internet from outside information on a candidate .. You and the article don't want the truth to be told to the public

All those leaked did was fulfill a campaign promise that Obama wouldn't do.

A transparent government.
Wrong again, but thanks for the insights into how your brain works. I'm sure your Young Pioneer meetings teach you that Russia is harmless, but the fact remains, it's been a danger to the Free World since 1917. It continued to be a threat after the Cold War. Why else did GW nullify the ABM treaty?

What the greatest threat to American National Security? Russia at the same time ISIS.

What's the Greatest Threat to U.S. National Security? - Room for Debate -
Russia first since they have nuclear forces and a world class military.

ISIS is a threat because they are holding a knife to the throat of almost 60% of the world's energy resources in a world based on petrodollars. Almost everything runs on petrol including fertilizer, plastics and, of course, trade ships, trains and 18-wheelers.

The last thing I am is a liberal. I just think that it wasn't the Russians doing the hacking and it was all bullshit made up by the liberals to use against Trump.
Thanks for not being a liberal, so on the bet???? ;)

Disagreed about the fucking Russians. Of course they'd do it. Not just them either. Let's be clear, I'm not a cheerleader for Madeleine Albright, but right is right. Despite her cheerleading for the Left and Hillary, the fact remains what she said about the fucking Russians is correct. That doesn't mean we have to forget about Hillary's many, many faults, just that it's important not to become so wrapped up in domestic partisan politics that we forget the main reasons we have a Federal government:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Traditional conservatism has focused upon national defense and supporting a strong economy. What happened to us that those are now far down the list of priorities?
You words make no sense, and have no connection to recent history.

If the Soviet Union had conquered Western Europe, that shift in economic and military power would have let the SU dominate the world.

If PUtin takes the Ukraine, it won't mean shit outside of the Ukraine.
Of course not. You've got your head buried to far up into politics the only thing that makes sense to you is when someone agrees with you.

I made a point. Nothing in your post addressed it.

Screw you.
Which explains why you dems were always siding with the Soviets during the later Cold War.
I'm not a Democrat, never have been and I definitely never sided with the fucking Russians, more things to add to your loooong list of fucked up assumptions. Why are you siding with the Russians now?

Really? Cause you are certainly carrying water for them now, the dems that is.

And during the latter half of the COld War, they were certainly often siding with the Soviets.

We cons had to drag them kicking and screaming into the policies needed to contain, and then later Roll Back the Soviets.
I was supporting the President's hard line against the Soviet Union, which was ACTUALLY dangerous to US.
Thanks for your yellow ribbons. Those of us who actually served our nation and put our asses on the frontlines defending it appreciate civilians who wave flags and tie ribbons around trees every Fourth of July before they spend the other 364 days of the year doing what they do best; not giving a shit about anyone else except themselves.

Your service is appreciated.

Your implication that only someone who served, has the credibility to have a voice on these issues is dismissed and ridiculed.

My point stands.

When the Soviets were ACTUALLY DANGEROUS to US, we cons, supported a hard line against them while the dems and libs were trying hard to blame the US for the Cold War and the danger that came with it.

NOW, now that Reagan has lead the US to victory in the COld War and Russia is neither Communists nor a threat to US, NOW those same pinkos, have suddenly grown balls.

They are idiots.
The Op is correct, and yet the media is silent to the core on this issue. THE SAME MEDIA THAT SPENT WEEKS, EVEN MONTHS COVERING REV. WRIGHT AND EVERYTHING NEG. ABOUT OBAMA...CAUSE HE SAT IN A FUCKIN CHURCH IS SILENT LIKE A MF ON PUTIN AND RUSSIA'S CONNECTION TO THIS ELECTION....The fact that Guliani predicted the FBI report on Hillary a day before it happened?????????????????and was asked about it one day and the next day, this thing is gone, is just astounding.

The media pretended to believe Obama when he claimed to not have noticed that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

Which was utterly absurd.

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